43 research outputs found

    Efekat gladovanja na različite aspekte metabolizma azota u supstratski gajenom rasadu jagoda sorte Nyoho

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    Three-week nitrogen (N) supply restriction is a way to stimulate early and uniform flower induction in forced June-bearing nursery strawberry production in Japan. In the first weeks after planting into excessively-fertigated substrates, N-starved plantings undergo drastic changes in their N utilization and N metabolism, often facing symptoms of interveinal chlorosis in their young expanding leaves. Interveinal chlorosis is reflected in delayed plant development, and consequently in yield reduction. Characterizing variations in main parameters of N metabolism in plant tissues in N-fed and N-starved strawberry plantings cv. Nyoho, this report portrays the pattern of changes in N metabolism during the nursery period. Results show that foliar NH4-N and petiole NO3-N concentrations and N-assimilating enzymes activities in plant tissue were significantly reduced due to the N-starvation, making young plants unlikely to be adaptive to N rich nutrition after planting, and that subsequent NH4-N accumulation in plant tissues can lead to sever interveinal chlorosis.Dinje, lubenice i jagode u Japanu pripadaju povrtarskim vrstama. Poslednja dekada avgusta je period kada prestaje svako đubrenje, a pogotovo đubrenje azotnim đubrivima sadnica rasada jednorodnih (junskih) jagoda namenjenih gajenju u plastenicima u uslovima forsirane proizvodnje. Ovako 'izgladnele' biljke se krajem septembra presađuju u supstratske podloge (plastične kese punjene tresetom) koje se zatim intenzivno đubre, čime se podstiče ranije i uniformnije zametanje cvetova. Rezultati ove studije su pokazali da tokom gladovanja u fazi rasada koncentracije amonijačnog i nitratnog jona i aktivnosti enzima koji učestvuju u asimilaciji azota u biljnom tkivu značajno opadaju. Nakon presađivanja u supstratske podloge, ove 'izgladnele' mlade biljke su teško adaptibilne na uslove intenzivne prihrane azotom, te u svom tkivu akumuliraju amonijačne jone što neretko rezultira intervenalnom hlorozom mladog lisnog tkiva. Hlorotične biljke zaostaju u razvoju i daju smanjene prinose

    Grinje na jagodama u zaštićenom prostoru i mere suzbijanja

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    As greenhouse strawberry demand and production increases, so too do the various pests that affect them. It is important to identify pests of greenhouse strawberry quickly and correctly, keeping costs, labor and pesticide volumes as low as possible. Mites are among the most important arthropods in production of greenhouse strawberry, both as pests causing economic injury to the crop, and as natural enemies used in the biological control of pest insects and other mites. Because of their minute size, mites are much less well known than insects. This publication describes the appearance, biology, damage symptoms and control and management of such mites. The topics covered include the control of pest mites, and the role of beneficial mites in biological control in production of greenhouse strawberry. It is intended to aid commercial producers to recognize the main pest mites in their greenhouses and to select appropriate control measures.Sa povećanjem zahteva proizvodnje jagoda u zaštićenom prostoru raste i broj štetočina koje ih napadaju. Veoma je važno da se ove štetočine identifikuju brzo i ispravno, kako bi cena koštanja, utrošak rada i utrošak pesticida ostali što niži. Grinje spadaju u najvažnije artropode u proizvodnji jagoda u zaštićenom prostoru, fitofagne kao ekonomski značajne štetočine, a zoofagne, koje se koriste u biološkoj borbi, kao prirodni neprijatelji štetnih insekata i grinja. Zbog sitnih dimenzija, o njima se zna daleko manje nego o insektima. U ovom radu opisuju se izgled, biologija, simptomi oštećenja i mere suzbijanja fitofagnih, kao i uloga korisnih grinja u biološkoj zaštiti jagoda u zaštićenom prostoru. Namera je da se pomogne komercijalnim uzgajivačima jagoda da lakše prepoznaju glavne štetne grinje u svom zaštićenom prostoru i da odaberu adekvatne mere suzbijanja


