97 research outputs found

    Large canyons in Dinaric and Prokletije mountains region of Montenegro

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    Montenegro occupies relatively small, southeastern part of the Dinaric mountains. Geological composition, which is predominantly carbonate, enabled formation of a great number of deep canyons and gorges. Canyons of Montenegro were formed in several ways, during multiple phases. Regardless of polygenetic and polymorphic character of the canyons, they can be classified into three main groups. By incision of melt-water rivers of Pleistocene glaciers, deep and particularly narrow canyons of small width were formed. The rivers that presently flow through these canyons have a nival regime - during the summer, their discharge is minimal, or they completely dry out. Depths of these canyons are up to 500 m. Rivers that directly feed into the Adriatic sea are of torrential character. They have pluvial regime, and dry out during the summer. Their canyons are short, several hundreds of meters deep. Deepest and longest canyons have been formed by incision of rivers that have changed their regimes during a longer period of time. Melt-water of Pleistocene glaciers has incised the greatest parts of canyons at the beginning of Holocene. Presently, river courses have nival-pluvial regime. In this group, single-phase and multiple-phase canyons can be distinguished (alteration of erosional and accumulation processes). Depths of these canyons exceed 1000 m

    Mathematical-geographical analysis of the orientation of St John's church of the Studenica monastery

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    Considering the fact that ecclesiastical rules do not precisely say that a church must be directed 'to the East' or 'to sunrise', it should always be checked if there is a connection between the orientation of a church and geometry of the Sun. In this paper, such examination is performed on the example of the church of St. John (the 13th century), one of four churches of the Studenica monastery, in the following way: 1) using gnomon method, the azimuth of the main longitudinal axis of the church is measured; 2) the altitude above the horizon of the point in which the extended axis of the church touches the true horizon is determined by cartometry; 3) the most probable dates when the Sun rises at that point are determined: May 7th according to Gregorian calendar, or April 30th according to Julian calendar, in the 13th century. The applied method is described in details and it can be applied for the analysis of the orientation of any other medieval church. This method can determine the time when the church was founded, as well as the fact if the church is original, or possibly erected on the foundations of some older sacral object

    'Živi' sunčani časovnik O.Š. 'Banović Strahinja'

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    Sundial has several schools in Serbia, but they still represent a rare means of teaching. All existing clocks are vertical, and only in elementary school 'Banović Strahinja' there is a horizontal or analematic clock. The clock was donated Geography University of Belgrade, and that was a gift as a part of the celebration of International Year of Astronomy. The advantage of this clock is that the gnomon (shadow launcher) is a student himself, so that is an excellent teaching tool. In this project of the construction and use of solar analematic clock can be hired many teachers from different subjects (geography, mathematics, physics, art education, and teachers of primary school). The obvious lessons to analematic clock guarantees teacher active participation of pupils. .Sunčane časovnike ima nekoliko škola u Srbiji ali oni i dalje predstavljaju retko nastavno sredstvo. Svi postojeći časovnici su vertikalni, a samo u O.Š. 'Banović Strahinja' postoji horizontalni ili analematski časovnik. Časovnik je donacija Geografskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, darovanog u sklopu proslave Međunarodne godine astronomije. Prednost ovog časovnika leži u tome što je gnomon (bacač senke) sam učenik, tako da predstavlja izvrsno nastavno sredstvo. Oko konstrukcije i upotrebe analematskog sunčanog časovnika može da bude angažovan veliki broj nastavnika iz različitih predmeta (geografije, matematike, fizike, likovnog vaspitanja, kao i nastavnici razredne nastave). Očigledna nastava na analematskom časovniku garantuje nastavniku aktivno učešće učenika i njihovo dobro raspoloženje na času.

