185 research outputs found

    A discourse-based approach to verb placement in early West-Germanic

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    The paper presents a novel approach to explaining word order variation in the early Germanic languages. Initial observations about verb placement as a device marking types of rhetorical relations made on data from Old High German (cf. Hinterhölzl & Petrova 2005) are now reconsidered on a larger scale and compared with evidence from other early Germanic languages. The paper claims that the identification of information-structural domains in a sentence is best achieved by taking into account the interaction between the pragmatic features of discourse referents and properties of discourse organization

    Vladislav Ardzinba – the first president of Abkhazia (biographical sketch

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    The article is a biographical sketch, telling about the first president of Abkhazia Vladislav Ardzinba, who was one of the originators of Abkhazia independence and new political elite formation

    Caucasus Geopolitics: Modern Trends Conflicts and Development

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    The article studies major trends of Caucasus geopolitical situation development in terms of modern global politics, indicates major parties, settling conflicts in the region and their immediate interests in the Caucasus

    Geoethnopolitical Aspect of the Caucasus Development in terms of Sochi Preparation for Winter Olympic Games

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    The article is concerned with geopolitical problems within the Caucasus Region in terms of modern regional processes, indicates major features of the region and their impact on Sochi preparation for Winter Olympic Games

    Diskurspragmatische Faktoren für Topikalität und Verbstellung in der ahd. Tatianübersetzung (9. Jh.)

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    The paper presents work in progress on the interaction between information structure and word order in Old High German based on data from the Tatian translation (9th century). The examination of the position of the finite verb in correspondence with the pragmatic status of discourse referents reveals an overall tendency for verb-initial order in thetic/all-focus sentences, whereas in categorical / topic-comment sentences verb-second placement with an initial topic constituent is preferred. This conclusion provides support for the hypothesis stated in Donhauser & Hinterhölzl (2003) that the finite verb form in Early Germanic serves to distinguish the information-structural domains of Topic and Focus. Finally, the investigation sheds light on the process of language change that led to the overall spread of verb-second in main clauses of modern German

    Ethno-cultural component in Sochi residents’ geopolitical consciousness

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    The article concerns crucial issues of Sochi residents’ political consciousness features formation in the context of toleration and interethnic dialog development, analyses factors, having effect on cultures interpenetration in Sochi politics

    Semióticas da ficção no ensino do Russo como língua estrangeira

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    One of the conditions for the spread of the Russian language is the education of foreign students in Russian universities. Consequently, the search for new approaches to teaching Russian as a foreign language becomes relevant. Practice has shown that literature is a guide to understanding the characteristics of the Russian language and the development of oral speech. The object of the study is a literary text in the system of teaching the Russian language. The purpose of this work is to search for the effective forms and methods of teaching foreign students the Russian language on the basis of literary text. The results of the study showed that the most effective form of training is the use of educational technologies based on practice-oriented aspects of semiotics. On the material of the Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" the technique of working with literary text is shown.Una de las condiciones para la difusión del idioma ruso es la educación de estudiantes extranjeros en universidades rusas. En consecuencia, la búsqueda de nuevos enfoques para la enseñanza del ruso como lengua extranjera cobra relevancia. La práctica ha demostrado que la literatura es una guía para comprender las características del idioma ruso y el desarrollo del habla oral. El objeto del estudio es un texto literario en el sistema de enseñanza del idioma ruso. El propósito de este trabajo es buscar formas y métodos efectivos de enseñar a los estudiantes extranjeros el idioma ruso sobre la base de un texto literario. Los resultados del estudio mostraron que la forma más eficaz de formación es el uso de tecnologías educativas basadas en aspectos de la semiótica orientados a la práctica. En el material del poema "Dead Souls" de Gogol se muestra la técnica de trabajar con texto literario.Uma das condições para a difusão da língua russa é a educação de estudantes estrangeiros em universidades russas. Consequentemente, a busca por novas abordagens para o ensino do russo como língua estrangeira torna-se relevante. A prática tem mostrado que a literatura é um guia para a compreensão das características da língua russa e do desenvolvimento da fala oral. O objeto de estudo é um texto literário no sistema de ensino da língua russa. O objetivo deste trabalho é pesquisar as formas e métodos eficazes de ensino da língua russa a alunos estrangeiros com base no texto literário. Os resultados do estudo mostraram que a forma mais eficaz de treinamento é a utilização de tecnologias educacionais baseadas em aspectos da semiótica orientados para a prática. No material do poema de Gogol "Dead Souls" é mostrada a técnica de trabalhar com texto literário

    Carbon composite electrode for potentiometric determination of silver (I)

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    The possibilities of carbon composite electrode (CCE) as the sensor for potentiometric determination of Ag(I) were investigated. The conditions for potentiometric titration of silver (reagents, pH, supporting electrolyte and working concentration range) using the sensor have been studied and optimized. The precipitation titration curves were processed by the linearization method. The CCE, in comparison with conventional silver electrode is polyfunctional, and it has a lower cost and better performance

    Digital advantages for the construction industry

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    Currently, the digital transformation is recognized as a source of many potential effects for the business organization from all sectors of the economy. The purpose of this study is to identify and highlight the possible advantages of the application of digital technologies in the construction sector. A scientometric analysis of the existing literature is performed. The scope of the study is given from three perspectives through three search criteria - digitalization, big data, and forecasting. A total of 2371 articles are abstracted. Then, the extracted data is visualized through Vosviewer software tool. The growth of publications increases significantly over the last decade. The results illustrate that the digitalization in the construction sector affect all aspects of construction projects, with the strongest impact on the architecture design and building information modelling. Big data in construction is associated with the data storage, data analytics and information management, during the whole life of the buildings. The third search criterion shows that construction companies most often forecast the total costs using regression analysis, machine learning algorithms, artificial neural networks, etc The research findings could support decision makers and practitioners with-depth understanding for the possible advantages of digital technologies in the construction industry. The current study is part of a larger project called "Digitalization of Economy in a Big Data Environment" BG05M2OP001-1.002-0002-C02