41 research outputs found
Relations between ethnocentrism and national attachment
Pripadnost i vezanost za različite društvene grupe, kao što su nacionalna država i etnička grupa može da ima izraženu motivacionu snagu. Istovremeno, osećaj nacionalne vezanosti može da preraste u etnocentrizam i da postane izvor neprijateljstva i sukoba među pripadnicima različitih nacija, kao što i konflikti u neposrednoj prošlosti mogu da doprinesu većem ispoljavanju pojedinih oblika nacionalne vezanosti, pa i etnocentrizma. Zbog toga ovo istraživanje malo za cilj da: (1) utvrdi izraženost etnocentrizma i različitih formi nacionalne vezanosti kod mladih srpske nacionalnosti na Kosovu i Metohiji (345 ispitanika, prosečne starosti AS=19,36); (2) ispitamo kakva vrsta relacija postoji između etnocentrizma i nacionalne vezanosti. U istraživanju su korišćene Skala za procenu etnocentrizma (Šram, 2010) i Skala oblika nacionalne vezanosti (Rot i Havelka, 1973). Rezultati pokazuju da od aspekata etnocentrizma ispitanici ispoljavaju najviši stepen nacionalne homogenizacije koju odlikuje snažna potreba za nacionalnim jedinstvom, dok je najizraženiji oblik nacionalne vezanosti istaknuta nacionalna vezanost za koju je karakteristično idealizovanje sopstvene nacije i isticanje osećanja patriotizma. Istaknuta i isključiva nacionalna vezanost su povezane sa svim aspektima etnocentrizma što govori u prilog tezi da ocobe koje karakteriše visok nivo nacionalne idealizacije, što je odlika isključive i istaknute nacionalne vezanosti, često ispoljavaju i izvesnu tendenciju ka etnocentričkom načinu reagovanja.Belonging and being attached to various social groups such as nationality and ethnicity, can have a significant motivational effect. At the same time, a sense of national attachment can develop into ethnocentrism and become a source of hostility and conflicts among members of different nations, with conflicts in the immediate past contributing to greater manifestations of certain forms of national attachment, and even ethnocentrism. That is why the objectives of this paper were to: (1) determine prominence of ethnocentrism and different forms of national attachment in young people of Serbian nationality in Kosovo and Metohija (345 respondents, average age AS=19,36) (2) investigate what kind of relationship exists between ethnocentrism and national attachment. Instruments used in the research were the Ethnocentrism Scale (Šram, 2010) and Scale of National Attachment Forms (Rot and Havelka, 1973). The results show that of all aspects of ethnocentrism, respondents manifest the greatest degree of national homogenization, distinguished by a strong need for national unity, while the most accentuated form of national attachment is prominent national attachment, characterized by idealizing one's own nation and emphasizing the feeling of patriotism. Prominent and exclusive forms of national attachment correlate with all the aspects of ethnocentrism which supports the claim that those individuals who are characterized by a high degree of national idealization, which is a feature of both prominent and exclusive national attachment, often demonstrate a certain tendency to react in an ethnocentric way
Intercultural sensitivity scale: Proposal for a modified Serbian version
Intercultural Sensitivity Scale (ISS) is the main assessment tool for measuring intercultural sensitivity as an affective component of intercultural communication competence. The ISS has been developed based on an American sample and therefore there is a need to check possibilities for its application in another cultural context. In this study, we tested whether the factor structure of the original scale is confirmed in a Serbian sample as well. The results show that the compatibility of factor structure is not satisfactory (x2/df = 3.38; CFI = .78; RMSEA = .07) and the application of the scale requires modification. A proposal for a modified version of the ISS is presented together with evidence for its usage. The main advantages of the modified version are: (a) a corresponding factor structure, (b) higher internal consistency and (c) better prediction of relevant criteria
Social distance and the structure of stereotypes of primary school students towards Roma: Quantitative and qualitative analysis
Socijalna distanca je predmet mnogih istraživanja, a posebno je aktuelno pitanje istraživanja socijalne distance prema Romima. Istraživanje koje smo sproveli imalo je nekoliko ciljeva. Osnovni cilj se odnosio na utvrđivanje postojanja i intenziteta socijalne distance prema Romima kod učenika osnovnoškolskog uzrasta. Specifični cilj istraživanja se odnosio na utvrđivanje postojanja razlika u izraženosti socijalne distance kod učenika koji imaju i koji nemaju čest kontakt sa Romima. U istraživanju su učestvovala 152 učenika četvrtog i osmog razreda osnovne škole. Za ispitivanje socijalne distance korišćena je Bogardusova skala, prilagođena za decu. Sprovedene su i dve fokus grupe sa ciljem dobijanja kvalitativnih podataka. Rezultati pokazuju da je socijalna distanca prema Romima izražena, te da je najnepoželjniji odnos sa Romima sedenje u klupi, dok se najlakše prihvata da Rom ide u istu školu. Utvrđeno je da učenici koji imaju više kontakata sa Romima imaju i manje izraženu socijalnu distancu prema njima. Kvalitativna analiza podataka ukazuje na veću zastupljenost negativnih stereotipa o Romima. Da bi se dobila prava slika strukture socijalne distance prema Romima, neophodno je kombinovati kvantitativne i kvalitativne mere.Social distance has been the subject of numerous research papers; the issue of researching social distance toward Roma is especially important. There are several aims of our study. The basic goal of the research is to determine the existence and intensity of social distance towards Roma held by primary school students. The specific goal of the research is to determine the differences in the presence of social distance held by students who often interact with Roma children, as well as those who rarely interact with them. The research sample consisted of 152 participants (71 fourth-grade students and 81 eighth-grade students; 85 boys and 67 girls). The Bogardus's Scale, modified for children, was used for researching the social distance. Furthermore, the research implied two focus groups for the qualitative data to be obtained. The results showed the existance of social distance toward Roma students. Furthermore, according to this data, the least desirable relationship was sitting in the same school bench with Roma children, whereas the most acceptable relationship was going to the same school with Roma. Moreover, it was established that students having more relationships with Roma had lower social distance toward them as well. Qualitative data analysis shows higher level of negative stereotypes and attitudes toward Roma. It is essential to combine quantitative and qualitative measures for the purpose of getting the unbiased description of social distance toward Roma