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    Background: This study aimed to examine the relationship between some personality characteristics of patients diagnosed with psychotic disorders and the quality of their engagement in psychodynamic group psychotherapy. Given that previous research has shown that self-stigma is significantly negatively associated with the engagement of patients, the measure of self-stigma was used as a correlate of patients’ motivation to participate in group psychotherapy. Subjects and methods: A total of 48 outpatients (52.1% women; mean age 35.30 years) attending group psychodynamic psychotherapy completed The Inventory of Personality Organization, The Pathological Narcissism Inventory, The Measure of Parental Style, The Relationship Questionnaire, and The Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness scale. Results: The findings showed that patients with higher levels of self-stigma have unhealthy attachments styles, perceived their mothers´ parental style as indifferent and achieved greater scores on narcissistic vulnerability scale. They are also are prone to primitive psychological defences, have poorly integrated identity, and achieved lower scores on reality testing dimension. Conclusion: Taking into account the limitations of this study, these findings may contribute to improved understanding of the quality of participation and engagement of psychotic patients in group psychotherapy, and may help to develop more effective therapeutic approaches

    Fenotipske razlike u osnovnim karakteristikama kolekcije genotipova crnog luka iz Srbije

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    The onion is a widely distributed vegetable crop, which takes an important place in the vegetable production in Serbia. The traditional planting method is the one from sets. Old cultivars and populations and, in recent years, foreign cultivars are grown. The large variety of genotypes, including both domestic populations and cultivars, comprises the significant gene pool of this region. The onion collection of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad is based on the populations and cultivars from the territory of the former Yugoslavia. This paper reviews 30 onion genotypes on the basic IPGRI descriptors (ANNEX I). Variability of the reviewed characteristics was determined by PC analysis. High variability values have been established for bulb skin color, bulb flesh color, bulb hearting and bulb skin thickness. The genotypes varied in bulb skin color as well as in bulb flesh color from white to dark violet. These two characteristics had the largest impact on clustering, with a single genotype being heterogeneous exactly for these two characteristics.Crni luk je široko rasprostranjena povrtarska vrsta, čija proizvodnja zauzima značajno mesto u setvenoj strukturi povrća u Srbiji. Tradicionalni način ove proizvodnje je iz arpadžika, gde su zastupljene stare sorte, populacije i sve prisutniji strani sortiment. Bogatstvo genotipova crnog luka, kako gajenih domaćih populacija tako i sorata, predstavlja značajan gen fond sa ovog područja. U Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu, osnovu kolekcije čine domaće populacije i sorte koje se gaje u širem region, sa prostora bivše Jugoslavije. U radu su prikazane osnovne osobine 30 genotipova crnog luka prema deskriptoru IPGRI (ANNEX I.). Varijabilnost ispitivanih osobina je utvrđena PC analizom, gde je ustanovljena visoka varijabilnost za boju lukovice, boju sočnih listova lukovice, broj gnezda i debljinu listova lukovice. Genotipovi su imali boju lukovice od bele do tamno ljubičaste, a takođe i boja sočnih listova. Ove dve osobine su imale najveći uticaj na grupisanje genotipova, tako su formirane dve grupe, uz izdvajanje jednog genotipa koji je heterogen upravo za ove osobine

    The Impact of Conventional and Sensor Spraying on Drift and Deposit in Cherry Orchard

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    The research results of the spraying technical factors\u27 impact on ground and air drift, and the deposit on the treetop in cherry orchards, are presented in the paper. Two different spraying systems (classical and sensory system) are investigated, Agromehanika AGP 200 ENU sprayer being used. The research is conducted according to ISO standard 22866 (Plant Protection Equipment - Drift Measurement Methods in Field Conditions). The impact of spraying norm as factor A (A1 – 250 l/ha; A2 – 200 l/ha); the nozzle type as factor B (B1 – Lechler TR 8002 C; B2 – Lechler ITR 8002 C) and the fan air velocity as factor C (C1 – 18 m/s; C2 – 12 m/s) are examined by the variance analysis. To spray and evaluate the drift, Tartazine organic dye solution with 4% concentration is used. The filter papers, used as collectors, according to the specified ISO standard, are placed directly in the spraying zone. The sampled filter papers are washed out with 10 ml of deionised water under laboratory conditions. After washing, the colour intensity, i.e., the solution wave-length, is read by a spectrophotometer (Varian Cary 50 UV-Visible). Different drift intensity (ground and air drift) and treetop deposits are realized by the usage of various treatments of technical spraying factors and various spraying systems. Unlike the ground and air drifts, the deposit within the treetop does not show statistically significant change by using a sensory spraying system, i.e. by using a selective application