    'Živi' sunčani časovnik O.Š. 'Banović Strahinja'

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    Sundial has several schools in Serbia, but they still represent a rare means of teaching. All existing clocks are vertical, and only in elementary school 'Banović Strahinja' there is a horizontal or analematic clock. The clock was donated Geography University of Belgrade, and that was a gift as a part of the celebration of International Year of Astronomy. The advantage of this clock is that the gnomon (shadow launcher) is a student himself, so that is an excellent teaching tool. In this project of the construction and use of solar analematic clock can be hired many teachers from different subjects (geography, mathematics, physics, art education, and teachers of primary school). The obvious lessons to analematic clock guarantees teacher active participation of pupils. .Sunčane časovnike ima nekoliko škola u Srbiji ali oni i dalje predstavljaju retko nastavno sredstvo. Svi postojeći časovnici su vertikalni, a samo u O.Š. 'Banović Strahinja' postoji horizontalni ili analematski časovnik. Časovnik je donacija Geografskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, darovanog u sklopu proslave Međunarodne godine astronomije. Prednost ovog časovnika leži u tome što je gnomon (bacač senke) sam učenik, tako da predstavlja izvrsno nastavno sredstvo. Oko konstrukcije i upotrebe analematskog sunčanog časovnika može da bude angažovan veliki broj nastavnika iz različitih predmeta (geografije, matematike, fizike, likovnog vaspitanja, kao i nastavnici razredne nastave). Očigledna nastava na analematskom časovniku garantuje nastavniku aktivno učešće učenika i njihovo dobro raspoloženje na času.

    Uticaj gustine zasnivanja na prinos krme žutog zvezdana gajenog za kombinovano korišćenje

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    Birdsfoot trefoil grown for seed (cv. Bokor) was examined in agroecological conditions of Western Serbia during period 2007-2009. The goal was to determine herbage yield which could be achieved growing seed crop, using different interrow spacing (12.5, 25 and 50 cm) and various seeding rates (2, 4 and 8 kg ha-1). The highest hay yield was obtained in the third production year at the narrowest spacing and using the highest seeding rate (5.26 t ha-1). Total hay production during 3 years using birdsfoot trefoil seed crop for herbage yield ranged from 9.11 to 14.83 t ha-1 depending on row spacing and from 10.74 to 13.2 t ha-1 depending on seeding rate. The highest stand density (8 kg ha-1 seeding rate and 12.5 cm interrow spacing) produced the highest herbage yield of birdsfoot trefoil in the combined usage (for forage and seed production).Žuti zvezdan za proizvodnju semena, sorte Bokor, ispitivan je u agroekološkim uslovima zapadne Srbije, u periodu 2007-2009. godine. Ispitivana je količina biomase koja se može dobiti gajenjem žutog zvezdana za seme, pri zasnivanju na različitom međurednom rastojanju (12,5, 25 i 50 cm) i sa različitom normom semena (2, 4 i 8 kg ha-1). Najveći prinosi sena ostvareni su u trećoj godini gajenja useva na najužem međurednom rastojanju od 12,5 cm (6,56 t ha-1) i pri najvećoj količini semena od 8 kg ha-1 (5,73 t ha-1). Ukupna produkcija sena u trogodišnjem periodu korišćenja semenskog useva žutog zvezdana bila je od 9,11 do 14,83 ha-1 u zavisnosti od međurednog rastojanja i od 10,74 do 13,20 ha-1 u zavisnosti od setvene norme. Žuti zvezdan u kombinovanom korišćenju (za seme i krmu) je imao najveći potencijal za prinos krme pri većoj gustini zasnivanja (8 kg ha-1 i 12,5 cm međuredno rastojanje)

    Speleoturizam u Srbiji - stanje i perspektive razvoja

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    The development of speleotourism in Serbia is connected to the postwar period. Up to 80-s of the 20-th century the most caves are decorated in terms of tourism. Speleotourism was not continually developing, and most of the objects were put in order between 1970 and 1980. During the following decades development of speleotourism stays on the same level, and even starts to move in the opposite direction. Many objects were devastated during these years and they lost its tourist function. During the last couple of years, some tourist caves that were active in tourist sense were reorganized, and there is an improvement in speleotourist offer. The goal of this study is to analyze all the problems that led to the present condition and determine directions for the development of speleotourism in the future.Razvoj speleoturizma u Srbiji vezuje se za posleratni period. Do osamdesetih godina XX veka turistički je uređen na veći broj pećina. Speleoturizam sa tada razvijao nekontinuirano, a većina objekata je uređena između 1970. i 1980. godine. Sledećih decenija razvoj speleoturizma ostaje na dostignutom nivou, pa čak kreće i u suprotnom pravcu. Mnogi objekti su tokom tih godina devastirani i izgubili su svoju turističku funkciju. Poslednjih godina dolazi do preuređenja nekih ranije aktivnih turističkih pećina i do oživljavanja speleoturističke ponude. Cilj ovog rada je da sagleda sve probleme koji su prouzrokovali sadašnje stanje i utvrdi pravce razvoja speleoturizma u budućnosti