Utilizing Monte Carlo simulations in estimation of occupational eye lens dose based on whole body dosemeter in interventional cardiology and radiology
Medical staff performing interventional procedures in cardiology and radiology is considered to be a professional group exposed to high doses of ionizing radiation. With new epidemiological evidences and recently reduced eye lens dose limit, dose assessment to the lens of the eye, in the interventional cardiology, has become one of the most challenging research topics. This paper presents results of the eye lens dose assessment in interventional cardiology obtained by means of the computational dosimetry. Since placing and wearing the dedicated eye lens dosimeter is encumbering for the staff, Monte Carlo simulation provides an accurate and efficient method for obtaining an indication of doses to the eye lenses. Eye lens doses were estimated for three typical beam projections (PA, LAO, and RAO) and tube voltages ranging from 80 kV to 110 kV, with different protective equipment setups, for the first operator position. Simulations were carried out using MCNPX code. Results revealed that a whole body dosimeter worn at the thyroid center position gives the best estimate of the eye lens dose with a spread from 11 % to 18 % for the left eye. Corresponding average conversion coefficient from whole body lo the eye lens dose is estimated to be 0.18. © 2018; Vinca Inst Nuclear Sci. All rights reserved
Investigation of the anticancer activity of 2-amino-6-methylbenzothiazole and corresponding Pd(II) complex using molecular docking simulations
In our prior investigations, it has been established that compound di(2-amino-6-methylbenzothiazole) dichloridopalladate(II) (C1) exhibits promising efficacy in inhibiting the growth of colon carcinoma, thereby demonstrating potential as an anticancer agent. To elucidate the underlying mechanism of action against cancer, a comprehensive investigation involving DNA binding analysis and a series of assays to evaluate the inhibitory potential of compound C1 against key proteins involved in cancer metabolism were conducted. The significant inhibitory potential of C1 towards Bcl-2, Ki-67, and CDK-4 was determined. In order to investigate the underlying mechanism behind the anticancer properties and to assess the inhibition of various proteins involved in different metabolic pathways of C1, molecular docking simulations were conducted. The investigation revealed that the observed lack of similarity between the experimental outcomes and the inhibition of Bcl-2 and CDK-4 by C1 and 2-amino-6- methylbenzothiazole (L1) suggests that the metabolic pathways involving these proteins do not contribute to the anticancer properties of C1. The observed correlation between the inhibition of Ki-67 and the experimental outcomes was found to be significant. The inhibition of Ki-67 in cell cycle regulation is a promising approach to the development of anticancer drugs. Further research is required to explore the potential application of C1 as a Ki-67 inhibitor.Publishe
Eye lens monitoring in interventional cardiology and radiology
Sledeći rezultate epidemioloških studija o efektu jonizujućih zračenja na očno stočivo,
Međunarodna komisija za zaštitu od zračenja revidirala je granicu izlaganja za očno
sočivo, imajući u vidu da u slučaju dugotrajnog izlaganja malim dozama i malim
jačinama doza na radnom mestu, katarakta može nastati na nivou doze daleko manjim
od ranije utvrđenog praga. Ovakve situacije su tipične za profesionalna izlaganja u
interventnoj kardiologiji i radiologiji. Cilj ovog rada je prikaz metodologije za
donošenje odluke o potrebi za individualnim monitringom za očno sočivo i prikaz
rezultata pilot monitoringa u interventnoj kardiologiji pomoću namenskih dozimetara
za očno sočivo kalibrisanim u dozimetrijskoj veličini lični dozni ekvivalent Hp(3).Following recent epidemiological evidences on effects of ionizing radiation to the eye
lens, International Commission on Radiological Protection has re-evaluated dose limit
to the lens of the eye, owing that protracted exposure to the relatively small doses and
dose rates may lead to the cataract at dose levels much lower than previously set dose
thresholds. Such satiations are typical for occupational exposure in interventional
cardiology and radiology. Occupational exposure from interventional x-ray procedures
is an area in which increased eye lens exposure may occur. Accurate dosimetry is an
important element to investigate the correlation of observed radiation effects with
radiation dose, to verify the compliance with regulatory dose limits, and to optimize
radiation protection practice. The papers presents the overview of practical methods for
eye lens doses assessment as well as typical occupational eye lens dose levels in
interventional procedures in cardiology and radiology. In addition, a methodology to
assist decision making about need for specific eye lens individual monitoring using a
dedicated passive dosimeters calibrated in terms of Hp(3) is presented in this paper
Design of secondary standard Hp(3) ionisation chamber using Monte Carlo simulations
U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja mogućeg dizajna sekundarnog etalona za
lični dozni ekvivalent Hp(3) pomoću Monte Karlo simulacija. Simulirana je sferna
jonizaciona komora ugrađena u sferni fantom. Ispitivana je energetska i ugaona
zavisnost i cilj je bio da se postigne što konstantniji odgovor u širokom opsegu energija.
