754 research outputs found

    Regression methods of estimation of chosen properties of processed cheese with regard to the relative amount of different ternary mixtures of sodium phosphates.

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    Diplomová práca sa zaoberá regresnou analýzou experimentálne nameraných dát tavených syrov. Využitá je polynomiálna regresia a výber regresorov je založený na Krokovej regresii a Mallowsovej štatistike. Následný odhad strednej hodnoty je využitý k nájdeniu najlepšej zmesi taviacich solí, z hľadiska sledovaného parametra taveného syra. Analýza experimentu aj výsledky sú dobre graficky zdokumentované.This thesis deals with regression analysis of experimentally measured data of processed cheese. There is a polynomial regression used. The choice of regressors is based on Stepwise Regression and Mallows's Statistics. The estimation of the mean value is used to find the best mixture of the emulsifying salts with regards to the observed characteristic of the processed cheese. Analysis of the experiment and its results are well documented graphically.

    Mathematics principles of Navigation

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    Táto bakalárska práca sa zaoberá výpočtami pozície GPS prijímača s využitím metódy Cramerovho pravidla. Následne popisuje chyby vytvorené počas prenosu. Zaoberá sa taktiež zavedením geodetických súradníc pre vypočítanú pozíciu v priestore. Na výpočty pozície prijímača pomocou Cramerovho pravidla a na výpočty v geodézii je použité prostredie MATLAB.This bachelor's thesis deals with the calculating of the position of the GPS receiver using the method of Cramer's rule. Subsequently, the errors generated during the transmission are described. The geodetic coordinates for the calculated position in space are introduced. The calculations of the receiver position by Cramer's rule and the calculations in geodesy are performed using MATLAB.

    Oxidative Stress Biomarkers for Diabetic Retinopathy and Medical Management Affecting Oxidative Stress

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    Changes in dietary habits and lifestyles associated with rapid economic growth have dramatically increased the incidence of diabetes and related vascular complications. Diabetic retinopathy (DR), a microvascular complication of diabetes, is associated with both environmental and genetic factors. Several metabolic abnormalities are implicated in its pathogenesis; however, the exact mechanism remains to be determined. Among them, oxidative stress is expected to play an important role

    Quality evaluation of the National topographic map 1 : 50,000

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    V letu 2005 se je zaključila izdelava Državne\ud topografske karte v merilu 1 : 50 000. Karta predstavlja\ud velik dosežek slovenske kartografije, saj je izdelana po\ud nekaterih v svetovnem merilu inovativnih postopkih,\ud rezultatih slovenskega znanja. A za uporabnike je\ud najpomembnejša njena kakovost. Ta je bila najprej\ud ocenjena s predhodno oceno kakovosti v fazi priprave\ud redakcijskega načrta. Po končanju izdelave je sledila\ud še dejanska ocena kakovosti na osnovi primerjave na\ud karti prikazanega stanja s podatki, pridobljenimi s\ud terenskimi meritvami in ogledi na izbranem listu.\ud Ocena kakovosti je bila opravljena na osnovi ISO-\ud standardov ISO 19113:2002 GI – kakovostna načela\ud in ISO 19114:2003 GI – postopki za ocenjevanje\ud kakovosti, ki opredeljujeta poenoteni kakovostni model\ud in metodologijo za določanje kakovosti prostorskih\ud podatkov

    Spatio-temporal analysis of the state of sports facilities in Slovenia from 1975 to 2012

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    Sports facilities are built objects and outdoor surfaces\ud in the built environment, with significant impacts\ud and effects on society, economy and environment.\ud High-quality sports facilities, their proper spatial\ud distribution and accessibility are important factors in\ud the development of sport and sports-related activities\ud and influence the quality of life. Data on sports facilities\ud and their spatial distribution are a measure for the\ud quality of sports areas. They represent the basis for\ud strategies for the development of sports facilities on\ud local and national levels, their placement in the built\ud environment, and support the development of other\ud sports-related activities. This article highlights the\ud definition of a sports facility and its importance to the\ud built environment and society. The survey includes\ud an analysis of spatial and other databases on sports\ud facilities in Slovenia and an assessment of their\ud quality. A variety of methods and procedures was used\ud to merge and complement the existing databases of\ud sports facilities. The article presents spatial and other\ud analyses and thematic maps of sports facilities by\ud municipalities and statistical regions. It also presents\ud a correlation between the funds Slovenia invested in\ud sports facilities, and the development coefficient of\ud municipalities. Indoor and outdoor sports facilities in\ud individual municipalities are also presented

    Impact of land consolidation on the visual characteristics (scenery) of a landscape

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    New spatial and functional rearrangement of the territory represented by the changed structure of the plots (change of the landscape structure) is one of the main and most visible results of a comprehensive landscape adaptation. Projects of comprehensive landscape adaptation are designed to accommodate for production and landscape value of the territory. Landscape structure belongs to the most important components of landscape character. The landscape structure was evaluated in three levels: historical structure (2nd military mapping), present-day structure (results of mapping survey in the frame of a comprehensive landscape adaptation) and the new landscape structure (results of the proposed plan of the functional rearrangement of the territory) based on the cadastral territory of Veľké Vozokany in Nitra region (near Zlaté Moravce), South-Western Slovakia. The changes in the landscape are identified by the rearrangement of the arable land, forests, vineyards, gardens, fruit gardens/plantations, permanent grassland, water surfaces, and other areas. In this contribution, we made an attempt to describe the role of the comprehensive landscape adaptations in the process of designing landscape changes which do significantly contribute to modification of the landscape character

