76 research outputs found

    Gljive povezane s bolestima gljivičnog raka na maslini u Istri (Hrvatska)

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    A survey in olive orchards in Istria (Croatia) was carried out from 2016 to 2018 to investigate pathogens potentially associated with olive decline and dieback. In nine orchards, canker-like symptoms were recorded on olive trunks and branches. Six fungal species were isolated from cankers: Geosmithia sp., Diaporthe sp., Diatrype stigma, Diplodia seriata, Neofusicoccum parvum, and Pseudophaeomoniella oleae. Pathogenicity tests were conducted in a greenhouse, on branches of 4-year-old local cultivar ‘Buza’. Eight months after branch inoculation, D. seriata showed to be the most aggressive, causing an average of 67 mm long lesion. N. parvum caused 31 mm long lesion, while Diaporthe sp. showed only weak aggressiveness, causing 3 mm long lesion. Diatrype stigma, P. oleae and Geosmithia sp. did not cause any symptoms on inoculated plants. This is the first report of Neofusicoccum parvum and Diaporthe sp. as pathogens on olive in Istria (Croatia).Terensko istraživanje maslinika u Istri (Hrvatska), provedeno je od 2016. do 2018. godine s ciljem utvrđivanja potencijalnih patogena povezanih s odumiranjem i sušenjem maslina. Šest vrsta gljiva izolirano je s drvenastih dijelova masline sa simptomima gljivičnog raka: Geosmithia sp., Diaporthe sp., Diatrype stigma, Diplodia seriata, Neofusicoccum parvum i Pseudophaeomoniella oleae. Test patogenosti proveden je u plasteniku, na granama 4-godišnjih sadnica maslina autohtone sorte Buža. Osam mjeseci nakon inokulacije, D. seriata pokazala se kao najagresivnija vrsta uzrokujući lezije duljine 67 mm, N. parvum je uzrokovao lezije duljine 31 mm, a Diaporthe sp. pokazao se kao najslabiji patogen, uzrokujući lezije duljine 3 mm. Vrste D. stigma, P. oleae i Geosmithia sp. nisu uzrokovale simptome na inokuliranim maslinama. Prema našim spoznajama, ovo je prvi nalaz vrsta Neofusicoccum parvum i Diaporthe sp. kao patogena masline u Istri (Hrvatska)

    Pojavnost mikotoksina u hrani i piću

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    This paper describes the mycotoxins produced by fungi from the genera Fusarium, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Claviceps and other types of molds, their characteristics and importance. Mycotoxins are secondary fungi metabolites that serve as a defense mechanism in stressful conditions. Several hundred mycotoxins have been identified so far, and the most significant in terms of danger to human health and animals are aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, patulin, fumonisin, zearalenone and nivalenol/deoxynivalenol produced by toxigenic fungi from the genera Penicillium, Aspergillus, Claviceps, Stachybotris and Fusarium. Moisture and temperature are two factors that have a crucial influence on the development of the fungus and the synthesis of toxins. It is estimated that approximately 25% of agricultural crops are infected with fungi. Consequently, foods can also be contaminated with mycotoxins. By treating the stored grain with various chemicals, and in recent years, using environmentally friendly fungicides, the synthesis of mycotoxins is being prevented and the development of mycotoxicogenic fungi is being controlled. The mycotoxicosis can occur directly through the consumption of infected food, inhalation and skin contact, or indirectly through animals that eat contaminated feed. Mycotoxins have a pathological effect primarily on liver. Some mycotoxins also interfere with cellular protein synthesis, causing hypersensitivity and extreme immunodeficiency. Despite mycotoxins being resilient and remaining stable while undergoing chemical and thermal food processing, methods such as applying good hygiene and production practices from field to table can reduce their occurence.U ovom radu opisani su mikotoksini koji stvaraju gljivice iz rodova Fusarium, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Claviceps i drugih vrsta plijesni; njihove karakteristike i važnost. Mikotoksini su sekundarni metaboliti gljivica koji služe kao obrambeni mehanizam u stresnim uvjetima. Do sada je identificirano više stotina mikotoksina, a najznačajniji s obzirom na opasnost za ljudsko zdravlje i životinje su aflatoksini, ohratoksin A, patulin, fumonizin, zearalenon i nivalenol/deoksinivalenol koje stvaraju toksikogene gljivice iz rodova Penicillium, Aspergillus, Claviceps, Stachybotris i Fusarium. Vlaga i temperatura dva su faktora koji imaju krucijalni utjecaj na razvoj gljive i sintezu toksina. Procjenjuje se da je oko 25% poljoprivrednih usjeva zaraženo gljivama. Posljedično tome namirnice mogu također biti kontaminirane mikotoksinima. Tretiranjem uskladištenog zrna raznim kemikalijama, a zadnjih godina primjenom ekološki prihvatljivih fungicida, onemogućuje se sinteza mikotoksina i kontrolira se razvoj mikotoksikogenih gljiva. Do pojave mikotoksikoza može doći direktno konzumacijom zaražene hrane, inhalacijom i kontaktom putem kože ili indirektno konzumacijom mesa, mliječnih proizvoda i jaja životinja koje se hrane kontaminiranom krmom. Mikotoksini patološki prije svega djeluju na jetru. Neki mikotoksini također interferiraju sa sintezom staničnih bjelančevina uzrokujući preosjetljivost i ekstremnu imunodeficijenciju. Budući da je karakteristika mikotoksina da su kemijski i termički stabilni i da podnose procese prerade hrane, ipak postoje metode pomoću kojih se njihova pojavnost može smanjiti, pogotovo primjenom dobre higijenske i proizvodne prakse od polja do stola

