Pleistocena glacijacija gornjeg toka Veruše


Traces of the Pleistocene glaciation in high mountains of Montenegro were detected already at the end of 19th century. However, some of these mountains have not been investigated since then. Žijovo, together with Širokar and the upper flow of Veruša River, belongs to this group of mountains. In this article, the conclusions of earlier explorers are compared to the results of contemporary explorations. The upper flow of Veruša River was under the glacial cover during the last two Pleistocene phases. Glacial type is the Alpic one, but developed under specific circumstences - karst relief from the period before the glaciations caused the specific "karst" type of glaciations.Tragovi pleistocene glacijacije na visokim planinama Crne Gore su detektovani još krajem 19. veka. Ipak, na nekim od ovih planina od tada nisu rađena dodatna istraživanja. Žijovo sa Širokarem i gornjim tokom reke Veruše spada u takve planine. U ovom radu su upoređena stanovišta ranijih istraživača sa rezultatima savremenih istraživanja. Gornji tok reke Veruše je tokom poslednje faze pleistocena bio pod ledničkim pokrivačem alpskog tipa, ali razvijen pod specifičnim uslovima pošto je preglacijalni reljef bio kraški pa se razvio poseban "karstni" tip glacijacije

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