31 research outputs found

    Tumor-infiltrating B lymphocytes as an efficient source of highly specific immunoglobulins recognizing tumor cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is much evidence that tumor cells elicit a humoral immune response in patients. In most cases, the presence of antibodies in peripheral blood is detected only in small proportion of patients with tumors overexpressing the corresponding antigen. In the present study, we analyzed the significance of local humoral response provided by tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in breast cancer patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The ability of a patient's immune system to produce specific antibodies inside tumor tissue, capable of recognizing tumor cells, was explored through analysis of the oligoclonality of antibodies derived from tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and construction of a series of recombinant antibody libraries in scFv format, derived from breast tumor-infiltrating B lymphocytes. These libraries and one from peripheral blood lymphocytes of a single breast cancer patient were panned against three purified surface tumor antigens, such as CEA, MUC1 and ED-B domain, and against intact MCF7 breast carcinoma cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Application of novel display vector, pKM19, allowed isolation of a large panel of breast cancer-specific antibodies against known tumor antigens, as well as against breast carcinoma cells. Reactivity of novel scFvs was confirmed by ELISA, immunohistochemistry, fluorescence staining and flow cytometry. We demonstrated that seven of ten primary breast tumor specimens, obtained using discarded surgical material, could be exploited as an appropriate source for generation of phage display libraries, giving highly specific antitumor antibodies which recognize heterologous tumor cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Local humoral immune response within tumor tissue in breast cancer patients frequently has an oligoclonal character. Efficient selection of specific antitumor antibodies from recombinant antibody libraries, derived from such oligoclonal tumor-infiltrated B lymphocytes, indicates the presence of natural immune response against tumor antigens in these patients. The described method is very promising for development of antitumor antibodies, potentially useful for diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.</p

    Synthesis and preliminary in vitro evaluation of DOTA-Tenatumomab conjugates for theranostic applications in tenascin expressing tumors

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    Tenatumomab is an anti-tenascin murine monoclonal antibody previously used in clinical trials for delivering radionuclides to tumors by both pre-targeting (biotinylated Tenatumomab within PAGRIT) and direct 131Iodine labeling approaches. Here we present the synthesis and in vitro characterization of three Tenatumomab conjugates to bifunctional chelating agents (NHS-DOTA, NCS-DOTA and NCS-DTPA). Results indicate ST8198AA1 (Tenatumomab-DOTAMA, derived by conjugation of NHS-DOTA), as the most promising candidate in terms of conjugation rate and yield, stability, antigen immunoreactivity and affinity. Labeling efficiency of the different chelators was investigated with a panel of cold metals indicating DOTAMA as the best chelator. Labeling of Tenatumomab-DOTAMA was then optimized with several metals and stability performed confirms suitability of this conjugate for further development. ST8198AA1 represents an improvement of the previous antibody forms because the labeling with radionuclides like 177Lu or 64Cu would allow theranostic applications in patients bearing tenascin expressing tumors

    OXavidin for Tissue Targeting Biotinylated Therapeutics

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    Avidin is a glycoprotein from hen egg white that binds biotin with very high affinity. Here we describe OXavidin, a product containing aldehyde groups, obtained by ligand-assisted sugar oxidation of avidin by sodium periodate. OXavidin chemically reacts with cellular and tissue proteins through Schiff's base formation thus residing in tissues for weeks while preserving the biotin binding capacity. The long tissue residence of OXavidin as well as that of OXavidin/biotinylated agent complex occurs in normal and neoplastic tissues and immunohistochemistry shows a strong and homogenous stromal localization. Once localized in tissue/tumor, OXavidin becomes an “artificial receptor” for intravenous injected biotin allowing tumor targeting with biotinylated therapeutics like radioisotopes or toxins. Moreover, present data also suggest that OXavidin might be useful for the homing of biotinylated cells. Overall, OXavidin exhibits a remarkable potential for many different therapeutic applications

    Selection, affinity maturation, and characterization of a human scFv antibody against CEA protein

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    BACKGROUND: CEA is a tumor-associated antigen abundantly expressed on several cancer types, including those naturally refractory to chemotherapy. The selection and characterization of human anti-CEA single-chain antibody fragments (scFv) is a first step toward the construction of new anticancer monoclonal antibodies designed for optimal blood clearance and tumor penetration. METHODS: The human MA39 scFv, selected for its ability to recognize a CEA epitope expressed on human colon carcinomas, was first isolated from a large semi-synthetic ETH-2 antibody phage library, panned on human purified CEA protein. Subsequently, by in vitro mutagenesis of a gene encoding for the scFv MA39, a new library was established, and new scFv antibodies with improved affinity towards the CEA cognate epitope were selected and characterized. RESULTS: The scFv MA39 antibody was affinity-maturated by in vitro mutagenesis and the new scFv clone, E8, was isolated, typed for CEA family member recognition and its CEACAM1, 3 and 5 shared epitope characterized for expression in a large panel of human normal and tumor tissues and cells. CONCLUSION: The binding affinity of the scFv E8 is in a range for efficient, in vivo, antigen capture in tumor cells expressing a shared epitope of the CEACAM1, 3 and 5 proteins. This new immunoreagent meets all criteria for a potential anticancer compound: it is human, hence poorly or not at all immunogenic, and it binds selectively and with good affinity to the CEA epitope expressed by metastatic melanoma and colon and lung carcinomas. Furthermore, its small molecular size should provide for efficient tissue penetration, yet give rapid plasma clearance