    Possibilities of application of Trichoderma species in fungal disease control of olive (Olea europaea L.)

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    Maslina (Olea europaea L.) je važna kultura koja se uzgaja u mediteranskom dijelu Republike Hrvatske. U posljednje vrijeme gljivične bolesti maslina predstavljaju sve veći izazov za proizvođače. Kao najčešća mjera u suzbijanju primjenjuju se kemijska sredstva za zaštitu bilja. Međutim, kemijska sredstva ispoljavaju vrlo štetan utjecaj na okoliš i zdravlje ljudi i životinja i ne samo da suzbijaju štetne organizme već čine štete i po korisne organizme, što dovodi do ekološke neravnoteže. Stoga, proizvođači se sve češće okreću alternativnim metodama zaštite i primjeni bioloških sredstava za zaštitu bilja. Trichoderma vrste dokazano suzbijaju veliki broj fitopatogenih gljiva i pokazuju potencijal u suzbijanju fitopatogena masline.Olive (Olea europaea L.) is an important crop grown in the Mediterranean part of the Republic of Croatia. Recently, fungal diseases of olives are becoming an increasing challenge for producers. As the most common fungal disease control, chemical products are applied. However, chemical products have a very harmful impact on the environment and human and animal health and not only suppress pathogens but also do harm to beneficial organisms, which leads to ecological imbalances. Therefore, producers are increasingly turning to alternative methods of protection and the application of biological plant protection products. Trichoderma species have been proven to suppress a large number of phytopathogenic fungi and show potential against fungal pathogens of olives


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    There is a large number of treatment types offered to parents of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), but they are particularly vulnerable to the promoters of pseudoscience, which can lead to the use of ineffective types of treatment. This study represents an attempt to document the types of treatments used by parents of children with ASD in the Republic of Serbia. Secondary aim was to determine if certain parent or child characteristics influenced the types of treatments used. Modified version of survey constructed and conducted by Green, et al. (2006) was used. Nearly all (n=85) of the 86 treatments listed in our survey were being currently used or used in the past by at least one parent and the most commonly used treatment is speech and language therapy. The treatments were grouped into ten categories and the most commonly used is other treatments (80.6%), followed by standard therapies (79.2%) and vitamin supplements (65.3%).  It is also of great importance to educate the parents of children with ASD about evidence-based treatments and on how to distinguish them from treatments that do not have empirica

    Botryosphaeria dieback of grapevine

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    Vinova loza ubraja se u najvažnije kulture koje se uzgajaju u svijetu. Napada ju veliki broj fitopatogenih gljiva, među kojima se ističu i sve aktualnije postaju vrste iz porodice Botryosphaeriaceae. Simptomi se javljaju u obliku nekrotičnih lezija unutar drva, sušenja grozdova i sušenja mladica, krakova ili čitavih čokota. Bolest se češće uočava u starijim vinogradima. Najvažnije preventivne mjere podrazumijevaju sadnju zdravog sadnog materijala i izbor pogodne lokacije za uzgoj, a najvažnije izravne mjere zaštite podrazumijevanju uklanjanje zaraženih ostataka iz vinograda i njihovo uništavanje, primjenu fungicida i premazivanje rana nakon rezidbe te primjenu bioloških pripravaka za zaštitu bilja.Grapevine is one of the most important culture grown in the world. It is attacked by a large number of phytopathogenic fungi, of which species of the family Botryosphaeriaceae pose one of the most significant threats. Symptoms occur in the form of necrotic lesions, rot of fruits and decline of branches. The disease is more often observed in older vineyards. The most important preventive measures include planting a healthy planting material and the choice of a suitable location for cultivation, and the most important protection measures include the removal of infected remains from the vineyards and their destruction, the application of fungicides, the coating of wounds after pruning, and the application of biological preparations for plant protection