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    Work with dreams in the group analysis represents an important part of the analytical work, with insight into unconscious experiences of the individual dreamer, and his transferrential relations with the therapist, other members of the group, and with the group as a whole. The way dreams are addressed varies from one therapist to another, and in line with that, members of the group have varying frequency of dreams. In groups of psychotic patients dreams are generally rarely discussed and interpreted by the group, with analysis mainly resting on the manifested content. This paper describes a long-term group of psychotic patients which, after sharing the dreams of several members and daydreams of one female patient, their interpretation and reception in the group achieved better cohesion and improved communication and interaction, i.e. created a group matrix. Furthermore, through the content of dreams in the group, traumatic war experiences of several of the group members were opened and discussed, which brought with it recollections of the traumatic life situations of other group members. In expressing a daydream, a female member of the group revealed the background for her behaviour which was earlier interpreted as a negative symptom of the illness


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    Work with dreams in the group analysis represents an important part of the analytical work, with insight into unconscious experiences of the individual dreamer, and his transferrential relations with the therapist, other members of the group, and with the group as a whole. The way dreams are addressed varies from one therapist to another, and in line with that, members of the group have varying frequency of dreams. In groups of psychotic patients dreams are generally rarely discussed and interpreted by the group, with analysis mainly resting on the manifested content. This paper describes a long-term group of psychotic patients which, after sharing the dreams of several members and daydreams of one female patient, their interpretation and reception in the group achieved better cohesion and improved communication and interaction, i.e. created a group matrix. Furthermore, through the content of dreams in the group, traumatic war experiences of several of the group members were opened and discussed, which brought with it recollections of the traumatic life situations of other group members. In expressing a daydream, a female member of the group revealed the background for her behaviour which was earlier interpreted as a negative symptom of the illness

    Sowing Systems as a Factor of Grain Yield in Sunflower Production

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati trogodišnjega istraživanja utjecaja sustava sjetve na prinos zrna, masu zrna po glavi, sklop i vlagu zrna jednoga srednje ranog hibrida suncokreta. Standardna sjetva obavljena je sijaćicom PSK OLT na razmak redova od 70 cm, dok je sjetva u udvojene redove obavljena sijaćicom MaterMacc Twin Row-2 na razmak redova od 22*48 cm. Obje sijaćice podešene su prema ISO standardu 7256/1 i 7256/2 s visokim QFI indeksom (PSK OLT: 96,32 %; MaterMacc Twin Row-2: 93,93 %). Istraživanje je obavljeno na pokušalištu Gorjani na psudogleju teksturne oznake praškaste ilovače, sa slabo kiselom reakcijom i malom količinom humusa. Analizom varijance utvrđena je statistička značajnost sustava sjetve na prinos zrna i masu zrna po glavi suncokreta. Sjetva u udvojene redove ostvarila je za sve tri godine istraživanja veće prinose zrna: za 19,59 % u 2017., 19,11 % u 2018. i 18,45 % u 2019. godini. Na sklop biljaka nisu statistički značajno utjecali sustavi sjetve i vegetacijske godine, a vlaga zrna bila je statistički značajno različita između analiziranih godina istraživanja.The paper presents the results of a triennial study of the sowing system influence on the yied, grain weight per head, plant set per ha and of the grain moisture of a medium-early sunflower hybrid . Standard sowing was performed with the PSK OLT sowing machine at a row spacing amounting to 70 cm, while a twin row sowing was performed with the MaterMacc Twin Row-2 sowing machine at a row spacing of 22*48 cm. Both sowing machines were adjusted according to the ISO standard 7256/1 and 7256/2, with a high QFI index (PSK OLT: 96.32 %; MaterMacc Twin Row-2: 93.93 %). The research was conducted at the Gorjani Experimental Field on psudogley bearing the textured markings of a silty loam, with a weak acid reaction and a small amount of humus. An analysis of variance determined a statistical significance of the sowing system on the grain yield and the grain mass per sunflower head. Sowing in twin rows achieved the higher yields for all three research years : 19.59% in 2017, 19.11% in 2018, and 18.45% in 2019. Plant density was not statistically significantly affected by the sowing systems and vegetation year, but the grain moisture was statistically significantly different between the analyzed research years

