144 research outputs found
Razumljivost govora kod laringektomiranih bolesnika koji koriste razliÄite oblike govorne komunikacije
Modern methods of speech rehabilitation after a total laryngectomy have come to a great success by giving the patients a possibility to establish an intelligible and functional speech after an adequate rehabilitation treatment. The aim of this paper was to examine speech intelligibility of laryngectomized patients who use different types of vocal communication: esophageal speech, speech with tracheoesophageal prosthesis and speech with electronic laringeal prosthesis. The research was conducted on a sample of 125 laryngectomized patients of both sexes, between 48 and 85 years of age. For the subjective assessment of speech intelligibility, we used the phonetically balanced text. In the paper we used the descriptive statistics methods (the arithmetic mean with standard deviation, as well as minimum and maximum). The differences between the groups were determined by the t-test for independent samples. Pirson's correlation coefficient was used to examine the correlation between the two variables. The examinees are statistically different by the results achieved on the speech intelligibility test. The esophageal patients have the highest scores (1.13Ā±0.86), while the patients with the vocal prosthesis and patients who use electrolarynx have similar scores (0.14Ā±0.35; 0.15Ā±0.36). The differences of the analyzed values were statistically significant (p lt 0.01). The results obtained in this research have shown that the patients who use tracheoesophageal vocal prosthesis have better achievement on the speech intelligibility test comparing to the esophageal patients and patients who use electrolarynx.Primenom savremenih metoda rehabilitacije nakon totalne laringektomije moguÄe je uspostavljanje razumljivog i funkcionalnog govora. Cilj ovog rada je utvrÄivanje razlika u razumljivosti govora kod laringektomiranih bolesnika koji koriste razliÄite oblike govorne komunikacije: ezofagealni govor, govor uz pomoÄ traheoezofagealne vokalne proteze i govor uz pomoÄ elektronske laringealne proteze. Istraživanje je izvrÅ”eno na uzorku od 125 laringektomiranih bolesnika, starosne dobi od 48 do 85 godina. Za subjektivnu procenu razumljivosti govora koriÅ”Äen je fonetski izbalansirani tekst. U statistiÄkoj obradi dobijenih podataka koriÅ”Äene su: mere centralne tendencije, mere varijabilnosti, jednofaktorska analiza varijanse, t-test za nezavisne uzorke i Pirsonov koeficijent korelacije. UtrvrÄene su statistiÄki znaÄajne razlike meÄu ispitivanim grupama u postignuÄima na Testu razumljivosti govora. Ezofagealni pacijenti su ostvarili najviÅ”i proseÄan skor (1,13Ā±0,86), dok pacijenti iz grupe koja koristi vokalnu protezu imaju približno ista proseÄna postignuÄa kao oni iz grupe koja koristi elektrolarinks (0,14Ā±0,35; 0,15Ā±0,36; p lt 0,01). Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da pacijenti kojikoriste traheoezofagealne vokalne proteze ostvaruju bolja postignuÄa na Testu razumljivosti govora od ezofagealnih i pacijenata koji koriste elektrolarinks
Korelacija izmeÄu akustiÄkih i perceptivnih parametara glasa kod nastavnica
The aim of the research is to examine the connection between acoustic and perceptual parameters of voice in class female teachers. The survey involved 123 female subjects aged 25 to 59 years. The paper used a computer laboratory for the analysis of acoustic voice parameters, model 4300, "Kay Elemetrics" corporation. A subjective assessment of the quality of the voice was carried out using the Grbas scale. In statistical data processing, the measures of central tendency, variation measures, single-factor analysis of variance, t-test for independent samples and Pirson correlation coefficient were applied. Multidimensional voice analysis is used in the process of diagnostics and voice rehabilitation, which serves us to assess the effectiveness of rehabilitation and to support a subjective assessment of voice testing. Perceptive scales are important in assessing voice quality, determining the degree and severity of voice disorders, and deciding on further clinical procedures. Although the instrumental approach in voice testing is relevant because it provides objectivity, a subjective impression in voice quality assessment is crucial. The results of our research show significant correlations between acoustic and perceptual voice characteristics of the classroom teachers, such as Grbas scales G (degree of hoarseness), R (voice roughness), a (weakness in voice) and S (tension in voice) and most of the respondents acoustic parameters that show variations in frequency and intensity (Jitt, RAP, Shim, APQ , and vAm). Although the changes in the voice quality of the teachers were mild and mild-moderate, they are very important to us because they can indicate the