Rezultati pokazuju da se najadekvatniji dizajn postize jonizacionom komorom TK-30
ugrađenom u sferni fantom od polimetil-metakrilata (PMMA) prečnika 15 cm.
Energetski odgovor je u ±10% za opseg energija od (18 do 1250) keV, dok je ugaoni
odgovor u ±20% za upadni ugao u opsegu od 0 do 90º za energetski opseg od (48 do
1250) keV.In this paper possible design for secondary standard Hp(3) ionisation chamber was
investigated using Monte Carlo simulations. The simulations were performed for
spherical ionization chamber surrounded by spherical phantom. The goal was to obtain
the more constant energy and angular response in wide energy range in order to get
optimal geometry. The results shown that the most adequate design for secondary
standard Hp(3) was achieved using commercially available TK-30 ionization chamber
manufactured by PTW embedded in spherical polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)
phantom with diameter 15 cm. The energy response was within ±10% in range of
photon energies from (18 to 1250) keV, while angular response was within ±20% for
angle of incidence α from 0º to 90º for energy range (48 to 1250) keV
Design of secondary standard Hp(3) ionisation chamber using Monte Carlo simulations
U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja mogućeg dizajna sekundarnog etalona za
lični dozni ekvivalent Hp(3) pomoću Monte Karlo simulacija. Simulirana je sferna
jonizaciona komora ugrađena u sferni fantom. Ispitivana je energetska i ugaona
zavisnost i cilj je bio da se postigne što konstantniji odgovor u širokom opsegu energija.
Rezultati pokazuju da se najadekvatniji dizajn postize jonizacionom komorom TK-30
ugrađenom u sferni fantom od polimetil-metakrilata (PMMA) prečnika 15 cm.
Energetski odgovor je u ±10% za opseg energija od (18 do 1250) keV, dok je ugaoni
odgovor u ±20% za upadni ugao u opsegu od 0 do 90º za energetski opseg od (48 do
1250) keV.In this paper possible design for secondary standard Hp(3) ionisation chamber was
investigated using Monte Carlo simulations. The simulations were performed for
spherical ionization chamber surrounded by spherical phantom. The goal was to obtain
the more constant energy and angular response in wide energy range in order to get
optimal geometry. The results shown that the most adequate design for secondary
standard Hp(3) was achieved using commercially available TK-30 ionization chamber
manufactured by PTW embedded in spherical polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)
phantom with diameter 15 cm. The energy response was within ±10% in range of
photon energies from (18 to 1250) keV, while angular response was within ±20% for
angle of incidence α from 0º to 90º for energy range (48 to 1250) keV
Synthesis and Characterization of 3-(1-((3,4-Dihydroxyphenethyl)amino)ethylidene)-chroman-2,4-dione as a Potential Antitumor Agent
The newly synthesized coumarin derivative with dopamine, 3-(1-((3,4-dihydroxyphenethyDamino)ethylidene)-chroman-2,4-dione, was completely structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. It was shown that several types of hydrogen bonds are present, which additionally stabilize the structure. The compound was tested in vitro against different cell lines, healthy human keratinocyte HaCaT, cervical squamous cell carcinoma SiHa, breast carcinoma MCF7, and hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2. Compared to control, the new derivate showed a stronger effect on both healthy and carcinoma cell lines, with the most prominent effect on the breast carcinoma MCF7 cell line. The molecular docking study, obtained for ten different conformations of the new compound, showed its inhibitory nature against CDKS protein. Lower inhibition constant, relative to one of 4-OH-coumarine, proved stronger and more numerous interactions with CDKS protein. These interactions were carefully examined for both parent molecule and derivative and explained from a structural point of view