    Povijesni poljoprivredni pejzaž kao predmet istraživanja ekologije pejzaža

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    This article is focused on historical agricultural landscapes in Slovakia, which have been preserved and have irreplaceable ecological, cultural and historical value. Historical structures of agricultural landscapes (HSAL) are a type of cultural landscape that contains, within a geographic area, both natural and man-made features that typify connected activities, and a cultural expression reflecting past events or patterns of physical development. They are now becoming rare, making them even more valuable, however, on a European scale. The article presents an overview of research activities focused on the historical agricultural landscape and point out different types of historical agricultural landscapes such as viticulture landscapes, mountain grassland-arable landscapes, agricultural landscapes with dispersed settlements etc. The research emphasized land-use changes, driving forces, and threats and trends relating to the historical agricultural landscape in Slovakia.Rad se bavi očuvanim povijesnim poljoprivrednim pejzažima u Slovačkoj, čija je ekološka, kulturna i povijesna vrijednost neprocjenjiva. Povijesne strukture poljoprivrednih pejzaža (engl. HSAL) tip su kulturnog pejzaža koji unutar geografskog područja posjeduje prirodne i ljudskom rukom nastale komponente pejzaža koje predstavljaju njihovu tipičnu poveznicu te kulturni izričaj koji odražava prošle događaje i obrasce fizičkog razvoja. Takve strukture danas su sve rjeđe te je stoga njihovo očuvanje još važnije. Ovaj je rad pregled istraživačkih aktivnosti usmjerenih na povijesne poljoprivredne pejzaže te izdvaja različite tipove poljoprivrednih pejzaža, poput vinorodnih, planinskih travnato-obradivih, s disperznom naseljenošću itd. Istraživanje naglašava promjene iskorištavanja zemljišta, faktore promjene, prijetnje i trendove povezane s poljoprivrednim povijesnim pejzažima u Slovačkoj

    Funktionstransparenz des Sportes angeboten den Zuschauern und den sportlich aktiven (Der Fall Sloweniens)

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    The most important function of sport is the one which also includes usefulness in the most general sense of the word, physical, mental, social and certainly material usefulness. The crisis of the "state welfare" is evident in the East as well as in the West. The problem of growing social differences which are more evident in the East, reflects also in sport, among other things by distorting its utilitarian functions. Regarding the results we can conclude that, in Slovenia, sport acts in the function of wholesome utility. It has active and passive participants (spectators at sport events). Evidently Slovenes enjoy sport, they are aware of its positive effects on health. Sport is a way of life and top-level sport achievements are appreciated as they show what Slovenes know and can attain in this field. In post-socialist Slovenia there is no distinct crisis in the function of sport, that is to say no marked distortions of sport values.Die wichtigste Funktion des Sports ist diejenige, die die Nützlichkeit im weitesten Sinne des Wortes inkorporiert: körperliche, psychische, soziale und bestimmt auch materielle Nützlichkeit. Die Krise des "Sozialstaates" ist im Osten, wie auch im Westen evident. Das Problem der wachsenden sozialen Unterschiede, die im Osten offensichtlicher sind, wird auch im Sportbereich widerspiegelt, unter anderem auch durch Verdrehung dessen utilitarischer Funktion. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, da Sport in Slowenien in der Funktion der Gesamtnützlichkeit ist. Es gibt aktive und passive Teilnehmer (TV-Zuschauer und das Publikum an den Sportwettkämpfen). Es ist offenbar, da die Slowenen Sport Genießen und sich dessen positiver Einflüsse auf die Gesundheit bewusst sind. Sport ist die Lebensweise und sportliche Spitzenresultate werden hochgeschätzt, denn sie zeugen von den slowenischen Kenntnissen und Leistungen in diesem Bereich. Im postsozialistischen Slowenien kam es zu keiner ausgesprochenen Krise in der Funktion des Sportes, d.h. es gibt keinen bedeutenden Verdrehung der Sportwerte

    Maps in newspapers in Slovenia

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    Maps in newspapers allow the users a faster and easier\ud perception and information gathering without the\ud actual reading of the text. They also help the journalists\ud to present the information, where spatial relationships\ud are of important relevance in a graphical way.\ud The paper is based on the diploma thesis “Analysis\ud and use of newspaper maps” and contains the overall\ud description of newspaper maps as one of the groups of\ud thematic maps. Map design is not a routine work and\ud this holds true for newspaper maps, too. Every single\ud item, i.e. map, has its own characteristics, but\ud nevertheless all newspapers maps have some common\ud attributes in terms of design and content. The\ud appropriate content and design of maps were evaluated\ud based on maps published in different Slovenian\ud newspapers and magazines. These were compared to\ud some examples taken from foreign newspapers

    Production of the relief map of a part of Pomurje

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    Relief maps are three-dimensional representations of\ud the Earth’s surface. In contrast to traditional 2D maps,\ud where the relief is represented indirectly, the relief maps\ud are intended for direct representation of the relief. Such\ud way of relief presentation is simpler and easier to\ud understand for ordinary users. In the article, the\ud preparation of the editorial plan is described and the\ud possible methods of elaboration of relief maps are\ud presented. The method described has been used for\ud elaboration of an insert of a relief map of the Pomurje\ud region at horizontal scale 1 : 30,000 and at vertical\ud scale 1 : 15,000. The work process is divided into four\ud phases, following in time and building one upon\ud another: elaboration of a convex aluminium mould,\ud thermo-vacuum process of reproduction, printing, and\ud composition of basic elements