    Chemical Linkage to Injected Tissues Is a Distinctive Property of Oxidized Avidin

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    We recently reported that the oxidized avidin, named AvidinOX®, resides for weeks within injected tissues as a consequence of the formation of Schiff's bases between its aldehyde groups and tissue protein amino groups. We also showed, in a mouse pre-clinical model, the usefulness of AvidinOX for the delivery of radiolabeled biotin to inoperable tumors. Taking into account that AvidinOX is the first oxidized glycoprotein known to chemically link to injected tissues, we tested in the mouse a panel of additional oxidized glycoproteins, with the aim of investigating the phenomenon. We produced oxidized ovalbumin and mannosylated streptavidin which share with avidin glycosylation pattern and tetrameric structure, respectively and found that neither of them linked significantly to cells in vitro nor to injected tissues in vivo, despite the presence of functional aldehyde groups. The study, extended to additional oxidized glycoproteins, showed that the in vivo chemical conjugation is a distinctive property of the oxidized avidin. Relevance of the high cationic charge of avidin into the stable linkage of AvidinOX to tissues is demonstrated as the oxidized acetylated avidin lost the property. Plasmon resonance on matrix proteins and cellular impedance analyses showed in vitro that avidin exhibits a peculiar interaction with proteins and cells that allows the formation of highly stable Schiff's bases, after oxidation

    Postmarketing observational study on the safety of 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 influenza vaccination campaigns in Italy: TheShinISS-Vax|Flu study protocol

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    Introduction The purpose of TheShinISS-Vax|Flu study is to examine the association between influenza vaccines and adverse events requiring hospital admission or emergency care during the influenza vaccination campaigns 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 in Italy.Methods and analysis This is a Self-Controlled Case Series multiregional study using linked routinely collected data from regional healthcare databases of the participating regions. Study participants will be persons aged ≥6 months, unvaccinated or who have received influenza vaccine during the influenza vaccination campaigns in the seasons 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 in Italy and who have experienced the outcome of interest for the first time during the study period (1 September 2021–30 June 2022 and 1 September 2022–30 June 2023 for the first and second vaccination campaigns, respectively). Risk periods will be specifically defined for each outcome and further subdivided into periods of 7 days. The exposures will be the first or second dose of the influenza vaccines administered during the two vaccination campaigns. Statistical analysis will be conducted separately for the data of the two campaigns. Exposure risk period will be compared with baseline risk period defined as any time of observation out of the risk periods. The modified SCCS method will be applied to handle event-dependent exposure and mortality and fitted using unbiased estimating equations to estimate relative incidences and excess of cases per 100 000 vaccinated by dose, age, sex and type of vaccine. Calendar period will be included as time-varying confounder in the model, where appropriate.Ethics and dissemination The study received the approval from the National ethics committee for clinical trials of public research bodies and other national public institutions (PRE BIO CE n.0036723, 23/09/2022). Results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and reports in accordance with the publication policies of the Italian National Institute of Health and of the Italian Medicines Agency

    Disentangling a Thorny Issue: Myocarditis and Pericarditis Post COVID-19 and Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines

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    Considering the clinical significance for myocarditis and pericarditis after immunization with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, the present pharmacovigilance study aimed to describe these events reported with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). From 1990 to July 2021, the mRNA vaccines were the most common suspected vaccines related to suspected cases of myocarditis and/or pericarditis (myocarditis: N = 1,165; 64.0%; pericarditis: N = 743; 55.1%), followed by smallpox vaccines (myocarditis: N = 222; 12.2%; pericarditis: N = 200; 14.8%). We assessed all suspected cases through the case definition and classification of the Brighton Collaboration Group, and only definitive, probable, and possible cases were included in the analysis. Our findings suggested that myocarditis and pericarditis mostly involve young male, especially after the second dose with a brief time to onset. Nevertheless, this risk is lower (0.38/100,000 vaccinated people; 95% CI 0.36-0.40) than the risk of developing myocarditis after SARS-CoV-2 infection (1000-4000 per 100,000 people) and the risk of developing "common" viral myocarditis (1-10 per 100,000 people/year). Comparing with the smallpox vaccine, for which is already well known the association with myocarditis and pericarditis, our analysis showed a lower probability of reporting myocarditis (ROR 0.12, 95% CI 0.10-0.14) and pericarditis (ROR 0.06, 95% CI 0.05-0.08) following immunization with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines

    Therapeutic use of avidin is not hampered by antiavidin antibodies in humans

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    Hen egg white avidin is increasingly used in the clinic as part of multifactor treatments such as pretargeted radionuclide therapy of cancer or as an antidote of biotinylated drugs. Taking into account that naturally occurring human antiavidin antibodies (HAVA) are common in humans, the present work investigates avidin immunogenicity as part of risk/benefit evaluations. Sera from 139 oncology patients naive to avidin were confirmed to exhibit HAVA with lognormally distributed titers. HAVA were boosted after avidin treatment, with no correlation with the avidin dose or with the basal titer. No antibody-related clinical symptoms were observed in 21 HAVA-positive patients treated with avidin. In mouse models, high mouse antiavidin antibody titers, induced to simulate the worst human condition, neither reduced the biotin uptake of intratissue-injected avidin nor affected the capacity of intravenously injected avidin to clear a biotinylated drug from circulation. In both models the avidin treatment was well tolerated. Results indicate that avidin immunogenicity does not affect its safety and efficacy, thus encouraging its further use in clinical applications. Copyright 2010, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc