774 research outputs found

    Metallic multilayers for X-band Bragg reflector applications

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    We present a structural and high frequency (8.72GHz) electrical characterization of sputter deposited Ti/W, Ti/Ru and Mo/Ti metallic multilayers for potential application as acoustic Bragg reflectors. We prove that all metallic multilayers comprised of different acoustic impedance metals such as Ti, W, Mo are promising candidates for Bragg reflector/bottom electrode in full X-band thin film acoustic resonators. Values for high frequency resistivity of the order of 10−8ohm.m10^{-8} ohm.m are measured by use of a contact-free/non-invasive sheet resistance method

    Growth of Epitaxial Oxide Thin Films on Graphene

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    The transfer process of graphene onto the surface of oxide substrates is well known. However, for many devices, we require high quality oxide thin films on the surface of graphene. This step is not understood. It is not clear why the oxide should adopt the epitaxy of the underlying oxide layer when it is deposited on graphene where there is no lattice match. To date there has been no explanation or suggestion of mechanisms which clarify this step. Here we show a mechanism, supported by first principles simulation and structural characterisation results, for the growth of oxide thin films on graphene. We describe the growth of epitaxial SrTiO3 (STO) thin films on a graphene and show that local defects in the graphene layer (e.g. grain boundaries) act as bridgepillar spots that enable the epitaxial growth of STO thin films on the surface of the graphene layer. This study, and in particular the suggestion of a mechanism for epitaxial growth of oxides on graphene, offers new directions to exploit the development of oxide/graphene multilayer structures and devices

    The effect of fission-energy Xe ion irradiation on the structural integrity and dissolution of the CeO2_2 matrix

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    © 2016 The Authors.This work considers the effect of fission fragment damage on the structural integrity and dissolution of the CeO₂ matrix in water, as a simulant for the UO₂ matrix of spent nuclear fuel. For this purpose, thin films of CeO₂ on Si substrates were produced and irradiated by 92 MeV 129Xe23+ ions to a fluence of 4.8 × 1015 ions/cm2 to simulate fission damage that occurs within nuclear fuels along with bulk CeO₂ samples. The irradiated and unirradiated samples were characterised and a static batch dissolution experiment was conducted to study the effect of the induced irradiation damage on dissolution of the CeO₂ matrix. Complex restructuring took place in the irradiated films and the irradiated samples showed an increase in the amount of dissolved cerium, as compared to the corresponding unirradiated samples. Secondary phases were also observed on the surface of the irradiated CeO₂ films after the dissolution experiment.The irradiation experiment was performed at the Grand AccĂ©lĂ©rateur National d’Ions Lourds (GANIL) Caen, France, and supported by the French Network EMIR. The support in planning and execution of the experiment by the CIMAP-CIRIL and the GANIL staff, especially, I. Monnet, C. Grygiel, T. Madi and F. Durantel is much appreciated. Thanks are given to I. Buisman and M. Walker from the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge for help in conducting electron probe microanalysis and polishing the samples, respectively. A.J. Popel acknowledges funding from the UK EPSRC (grant EP/I036400/1 and EP/L018616/1) and Radioactive Waste Management Ltd (formerly the Radioactive Waste Management Directorate of the UK Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, contract NPO004411A-EPS02)

    Obtaining strong ferromagnetism in diluted Gd-doped ZnO thin films through controlled Gd-defect complexes

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    We demonstrate the fabrication of reproducible long-range ferromagnetism (FM) in highly crystalline Gdx Zn 1−xO thin films by controlling the defects. Films are grown on lattice-matched substrates by pulsed laser deposition at low oxygen pressures (≀25 mTorr) and low Gd concentrations (x ≀ 0.009). These films feature strong FM (10 ΌB per Gd atom) at room temperature. While films deposited at higher oxygen pressure do not exhibit FM, FM is recovered by post-annealing these films under vacuum. These findings reveal the contribution of oxygen deficiency defects to the long-range FM. We demonstrate the possible FM mechanisms, which are confirmed by density functional theory study, and show that Gd dopants are essential for establishing FM that is induced by intrinsic defects in these films

    Ferroelectric thin film acoustic devices with electrical multiband switching ability

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    Design principles of a new class of microwave thin film bulk acoustic resonators with multiband resonance frequency switching ability are presented. The theory of the excitation of acoustic eigenmodes in multilayer ferroelectric structures is considered, and the principle of selectivity for resonator with an arbitrary number of ferroelectric layers is formulated. A so called “criterion function” is suggested that allows to determine the conditions for effective excitation at one selected resonance mode with suppression of other modes. The proposed theoretical approach is verifiedusing thepreexisting experimental data published elsewhere. Finally, the possible application of the two ferroelectric layers structures for switchable microwave overtone resonators, binary and quadrature phase-shift keying modulators are discussed. These devices could play a pivotal role in the miniaturization of microwave front-end antenna circuits

