6 research outputs found

    Commentary on a combined approach to the problem of developing biomarkers for the prediction of spontaneous preterm labor that leads to preterm birth

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    INTRODUCTION: Globally, preterm birth has replaced congenital malformation as the major cause of perinatal mortality and morbidity. The reduced rate of congenital malformation was not achieved through a single biophysical or biochemical marker at a specific gestational age, but rather through a combination of clinical, biophysical and biochemical markers at different gestational ages. Since the aetiology of spontaneous preterm birth is also multifactorial, it is unlikely that a single biomarker test, at a specific gestational age will emerge as the definitive predictive test. METHODS: The Biomarkers Group of PREBIC, comprising clinicians, basic scientists and other experts in the field, with a particular interest in preterm birth have produced this commentary with short, medium and long-term aims: i) to alert clinicians to the advances that are being made in the prediction of spontaneous preterm birth; ii) to encourage clinicians and scientists to continue their efforts in this field, and not to be disheartened or nihilistic because of a perceived lack of progress and iii) to enable development of novel interventions that can reduce the mortality and morbidity associated with preterm birth. RESULTS: Using language that we hope is clear to practising clinicians, we have identified 11 Sections in which there exists the potential, feasibility and capability of technologies for candidate biomarkers in the prediction of spontaneous preterm birth and how current limitations to this research might be circumvented. DISCUSSION: The combination of biophysical, biochemical, immunological, microbiological, fetal cell, exosomal, or cell free RNA at different gestational ages, integrated as part of a multivariable predictor model may be necessary to advance our attempts to predict sPTL and PTB. This will require systems biological data using “omics” data and artificial intelligence/machine learning to manage the data appropriately. The ultimate goal is to reduce the mortality and morbidity associated with preterm birth

    National report on the status and prospects of educational development in Ukraine: monograph (On the 30th anniversary of the independence of Ukraine)

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    Die Publikation enthält eine umfassende Analyse des Standes und der Entwicklung des nationalen Bildungswesens in den 30 Jahren der Unabhängigkeit der Ukraine. Sie zeigt aktuelle Probleme im Bildungswesen auf, identifiziert deren Ursachen und bietet wissenschaftlich fundierte Wege zur Modernisierung des nationalen Bildungswesens im Kontext von Globalisierung, europäischer Integration, innovativer Entwicklung und nationaler Identität. Es richtet sich an Gesetzgeber, Regierungsbeamte, Leiter von Bildungseinrichtungen, pädagogische und wissenschaftlich-pädagogische Fachkräfte, die breite Öffentlichkeit und alle, die sich für die Verbesserung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des ukrainischen Bildungswesens im Kontext des zivilisatorischen Wandels einsetzen.Видання містить комплексний аналіз стану та розвитку національної системи освіти за 30 років незалежності України. Показано актуальні проблеми в системі освіти, визначено їх причини та запропоновано науково обґрунтовані шляхи модернізації національної системи освіти в умовах глобалізації, євроінтеграції, інноваційного розвитку та національної ідентичності. Розраховано на законодавців, державних службовців, керівників навчальних закладів, педагогів і науково-освітніх працівників, широку громадськість та всіх, хто працює над підвищенням конкурентоспроможності української системи освіти в контексті цивілізаційних змін.The publication contains a comprehensive analysis of the status and development of the national education system during the 30 years of Ukraine's independence. It shows current problems in the education system, identifies their causes and offers scientifically sound ways to modernize the national education system in the context of globalization, European integration, innovative development and national identity. It is intended for legislators, government officials, heads of educational institutions, pedagogical and scientific-educational professionals, the general public and everyone working to improve the competitiveness of the Ukrainian education system in the context of civilizational change

    Erratum: International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium report, data summary of 43 countries for 2007-2012. Device-associated module (American Journal of Infection Control (2014) 42 (942-956))

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