135 research outputs found

    Kolmogorov-Loveland betting strategies lose the Betting game on open sets

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    If Kolmogorov-Loveland randomness (KLR) is the same as Martin-L\"of randomness (MLR) is a major open problem in the study of algorithmic randomness. More general classes of betting strategies than Kolmogorov-Loveland ones have been studied in \cite{MMS, Rute, TP} and in each case it was proven that the class induces a notion of randomness equivalent to MLR. In all of those proofs it was shown that the class contains a finite set of betting strategies such that for any given bound, when betting on a binary sequence contained in an effective open set of small enough measure, at least one of the betting strategies in the set earns capital larger than the bound. We show that the class of Kolmogorov-Loveland betting strategies does not have this property

    Pravo poslovnog nastana i korporativna mobilnost - pregled ključnih pitanja

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    The paper outlines open issues concerning corporate mobility from the position of both private international law rules and the relevant Community law rules. For the latter, the most important is the fundamental freedom of Community law, i.e. the freedom of establishment. It is the authors’ opinion that for the complete attainment of freedom of establishment it is necessary not only to enable companies to undertake their business activities wherever they want, but also to enable them to transfer their company seat between Member States. That is if such company seat transfer corresponds to company’s business interests and does not lead to abuse of Community given rights. Regardless of diverse positions concerning the actual state of freedom of establishment, that is whether freedom of establishment already fully enables companies to transfer their seat between Member States or not, in order to ensure legal certainty it would be very useful to provide a specific Community level legal instrument that would enable cross-border seat transfer between Member States in a uniform manner. To that end it would be appropriate to continue work on the abandoned 14th Company Law Directive on the Transfer of the Registered Office or De Facto Head Office of a Company from one Member State to Another.U radu se daju temeljne naznake otvorenih pitanja mobilnosti trgovačkih društava, kako s aspekta pravila međunarodnog privatnog prava, a tako i uvažavajući pravila prava EU. Za potonje je najvažnije pravo na ostvarivanje poslovnog nastana, kao dio primarnog prava EU. Mišljenje je autora da je za puno ostvarivanje prava poslovnog nastana prijeko potrebno da društva mogu ne samo obavljati svoju djelatnost gdje god žele, nego i promijenjati svoje sjedište , ako to odgovara potrebama njihovoga poslovanja, naravno pod uvjetom da to znači korištenje sloboda ustanovljenih pravom EU, a ne da znači zlouporabu tih sloboda. Ma kakav god stav da se zauzme o aktualnom stanju prava EU po tome pitanju, odnosno da li ono omogućava punu realizaciju prava poslovnog nastana ili ne, čini se da bi bilo vrlo korisno radi pravne sigurnosti da se donese poseban pravni instrument, koji bi uredio mogućnost promjene sjedišta društva iz jedne države članice u drugu. U tome bi smislu bilo potrebno nastaviti prekinuti rad na 14. direktivi prava društava o prijenosu registriranoga sjedišta


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    Impact of associated gastric symptoms in the acute migraine attack on oral analgesic efficacy