    Toward fabrication of devices based on graphene/oxide multilayers

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    Owing to its high electrical conductivity, low density, and flexibility, graphene has great potential for use as a building block in a wide range of applications from nanoelectronics to biosensing and high-frequency devices. For many device applications, it is required to deposit dielectric materials on graphene at high temperatures and in ambient oxygen. This has been proven to be highly challenging because these conditions cause significant degradation in graphene. In this work, we investigate the degradation of graphene at elevated temperatures in an oxygen atmosphere and possible protection mechanisms to enable the growth of oxide thin films on graphene at higher temperatures. We show that coating graphene with self-assembled monolayers of hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) prior to a high-temperature deposition can significantly reduce the damage induced. Furthermore, a graphene sample treated with HMDS displayed a weaker doping effect due to weak interaction with oxygen species than bare graphene, and a much slower rate of electrical resistance degradation was exhibited during annealing. Thus, it is a promising approach that could enable the deposition of metal oxide materials on graphene at high temperatures without significant degradation in graphene quality, which is critical for a wide range of applications

    Multiphase strontium molybdate thin films for plasmonic local heating applications

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    In the search for alternative plasmonic materials SrMoO3 has recently been identified as possessing a number of desirable optical properties. Owing to the requirement for many plasmonic devices to operate at elevated temperatures however, it is essential to characterize the degradation of these properties upon heating. Here, SrMoO3 thin films are annealed in air at temperatures ranging from 75 - 500{\deg} C. Characterizations by AFM, XRD, and spectroscopic ellipsometry after each anneal identify a loss of metallic behaviour after annealing at 500{\deg} C, together with the underlying mechanism. Moreover, it is shown that by annealing the films in nitrogen following deposition, an additional crystalline phase of SrMoO4 is induced at the film surface, which suppresses oxidation at elevated temperatures

    Temperature stability of thin film refractory plasmonic materials

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    Materials such as W, TiN, and SrRuO3 (SRO) have been suggested as promising alternatives to Au and Ag in plasmonic applications owing to their stability at high operational temperatures. However, investigation of the reproducibility of the optical properties after thermal cycling between room and elevated temperatures is so far lacking. Here, thin films of W, Mo, Ti, TiN, TiON, Ag, Au, SrRuO3 and SrNbO3 are investigated to assess their viability for robust refractory plasmonic applications. These results are further compared to the performance of SrMoO3 reported in literature. Films ranging in thickness from 50 to 105 nm are deposited on MgO, SrTiO3 and Si substrates by e-beam evaporation, RF magnetron sputtering and pulsed laser deposition, prior to characterisation by means of AFM, XRD, spectroscopic ellipsometry, and DC resistivity. Measurements are conducted before and after annealing in air at temperatures ranging from 300 to 1000° C for one hour, to establish the maximum cycling temperature and potential longevity at elevated temperatures for each material. It is found that SrRuO3 retains metallic behaviour after annealing at 800° C, while SrNbO3 undergoes a phase transition resulting in a loss of metallic behaviour after annealing at 400° C. Importantly, the optical properties of TiN and TiON are degraded as a result of oxidation and show a loss of metallic behaviour after annealing at 500° C, while the same is not observed in Au until annealing at 600° C. Nevertheless, both TiN and TiON may be better suited than Au or SRO for high temperature applications operating under vacuum conditions

    IR hot carrier based photodetection in titanium nitride oxide thin film-Si junctions

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    Hot carrier based methods constitute a valuable approach for efficient and silicon compatible sub-bandgap photodetection. Although, hot electron excitation and transfer have been studied extensively on traditional materials such as Au and Ti, reports on alternative materials such as titanium nitride (TiN) are rare. Here, we perform hot hole photodetection measurements on a p-Si/metal thin film junction using Ti, Au and TiN. This material is of interest as it constitutes a refractory alternative to Au which is an important property for plasmonic applications where high field intensities can occur. In contrast to Au, a TiN/Si junction does not suffer from metal diffusion into the Si, which eases the integration with current Si-fabrication techniques. This work shows that a backside illuminated p-Si/TiN system can be used for efficient hot hole extraction in the IR, allowing for a responsivity of 1 mA/W at an excitation wavelength of 1250 nm and at zero bias. Via a comparison between TiN and other commonly used materials such as Au, the origin of this comparably high photoresponse can be traced back to be directly linked to a thin TiO2-x interfacial layer allowing for a distinct hot-hole transfer mechanism. Moreover, the fabrication of TiN nanodisk arrays is demonstrated which bears great promise to further boost the device efficiency