    Impact of sowing system in the five-year period on maize grain yield

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati utjecaja standardne sjetve i sjetve u udvojene redove tj. twin row tehnologije na prinos zrna kukuruza u Republici Hrvatskoj. Istraživanja su provedena od 2016. do 2020. godine na dva pokušališta: Jakšić (45°21\u2756,12"N i 17°47\u270,08"E) i pokušalište Lužani (45°09\u2707,8"N i 17°42\u2741,6"E). U istraživanju je provedena sjetva hibrida KWS 2370 (FAO 290) i KWS Smaragd (FAO 350) na razmak redova 70 cm, te u udvojene redove s razmakom 22 cm. Tijekom provođenja pokusa sjetvom u udvojene redove ostvaren je značajno veći prinos zrna (kg ha-1), ali s nešto većom vlagom zrna u vrijeme berbe. Najviši prinos zrna na pokušalištu Jakšić u standardnoj sjetvi zabilježen je 2016. godine od 12 180 kg ha-1 kod hibrida KWS 2370 iz FAO grupe 290 dok je u sjetvi u sustavu udvojenih redova ostvaren prosječni prinos zrna veći za 10,76 % u odnosu na standardnu sjetvu. Najniži zabilježeni prinosi zrna (kg ha-1) na istom pokušalištu ostvaren je u 2017. vegetacijskoj godini. Iste godine u tehnologiji udvojenih redova ostvaren je prinos zrna za 15,51 % veći u odnosu na standardnu sjetvu. Također u vegetacijskoj 2017. godini i na pokušalištu Lužani zabilježeni su najniži prosječni prinosi zrna u berbi pri čemu je sjetva u udvojene redove ostvarila povećanje prinosa od 12,03 % u odnosu na standardnu sjetvu. Kod sjetve hibrida KWS Smaragd najniži prinos zrna zabilježen je u 2016. godini s 10 450 kg ha-1, dok je prinos u udvojenim redovima iznosio 11 693 kg ha-1, pri čemu je zabilježena i najveća razlika između sustava sjetve od 11,89 % na pokušalištu Lužani. Sjetva u udvojene redove na oba pokušališta rezultirala je statistički značajnim razlikama za glavna svojstva istraživanja u svih pet vegetacijskih godina. Statistički značajne razlike uočene su i za svojstvo mase zrna po klipu kao i sadržaja vlage u zrnu. Nešto niža vrijednost vlage u zrnu u svih pet godina istraživanja zabilježena je u standardnoj sjetvi. Razlike ostvarenih sklopova na pokušalištima u vrijeme petogodišnjeg istraživanja nisu bile statistički značajne.The paper presents the results of the influence of standard and sowing in double rows, ie twin row technology on corn grain yield in the Republic of Croatia. The research was conducted from 2016. to 2020. at two experimental field Jakšić (45°21\u2756,12"N and 17°47\u270,08"E) and experimental field Lužani (45°09\u2707,8"N and 17°42\u2741,6 "E). The research was carried out by sowing hybrids KWS 2370 (FAO 290) and KWS Smaragd (FAO 350) in the standard way with a row spacing of 70 cm, and in double rows with a spacing of 22 cm. During the experiment by sowing in twin rows, a significantly higher grain yield of kg ha-1 was achieved, but with slightly higher grain moisture at harvest time. The highest yield at the experimental field Jakšić in standard sowing was recorded in 2016 of 12 180 kg ha-1 in hybrid KWS 2370 from FAO group 290 while in twin row sowing the average grain yield was higher by 10.76 % compared to standard sowing. The lowest recorded grain yield kg ha-1 at the same experimental field was achieved in the 2017 vegetation year. In the same year, in the twin row sowing, the grain yield was 15.51 % higher than in standard sowing. Also, in the vegetation year 2017 at the Lužani experimental field, the lowest average grain yield in the harvest was recorded, while sowing in twin rows achieved a yield increase of 12.03 % compared to standard sowing. When sowing KWS Smaragd hybrid, the lowest grain yield was recorded in 2016 with 10 450 kg ha-1, while the yield in twin rows was 11 693 kg ha-1 with the largest difference between the sowing systems of 11,89 % in the experimental field Lužani. Sowing in twin rows at both experimental sites resulted in statistically significant differences for the main study properties in all five vegetation years. Statistically significant differences were observed for the property of grain mass per cob as well as for the moisture content in the grain. A slightly lower value of grain moisture in all five years of research was recorded in standard sowing. The differences in the realized set of plants at the experimental field sites at the time of the five-year study were not statistically significant