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    Maslina je iznimno važna kultura u mediteranskom dijelu Republike Hrvatske. Posljednjih godina provedena su istraživanja radi utvrđivanja uzročnika sušenja stabala maslina u Hrvatskoj i svijetu, u kojima su otkriveni novi patogeni do sada neprisutni na maslini. Najznačajnijim bolestima masline smatraju se: antraknoza, patula, paunovo oko, rak masline, sušenje stabala i plodova masline i verticilijsko venuće. Za suzbijanje uzročnika navedenih bolesti još se uvijek najčešće koriste fungicidi. Prekomjerna ili nekontrolirana primjena fungicida može dovesti do rezistentnosti patogena ili razvoja virulentnih sojeva, a negativno utječe i na okoliš. Za razliku od fungicida, biološka kontrola smatra se ekološki prihvatljivom metodom i sve se više koristi u suzbijanju štetnih organizama. Istraživanjem utjecaja različitih bioloških organizama, biljnih spojeva i ekstrakata na fitopatogene gljive masline potvrđen je njihov antifungalni učinak. Njihovo djelovanje na patogena proučavano je uglavnom u uvjetima in vitro. U ovome radu navedeni su mikroorganizmi i biološke komponente koje bi u budućnosti mogle biti sastavni dio bioloških preparata za kontrolu patogena masline

    Scenarios for sustainable heat supply in cities – case of Helsingor, Denmark

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    Local climate action is not only a domain of large cities, but also smaller urban areas that increasingly address climate change mitigation in their policy. The Danish municipality of Helsingør can achieve substantial CO2 emission reduction by transforming its heat supply and deploying heat savings. In the paper we model the heating system of Helsingør from a socio- and private-economic perspective, develop future scenarios, and conduct an iterative process to derive optimal mix between district heating, individual heating and heat savings. The results show that in 2030 it is cost-optimal to reduce the heating demand by 20-39% by implementing heat savings, to deploy 33%-41% of district heating and reduce heating-related CO2 emissions by up to 95% compared to now. In 2050, the cost-optimal share of district heating in Helsingør is between 38-44%. The resulting average heating costs and CO2 emissions are found to be sensitive to biomass and electricity price. Although the findings of the study are mainly applicable for Helsingør, the combined use of the Least Cost Tool and modelling with energyPRO is useful in planning of any heating and/or cooling supply and demand configuration, in any geographical region and scal

    Scenarios for sustainable heat supply and heat savings in municipalities - The case of Helsingor, Denmark

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    Local climate action is not only a domain of large cities, but also smaller urban areas that increasingly address climate change mitigation in their policy. The Danish municipality of Helsingør can achieve a substantial CO2 emissions reduction by transforming its heat supply and deploying heat savings. In this paper, we model the heating system of Helsingør, assess it from a simple socio- and private-economic perspective, develop future scenarios, and conduct an iterative process to derive a cost-optimal mix between district heating, individual heating and heat savings. The results show that in 2030 it is cost-optimal to reduce the heating demand by 20-39% by implementing heat savings, to deploy 32%-41% of district heating and to reduce heating-related CO2 emissions by up to 95% in comparison to current emissions. In 2050, the cost-optimal share of district heating in Helsingør increases to between 38-44%. The resulting average heating costs and CO2 emissions are found to be sensitive to biomass and electricity price. Although the findings of the study are mainly applicable for Helsingør, the combined use of the Least Cost Tool and modelling with energyPRO is useful in planning of heating and/or cooling supply for different demand configurations, geographical region and scale

    Scenarios for sustainable heat supply in cities – case of Helsingor, Denmark

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    Local climate action is not only a domain of large cities, but also smaller urban areas that increasingly address climate change mitigation in their policy. The Danish municipality of Helsingør can achieve substantial CO2 emission reduction by transforming its heat supply and deploying heat savings. In the paper we model the heating system of Helsingør from a socio- and private-economic perspective, develop future scenarios, and conduct an iterative process to derive optimal mix between district heating, individual heating and heat savings. The results show that in 2030 it is cost-optimal to reduce the heating demand by 20-39% by implementing heat savings, to deploy 33%-41% of district heating and reduce heating-related CO2 emissions by up to 95% compared to now. In 2050, the cost-optimal share of district heating in Helsingør is between 38-44%. The resulting average heating costs and CO2 emissions are found to be sensitive to biomass and electricity price. Although the findings of the study are mainly applicable for Helsingør, the combined use of the Least Cost Tool and modelling with energyPRO is useful in planning of any heating and/or cooling supply and demand configuration, in any geographical region and scal