    Primena Bolonjskog procesa na Geografskom fakultetu

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    Od oktobra 2007. godine na Geografskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu (u daljem tekstu Geografski fakultet) nastava se odvija po novom, reformisanom planu i programu. Ovaj plan i program je urađen sa ciljem da zadovolji kriterijume opisane u dokumentima koji podržavaju Bolonjski proces i rad na reformi Evropskog obrazovnog sistema. Naša država se, potpisivanjem Bolonjske deklaracije 2003. priključila reformi obrazovanja koja se odvijaju u Evropskoj Uniji i obavezala se da je izvrši do 2010. godine (grupa autora, 2001.).

    Pleistocena glacijacija gornjeg toka Veruše

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    Traces of the Pleistocene glaciation in high mountains of Montenegro were detected already at the end of 19th century. However, some of these mountains have not been investigated since then. Žijovo, together with Širokar and the upper flow of Veruša River, belongs to this group of mountains. In this article, the conclusions of earlier explorers are compared to the results of contemporary explorations. The upper flow of Veruša River was under the glacial cover during the last two Pleistocene phases. Glacial type is the Alpic one, but developed under specific circumstences - karst relief from the period before the glaciations caused the specific "karst" type of glaciations.Tragovi pleistocene glacijacije na visokim planinama Crne Gore su detektovani još krajem 19. veka. Ipak, na nekim od ovih planina od tada nisu rađena dodatna istraživanja. Žijovo sa Širokarem i gornjim tokom reke Veruše spada u takve planine. U ovom radu su upoređena stanovišta ranijih istraživača sa rezultatima savremenih istraživanja. Gornji tok reke Veruše je tokom poslednje faze pleistocena bio pod ledničkim pokrivačem alpskog tipa, ali razvijen pod specifičnim uslovima pošto je preglacijalni reljef bio kraški pa se razvio poseban "karstni" tip glacijacije

    Pleistocena glacijacija gornjeg toka Veruše

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    Traces of the Pleistocene glaciation in high mountains of Montenegro were detected already at the end of 19th century. However, some of these mountains have not been investigated since then. Žijovo, together with Širokar and the upper flow of Veruša River, belongs to this group of mountains. In this article, the conclusions of earlier explorers are compared to the results of contemporary explorations. The upper flow of Veruša River was under the glacial cover during the last two Pleistocene phases. Glacial type is the Alpic one, but developed under specific circumstences - karst relief from the period before the glaciations caused the specific "karst" type of glaciations.Tragovi pleistocene glacijacije na visokim planinama Crne Gore su detektovani još krajem 19. veka. Ipak, na nekim od ovih planina od tada nisu rađena dodatna istraživanja. Žijovo sa Širokarem i gornjim tokom reke Veruše spada u takve planine. U ovom radu su upoređena stanovišta ranijih istraživača sa rezultatima savremenih istraživanja. Gornji tok reke Veruše je tokom poslednje faze pleistocena bio pod ledničkim pokrivačem alpskog tipa, ali razvijen pod specifičnim uslovima pošto je preglacijalni reljef bio kraški pa se razvio poseban "karstni" tip glacijacije

    Aktivno-nastavni pristup na primeru obrade nastavne jedinice 'Poreklo i razvoj ljudske vrste'

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    Edukativna radionica zahteva od nastavnika posebnu pripremu ali je za razliku od frontalnog metoda nastave znatno učinkovitija. Učenicima ce omogućava da sami prođu kroz proces logičkog zaključivanja. Diskusijom sa nastavnikom učenici mogu da uvide koja su njihova razmišljanja bila ispravna a koja ne. Dakle, edukativne radionice imaju za cilj podsticanje saznajnog razvoja ali i socijalizaciju učenika (saradnja u timu, izražavanje svog stava, uvažavanje drugačijeg stava, veština dijaloga itd). Edukativne radionice još uvek nisu zastupljene u dovoljnoj meri u našim školama. Pošto osim volje i nešto materijalnih sredstava, nema većih prepreka za primenu ove metode ostaje na nastavnicima da prilagode ovu metodu sadašnjim mogućnostima i da je primene u praksi