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    CILJ: Cilj ovoga rada bio je utvrditi učestalost gastričkih simptoma u akutnom migrenskom napadaju i odrediti kako oni utječu na izbor i način primjene terapije s obzirom na smanjenu učinkovitost peroralne primjene i ispitati kvalitetu života bolesnika s migrenom. NACRT ISTRAŽIVANJA: Istraživanje je ustrojeno kao presječno istraživanje. ISPITANICI I POSTUPCI: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 30 ispitanika koji boluju od migrene te se liječe u ambulanti za glavobolju Klinike za neurologiju KBC-a Osijek. Kao instrumenti istraživanja koristili su se anonimni upitnik strukturiran za ovo istraživanje kojim su prikupljeni demografski podaci ispitanika i podatci o terapiji i kliničkim obilježjima migrenskog napadaja te upitnik zdravstvenog statusa i kvalitete života SF-36 (engl. Short Form Healthy Survey). REZULTATI: Gastrički simptomi u akutnom napadaju migrene prisutni su kod 28 (93 %) ispitanika. Gastrički simptomi otežavaju uzimanje peroralne terapije kod 18 (60%) ispitanika. 28 (94 %) ispitanika terapiju uzimaju peroralno, a u slučaju mučnine i/ili povraćanja 19 (63%) ispitanika i dalje koristi isti način primjene terapije. Gastrički simptomi ne utječu značajnije na izbor i efikasnost analgetika.Otežana primjena terapije ne utječe na kvalitetu života niti u jednoj domeni tjelesnog i psihičkog zdravlja. ZAKLJUČAK: Prisutnost gastričkih tegoba u akutnom napadaju migrene je velika te otežava uzimanje peroralne terapije. Otežano uzimanje terapije nema većeg utjecaja na izbor analgetika i na njihov utjecaj na smanjenje intenziteta boli. Kvaliteta života nije značajnije narušena otežanom primjenom terapije.OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of gastric symptoms during an acute migraine attack and to determine the way in which they affect the choice and method of treatment, considering the reduced effectiveness of oral delivery, as well as to investigate the quality of life of patients suffering from migraines. STUDY DESIGN: This is a cross sectional study. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: The study included 30 participants suffering from migraines who are being treated at the Headache Clinic of the Neurology Department of the University Hospital Centre Osijek. The research tools applied in this study include an anonymous questionnaire designed specifically for this study, which was used to gather the participants’ demographic information, the therapy information, and the information on the clinical features of the migraine attack, as well as the SF-36 (Short Form Healthy Survey). RESULTS: Gastric symptoms have been reported by 28 (93 %) of the study participants during an acute migraine attack. Gastric symptoms hinder the administration of oral therapy for 18 (60 %) of the participants. The therapy is taken orally by 28 (94 %) of the participants, and 19 (63 %) of the study participants continue to use the same method of treatment delivery even in case of nausea and/or vomiting. The gastric symptoms do not have a significant effect on the choice and effectiveness of the analgesic. The difficulties in therapy administration does not affect the quality of life in any of the areas of physical or mental health. . CONCLUSION: Gastric problems are common during acute migraine attacks and they hinder oral therapy administration. The hindered therapy administration does not significantly affect the choice of analgesics and their effect on the reduction of pain intensity. The quality of life is not significantly reduced due to the hindered therapy administration

    Analysis and performance comparison of the embedded Linux operating system

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    Tema ovog diplomskog rada je izgradnja i usporedba performansi dva tipa Linux ugradbenog operacijskog sustava za Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. U drugom poglavlju diplomskog rada detaljnije su opisani operacijski sustavi, koji su tipovi sustava za rad u stvarnom vremenu i koje su prednosti i nedostatci takvih sustava. U trećem poglavlju detaljnije je opisan Raspberry Pi 3 Model B i Buildroot alat. Buildroot alat koristi se radi lakše izgradnje Linux operacijskih sustava, te zbog potrebnih modifikacija kako bi se izgradio Linux operacijski sustav za rad u stvarnom vremenu. Četvrto poglavlje sadrži mjerenja koja se koriste radi lakše usporedbe Linux operacijskih sustava. Mjerenja se temelje na programima pisanim u C programskom jeziku i pokretani su na oba tipa Linux operacijskih sustava. Dobiveni rezultati mjerenja prikazani su u tablicama i na grafovima, gdje je vidljivo da Linux operacijski sustav za rad u stvarnom vremenu daje točnije rezultate u odnosu na standardni Linux operacijski sustav.The topic of this graduate thesis is to build and compare the performance of two types of Linux embedded operating systems for the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. The second chapter of the thesis describes operating systems in more detail, what are the types of real-time systems and what are the advantages and disadvantages of such systems . Chapter three describes the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Buildroot tools in more detail. The Buildroot tool is used to help build Linux operating systems more easily, and because of the necessary modifications to build a Linux operating system in real time. Chapter four contains measurements that are used to help compare Linux operating systems. The measurements are based on programs written in C programming language and run on both types of Linux operating systems. The obtained measurement results are shown in tables and graphs, where it is evident that the real-time Linux operating system produces more accurate results than the standard Linux operating system


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    Container cargo flows in the Republic of Croatia have been insufficiently explored, as well as the quantity and destination of containerized cargo flows between the port of Rijeka and its hinterland. This paper defines containerized cargo flows between the port of Rijeka and its hinterland destinations by road and rail transport means. Based on the analysis of container cargo flows the potential location for inland terminal construction is defined in terms of shifting of container flows from road to rail