41 research outputs found

    Pécs középkorának kutatása Szegeden

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    Medieval Pécs, see of one of the wealthiest bishoprics of the Kingdom of Hungary until its fall to the Ottomans in 1543, had been one of the most significant towns of Southern Hungary both from an economic and cultural aspect. Though the town fell under ecclesiastical jurisdiction, even in its outside appearance Pécs had a surprisingly urban character: it was surrounded by wall, had splendid edifices, and most of its streets were paved with stone. Though the seigneurial lordship restricted the town's autonomy, the relationship between the ecclesiastical landlord and the citizenry of the town, throughout centuries, had been harmonious. The citizens of the town of Pécs enjoyed relatively broad autonomy, exemption from taxation and dealt mostly with trade and craft-industry. They had vivid trading and family contacts even with Vienna and with the most important towns of the Kingdom of Hungary

    Oklevelek Szeged középkori történetéhez

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    Megjegyzések Telegdi Csanád egri püspökké szentelése kapcsán

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    Azzonfolua alio nomine Felzeged

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