presence of vocal load that can lead to vocal dysfunction and voice disorders.Cilj istraživanja je da se ispita povezanost izmeÄu akustiÄkih i perceptivnih parametara glasa kod nastavnica razredne nastave. U istraživanju je uÄestvovalo 123 ispitanica, starosti od 25 do 59 godina. KoriÅ”Äena je kompjuterska laboratorija za analizu akustiÄkih parametara glasa, model 4300, "Kay Elemetrics" korporacije. Subjektivna procena kvaliteta glasa je izvrÅ”ena primenom Grbas skale. U statistiÄkoj obradi podataka primenjene su mere centralne tendencije, mere varijabilnosti, jednofaktorska analiza varijanse, t-test za nezavisne uzorke i Pirsonov koefcijent korelacije. Multidimenzionalna analiza glasa se koristi u procesu dijagnostike i rehabilitacije glasa, služi za procenu uspeÅ”nosti rehabilitacije i kao podrÅ”ka subjektivnoj proceni ispitivanja glasa. Perceptivne skale su znaÄajne u proceni kvaliteta glasa, odreÄivanju stepena i težine poremeÄaja glasa, kao i odluÄivanju o daljim kliniÄkim postupcima. Iako je instrumentalni pristup u ispitivanju glasa relevantan jer obezbeÄuje objektivnost, subjektivni utisak u proceni kvaliteta glasa je kljuÄan. Rezultati naÅ”eg istraživanja pokazuju znaÄajne korelacije izmeÄu akustiÄkih i perceptivnih karakteristika glasa kod nastavnica razredne nastave i to izmeÄu parametara Grbas skale G (stepen promuklosti), R (hrapavost glasa), A (slabost u glasu) i S (napetost u glasu) i veÄine ispitivanih akustiÄkih parametara koji pokazuju varijacije u fekvenciji i intenzitetu (Jit, RP, Shim, APQ , i vAm). Iako su promene u kvalitetu glasa kod nastavnica bile blage i blago-umerene, one su veoma znaÄajne za nas jer mogu ukazati na prisustvo vokalnog optereÄenja koje može dovesti do vokalne disfunkcije i poremeÄaja glasa
Multidimensional voice analysis in patients with Broca' s aphasia
The subject of this study is a multidimensional voice analysis in patients with Broca's
aphasia. The acoustic tests were done on twelve female patients with Broca's aphasia and
twelve female control subjects without speech and language disorders. Each subject was
asked to perform maximal vowel 'a' phonation. The several acoustic parameters were
analyzed. The Multi-dimensional Voice Program and Computerized Speech Lab were used.
The results showed that analyzed acoustic parameters in the Broca's aphasics are significantly
different from the acoustic characteristics of voice in control group of subjects. It
was pointed out that acoustic analysis of voice could have significance in the evaluation of
speech production deficits in Broca's aphasia
The relationship of sensory processing of children with developmental dysphasia with burnout and self-esteem of parents
Uvod: TeÅ”koÄe senzornog procesiranja mogu predstavljati rizik za razvoj jeziÄkih i govornih poremeÄaja u najranijem periodu i nužno zahtevaju pomoÄ struÄnjaka i kontinuirano angažovanje roditelja u radu sa detetom, Å”to može dovesti do pojave sagorevanja kod roditelja i pada njihovog samopoÅ”tovanja, uz nemoguÄnost adekvatne pomoÄi ne samo detetu veÄ i sebi. Cilj: Cilj istraživanja bilo je ispitivanje povezanosti senzorne osetljivosti dece sa razvojnom disfazijom sa karakteristikama roditelja. Metode: Uzorak je Äinilo 50 roditelja dece uzrasta od tri do Å”est godina. U istraživanju su koriÅ”Äeni upitnici za procenu karakteristika senzornog procesiranja: DeÄiji senzorni profil 2, Roditeljski inventar sagorevanja, Rozenbergova skala samopoÅ”tovanja. U obradi podataka koriÅ”Äene su mere deskriptivne statistike i Pirsonov koeficijent korelacije. Rezultati: Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je nivo roditeljskog sagorevanja relativno nizak ā roditelji pokazuju visok stepen liÄne posveÄenosti (M = 4.16, SD = .67), srednji nivo emocionalne iscrpljenosti (M = 2.34, SD = .78) i nizak nivo emocionalnog distanciranja (M = 1.72, SD = .72) ā ali i da ih odlikuje niže samopoÅ”tovanje (M = 3.11, SD = .34). TakoÄe, samopoÅ”tovanje i sagorevanje nisu meÄusobno povezani. Na senzornom profilu skale bihevioralnih elemenata veoma visoko meÄusobno koreliraju, dok intenzitet korelacija u dimenzijama osnovnog sistema procesiranja oscilira i postoji slaba povezanost opÅ”teg samopoÅ”tovanja roditelja na dimenzijama procesiranje položaja tela i ponaÅ”anje vezano za senzorno procesiranje. ZakljuÄak: Rezultati su razmatrani u kontekstu praktiÄnih pedagoÅ”kih implikacija s obzirom na to da ukoliko se teÅ”koÄe ne otklone u predÅ”kolskom periodu, može doÄi do odgaÄanja polaska deteta u Å”kolu ili dugoroÄnih teÅ”koÄa pri uÄenju i savladavanju Å”kolskog gradiva.Introduction. Sensory processing difficulties can pose a risk for the development of language and speech disorders in the earliest period and require professional intervention and intense involvement of parents in homework with children with developmental dysphasia, which might cause parental burnout and lower level of their self-esteem when parents are not able to help, not only the children, but themselves too. Aim. The aim of the research was to examine the relationship between the sensory sensitivity of children with developmental dysphasia and the characteristics of parents. Method. The sample consisted of 50 parents of children aged 3 to 6 years. The following questionnaires were used in the research to assess the characteristics of sensory processing: The Child Sensory Profile 2, Parental Burnout Inventory, and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Measures of descriptive statistics and Pearsonās correlation coefficient were used in data processing. Results. The results of the research show that the level of parental burnout is relatively low (parents showed a high level of personal accomplishment (M = 4.16, SD = .67), mild level of emotional exhaustion (M = 2.34, SD = .78) and low level of emotional distancing (M = 1.72, SD = .72), but also that they are characterized by lower self-esteem (M = 3.11, SD = .34). Also, self-esteem and burn-out are not related. On the Sensory Profile, subscales of behavior elements are highly correlated, while the intensity of correlations in subscales of the basic system of processing oscillates. There is a weak correlation between the general self-esteem of parents with subscales of body posture and behavior. Conclusion. The obtained results were discussed in the context of practical pedagogical implications, considering that if the difficulties in the childās functioning are not eliminated in the preschool period, the childās departure to school may be delayed, or long-term difficulties in learning may appear
Prosodic features of pragmatic abilities in adults with intellectual disabilities
Osobe sa intelektualnom ometenoÅ”Äu imaju snižene socio-komunikacione
kompetencije. U odnosu na ostale pragmatske sposobnosti, oblast prozodije,
kao segmenta paralingvistike, kod osoba sa intelektualnom ometenoÅ”Äu manje je poznata. Cilj rada je pregled i analiza dostupne literature o paralingvistiÄkim prozodijskim sposobnostima kod odraslih osoba sa intelektualnom
ometenoÅ”Äu. Rezultati dobijeni analizom dostupnih istraživanja ukazuju na
priliÄnu konzistentnost nalaza u vezi sa akustiÄkim i perceptivnim prozodijskim manifestacijama kod osoba sa intelektualnom ometenoÅ”Äu, odnosno o
viÅ”im vrednostima fundamentalne frekvencije koja je van tipiÄnog opsega, kao
i o smanjenoj modulaciji, nižim vrednostima Jittera i Shimmera, ali i sniženoj
energiji. Analizom su uoÄene i metodoloÅ”ke nekonzistentnosti koje se ponajpre ogledaju u veliÄini uzorka, starosnoj dobi uzorka, etiologiji intelektualne
ometenosti, odabiru analiziranih parametara i tipu foniranja. Sumiranjem
istraživaÄke literature uoÄavaju se atipiÄne prozodijske karakteristike kod
odraslih osoba sa intelektualnom ometenoÅ”Äu u odnosu na odrasle tipiÄnog
razvoja. ProuÄavanje prozodije u adultnom periodu ima veliki znaÄaj, kako
za razumevanje razvojnih faktora u vezi sa ovom sposobnoÅ”Äu, tako i za tretman pragmatskih veÅ”tina kod osoba sa intelektualnom ometenoÅ”Äu.People with intellectual disabilities (ID) have reduced social
communication skills. There is less scientific knowledge about prosody, as a
segment of paralinguistics, in people with ID, compared to their other pragmatic
abilities. The aim of this paper is to review and analyze the available literature
on paralinguistic prosodic abilities in adults with ID. The results obtained from
the analysis of available research indicate considerable consistency in findings
regarding acoustic and perceptual prosodic characteristics in people with ID, ie
higher values of fundamental frequency (F0) which is outside the typical range,
as well as reduced modulation, lower values of Jitter and Shimmer, and reduced
energy. The analysis also revealed methodological inconsistencies, which are
primarily reflected in the sample size, sample age, etiology of ID, selected
analyzed parameters and type of phonation. By summarizing the research
literature, atypical prosodic characteristics are noticeable in adults with ID in
relation to adults of typical development. The study of prosody in the period of
adulthood is of great importance, both for understanding the developmental
factors related to this ability, but also for the treatment of pragmatic skills in
people with ID
Multidimensional voice analysis in patients with Broca' s aphasia
The subject of this study is a multidimensional voice analysis in patients with Broca's
aphasia. The acoustic tests were done on twelve female patients with Broca's aphasia and
twelve female control subjects without speech and language disorders. Each subject was
asked to perform maximal vowel 'a' phonation. The several acoustic parameters were
analyzed. The Multi-dimensional Voice Program and Computerized Speech Lab were used.
The results showed that analyzed acoustic parameters in the Broca's aphasics are significantly
different from the acoustic characteristics of voice in control group of subjects. It
was pointed out that acoustic analysis of voice could have significance in the evaluation of
speech production deficits in Broca's aphasia
Spectrographic analysis of vowels in laryngectomy patients
Spektrografska analiza govora je pouzdana metoda koja omoguÄava izdvajanje
kvantitativnih parametara glasa. Primenjena je u ovom radu za poreÄenje
razliÄitih oblika komunikacije kod laringektomiranih bolesnika. Cilj istraživanja
je da se utvrdi povezanost izmeÄu parametara spektralne analize i razumljivosti
govora kod laringektomiranih bolesnika, kao i uticaj ovih parametara
na stepen razumljivosti govora. Uzorkom je obuhvaÄeno 125 laringektomiranih
pacijenata oba pola, starosti od 48 do 85 godina. Spektrografska analiza
sprovedena je primenom kompjuterizovane Laboratorije za ispitivanje
glasa i govora āKay Elemetricsā korporacije, model 4300. U radu je koriÅ”Äen
āBalansirani tekstĖ® za analizu govora i glasa. U statistiÄkoj obradi podataka
koriÅ”Äena je deskriptivna statistika. Razlike su testirane jednofaktorskom analizom
varijanse (ANOVA) i t testom za velike nezavisne uzorke, kao i t testom
za jedan uzorak. Povezanost je ispitana Pirsonovim koeficijentom korelacije.
Univarijantna linearna regresiona analiza koriÅ”Äena je za utvrÄivanje uticaja
prediktora na zavisnu varijablu. UtvrÄena je samo jedna statistiÄki znaÄajna
povezanost parametra IF2 (r = -0,41, p = 0,009) sa ocenom na Testu razumljivosti
govora kod ezofagealnih pacijenata i jedna statistiÄki znaÄajna povezanost
parametra IF2 (r = 0,35, p = 0,025) sa ocenom na Testu razumljivosti
govora kod pacijenata koji koriste elektrolarinks. Rezultati regresione analize
su pokazali da je varijabla IF2 statistiÄki znaÄajni prediktor rezultata na Testu
razumljivosti kod ezofagealnih pacijenata, objaÅ”njavajuÄi 14% varijanse (Ī² =
-0,41, p = 0,009). U grupi pacijenata koji koriste elektrolarinks varijabla IF2 je
statistiÄki znaÄajna u predikciji rezultata na Testu razumljivosti, objaÅ”njavajuÄi
10% varijanse (Ī² = 0,35, p = 0,025Spectrographic analysis of speech is a reliable method which enables deriving
quantitative parameters of voice. In this study, it was used for comparing different forms
of communication in laryngectomy patients. The aim of the research was to determine
the connection between parameters of spectral analysis and speech understanding in
laryngectomy patients, as well as the impact of these parameters on the degree of speech
understanding. The study sample included 125 laryngectomy patients of both genders, 48 to
85 years of age. Spectrographic analysis was carried out by implementing the computerized
Laboratory for examining voice and speech of āKay Elemetrics Corporationā, model 4300.
The āBalanced textā for the analysis of speech and voice was used in this study. In statistical
data processing, the descriptive statistics was used. The differences were tested by the
single factor Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and by the independent sample t test, and also
by a single sample t test. The connection was examined by Pearson correlation coefficient.
Univariate linear regression analysis was used for determining the influence of the predictor
on the dependent variable. Only one significant connection of the parameter IF2 (r = -0.41, p
= 0.009) with speech understanding test assessment was determined in esophageal patients,
and one statistically significant connection of the parameter IF2 (r = 0.35, p = 0.025) with
the speech understanding test assessment in patients who use electrolarynx. The results of
the regression analysis showed that the variable IF2 was a statistically significant predictor
of the Understanding test results in esophageal patients, explaining 14% of the variance
(Beta = -0.41, p = 0.009). In a group of patients who used electrolarynx, the variable IF2 was
statistically significant in the prediction of the Understanding test, explaining 10% of the
variance (Ī² = 0.35, p = 0.025)
Spasmodic dysphonia: characteristics and treatment
SpastiÄna disfonija predstavlja oblik poremeÄaja glasa Äiji uzrok joÅ” uvek
nije poznat. Kod nekih pacijenata nastaje kao primarni poremeÄaj, a kod drugih se
ispoljava udruženo sa odreÄenim oblicima neuropatologije. U cilju bližeg
odreÄivanja prirode poremeÄaja, u radu je dat pregled emprijskih studija koje
razmatraju patofizologiju i poreklo spastiÄne disfonije. Istovremeno je pokazan
znaÄaj multidimenzionalnog sagledavanja simptoma i prirode poremeÄaja glasa.
Istaknut je znaÄaj kliniÄke opservacije, primene objektivnih metoda analize glasa i
percepcije simptoma oÅ”teÄene fonacije od strane samog pacijenta.
Posebno su opisane postojeÄe metode terapije, uz isticanje njihovih
prednosti i nedostataka u tretmanu pacijenata sa spastiÄnom disfonijom. ZakljuÄeno
je da nijedan do sada opisan metod tretmana ne dovodi do potpunog izleÄenja.
Istaknut je znaÄaj vokalne terapije kao metode koja izolovano, ili u kombinaicji sa
drugim metodama ublažava tegobe kod pacijenata sa spastiÄnom disfonijom.
S obzirom na tekuÄa shvatanja problema spastiÄne disfonije, buduÄa
nauÄno-emprijska istraživanja treba usmeriti u pravcu utvrÄivanja uzroka
poremeÄaja, standardizacije dijagnostiÄkih procedura i postupka evaluacije
efikasnosti primenjenih metoda tratmana.Spasmodic dysphonia is a voice disorder with no known cause. It occurs as
a primary disorder in some patients, while it coexists with other forms of
neuropathology in others. The paper reviews empirical studies on pthophysiology
and the origin of spasmodic dysphonia, with the aim to define the nature of the
disorder. The paper also points out the significance of multidimensional
identification of the symptoms and nature of voice disorders. The significance of
clinical observation, application of objective methods of analyzing voice and recognizing symptoms of the impaired phonation by the patient are emphasized as
The paper describes current treatment methods, pointing out their
advantages and disadvantages in treating patients with spasmodic dysphonia. It was
concluded that none of the treatment methods described so far leads to complete
recovery. We pointed out the significance of vocal therapy as a method which
separately, or in combination with other methods, reduces the problems of patients
with spasmodic dysphonia. With regard to the current views on spasmodic
dysphonia problems, future scientific-empirical studies should be directed at
determining the cause of the disability, standardizing diagnostic procedures and the
process of evaluating the efficacy of the applied treatment methods
Prosodic features of pragmatic abilities in adults with intellectual disabilities
Osobe sa intelektualnom ometenoÅ”Äu imaju snižene socio-komunikacione
kompetencije. U odnosu na ostale pragmatske sposobnosti, oblast prozodije,
kao segmenta paralingvistike, kod osoba sa intelektualnom ometenoÅ”Äu manje je poznata. Cilj rada je pregled i analiza dostupne literature o paralingvistiÄkim prozodijskim sposobnostima kod odraslih osoba sa intelektualnom
ometenoÅ”Äu. Rezultati dobijeni analizom dostupnih istraživanja ukazuju na
priliÄnu konzistentnost nalaza u vezi sa akustiÄkim i perceptivnim prozodijskim manifestacijama kod osoba sa intelektualnom ometenoÅ”Äu, odnosno o
viÅ”im vrednostima fundamentalne frekvencije koja je van tipiÄnog opsega, kao
i o smanjenoj modulaciji, nižim vrednostima Jittera i Shimmera, ali i sniženoj
energiji. Analizom su uoÄene i metodoloÅ”ke nekonzistentnosti koje se ponajpre ogledaju u veliÄini uzorka, starosnoj dobi uzorka, etiologiji intelektualne
ometenosti, odabiru analiziranih parametara i tipu foniranja. Sumiranjem
istraživaÄke literature uoÄavaju se atipiÄne prozodijske karakteristike kod
odraslih osoba sa intelektualnom ometenoÅ”Äu u odnosu na odrasle tipiÄnog
razvoja. ProuÄavanje prozodije u adultnom periodu ima veliki znaÄaj, kako
za razumevanje razvojnih faktora u vezi sa ovom sposobnoÅ”Äu, tako i za tretman pragmatskih veÅ”tina kod osoba sa intelektualnom ometenoÅ”Äu.People with intellectual disabilities (ID) have reduced social
communication skills. There is less scientific knowledge about prosody, as a
segment of paralinguistics, in people with ID, compared to their other pragmatic
abilities. The aim of this paper is to review and analyze the available literature
on paralinguistic prosodic abilities in adults with ID. The results obtained from
the analysis of available research indicate considerable consistency in findings
regarding acoustic and perceptual prosodic characteristics in people with ID, ie
higher values of fundamental frequency (F0) which is outside the typical range,
as well as reduced modulation, lower values of Jitter and Shimmer, and reduced
energy. The analysis also revealed methodological inconsistencies, which are
primarily reflected in the sample size, sample age, etiology of ID, selected
analyzed parameters and type of phonation. By summarizing the research
literature, atypical prosodic characteristics are noticeable in adults with ID in
relation to adults of typical development. The study of prosody in the period of
adulthood is of great importance, both for understanding the developmental
factors related to this ability, but also for the treatment of pragmatic skills in
people with ID
Spasmodic dysphonia: characteristics and treatment
SpastiÄna disfonija predstavlja oblik poremeÄaja glasa Äiji uzrok joÅ” uvek
nije poznat. Kod nekih pacijenata nastaje kao primarni poremeÄaj, a kod drugih se
ispoljava udruženo sa odreÄenim oblicima neuropatologije. U cilju bližeg
odreÄivanja prirode poremeÄaja, u radu je dat pregled emprijskih studija koje
razmatraju patofizologiju i poreklo spastiÄne disfonije. Istovremeno je pokazan
znaÄaj multidimenzionalnog sagledavanja simptoma i prirode poremeÄaja glasa.
Istaknut je znaÄaj kliniÄke opservacije, primene objektivnih metoda analize glasa i
percepcije simptoma oÅ”teÄene fonacije od strane samog pacijenta.
Posebno su opisane postojeÄe metode terapije, uz isticanje njihovih
prednosti i nedostataka u tretmanu pacijenata sa spastiÄnom disfonijom. ZakljuÄeno
je da nijedan do sada opisan metod tretmana ne dovodi do potpunog izleÄenja.
Istaknut je znaÄaj vokalne terapije kao metode koja izolovano, ili u kombinaicji sa
drugim metodama ublažava tegobe kod pacijenata sa spastiÄnom disfonijom.
S obzirom na tekuÄa shvatanja problema spastiÄne disfonije, buduÄa
nauÄno-emprijska istraživanja treba usmeriti u pravcu utvrÄivanja uzroka
poremeÄaja, standardizacije dijagnostiÄkih procedura i postupka evaluacije
efikasnosti primenjenih metoda tratmana.Spasmodic dysphonia is a voice disorder with no known cause. It occurs as
a primary disorder in some patients, while it coexists with other forms of
neuropathology in others. The paper reviews empirical studies on pthophysiology
and the origin of spasmodic dysphonia, with the aim to define the nature of the
disorder. The paper also points out the significance of multidimensional
identification of the symptoms and nature of voice disorders. The significance of
clinical observation, application of objective methods of analyzing voice and recognizing symptoms of the impaired phonation by the patient are emphasized as
The paper describes current treatment methods, pointing out their
advantages and disadvantages in treating patients with spasmodic dysphonia. It was
concluded that none of the treatment methods described so far leads to complete
recovery. We pointed out the significance of vocal therapy as a method which
separately, or in combination with other methods, reduces the problems of patients
with spasmodic dysphonia. With regard to the current views on spasmodic
dysphonia problems, future scientific-empirical studies should be directed at
determining the cause of the disability, standardizing diagnostic procedures and the
process of evaluating the efficacy of the applied treatment methods
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