5 research outputs found

    Resistance screening against the South American tomato pinworm (Tuta absoluta) in tomato by means of a simple bioessay

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    Se describe un bioensayo en invern谩culo para evaluar poblaciones segregantes de tomate para la resistencia a la polilla del tomate (Tuta absoluta Meyrick = Scrobipalpuloides absoluta Meyrick). Se evaluaron dos cultivares de Lycopersicon esculentum y tres accesiones silvestres del g茅nero Lycopersicon. Se infestaron hojas j贸venes completamente expandidas de plantas adultas cultivadas en macetas en invern谩culo, con hojas de tomate que llevaban larvas neonatas de polilla. El grado de infestaci贸n se evalu贸 a los 7, 14 y 21 d铆as despu茅s de iniciado el bioensayo. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre plantas dentro de genotipos. Se encontraron diferencias altamente significativas entre genotipos a los 21 d铆as. La heredabilidad en sentido amplio del grado de infestaci贸n a los 21 d铆as fue de 0,95 lo que demuestra su alta repetibilidad. Se concluye que el bioensayo es simple, altamente repetible y permite discriminar entre plantas resistentes y susceptibles en grandes poblaciones segregantes en el invern谩culo y en el campo.A greenhouse bioessay is described for screening resistance against the South American tomato pinworm (Tuta absoluta Meyrick = Scrobipalpuloides absoluta Meyrick) in large tomato populations. Two L. esculentum cultivars and three wild Lycopersicon accessions were evaluated. Young fully expanded leaves of adult plants grown in pots were infested using young tomato leaves carrying neonate larvae. The infestation rate was evaluated 7, 14 and 21 days after the infestation. No differences were found between plants within genotypes. Highly significant differences between genotypes were found twenty one days after the infestation date. The broadsense heritability of the infestation rate at twenty one days was 0.95, indicating the high reproducibility of the bioessay. The current results show that the bioessay is simple, highly reproducible and it allows the discrimination between resistant and susceptible plants in large segregating populations, both in the greenhouse and in the field.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Resistance screening against the South American tomato pinworm (Tuta absoluta) in tomato by means of a simple bioessay

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    Se describe un bioensayo en invern谩culo para evaluar poblaciones segregantes de tomate para la resistencia a la polilla del tomate (Tuta absoluta Meyrick = Scrobipalpuloides absoluta Meyrick). Se evaluaron dos cultivares de Lycopersicon esculentum y tres accesiones silvestres del g茅nero Lycopersicon. Se infestaron hojas j贸venes completamente expandidas de plantas adultas cultivadas en macetas en invern谩culo, con hojas de tomate que llevaban larvas neonatas de polilla. El grado de infestaci贸n se evalu贸 a los 7, 14 y 21 d铆as despu茅s de iniciado el bioensayo. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre plantas dentro de genotipos. Se encontraron diferencias altamente significativas entre genotipos a los 21 d铆as. La heredabilidad en sentido amplio del grado de infestaci贸n a los 21 d铆as fue de 0,95 lo que demuestra su alta repetibilidad. Se concluye que el bioensayo es simple, altamente repetible y permite discriminar entre plantas resistentes y susceptibles en grandes poblaciones segregantes en el invern谩culo y en el campo.A greenhouse bioessay is described for screening resistance against the South American tomato pinworm (Tuta absoluta Meyrick = Scrobipalpuloides absoluta Meyrick) in large tomato populations. Two L. esculentum cultivars and three wild Lycopersicon accessions were evaluated. Young fully expanded leaves of adult plants grown in pots were infested using young tomato leaves carrying neonate larvae. The infestation rate was evaluated 7, 14 and 21 days after the infestation. No differences were found between plants within genotypes. Highly significant differences between genotypes were found twenty one days after the infestation date. The broadsense heritability of the infestation rate at twenty one days was 0.95, indicating the high reproducibility of the bioessay. The current results show that the bioessay is simple, highly reproducible and it allows the discrimination between resistant and susceptible plants in large segregating populations, both in the greenhouse and in the field.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    2-tridecanone content and resistence to Tuta absoluta Meyrick and Tetranychus urticae Koch in tomato

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    La polilla del tomate y la ara帽uela roja constituyen dos plagas importantes del tomate cultivado (Lycopersicon esculentum ) en la Argentina. La accesi贸n PI 134417 de Lycopersicon hirsutum f. glabratum es resistente a ambos artr贸podos. La resistencia de las especies silvestres de tomate fue asociada con la presencia de metabolitos secundarios como la 2-tridecanona, 2-undecanona, alfatomatina, etc. En el presente trabajo se cuantific贸 por colorimetr铆a la concentraci贸n de 2-tridecanona y se evalu贸 el grado de infestaci贸n de la polilla del tomate y de la ara帽uela roja en los padres susceptible, UCO PLATA INTA (Lycopersicon esculentum) y resistente, PI 134417 (L. hirsutum f. glabratum), sus F1 y F2 cultivados en invernadero y a campo. La concentraci贸n de 2-tridecanona en PI 134417 fue treinta y seis veces mayor que en el padre susceptible en el campo; en invernadero la diferencia fue de quince veces. La alta concetraci贸n de 2-tridecanona estar铆a gobernada por varios genes de efecto recesivo. El grado de infestaci贸n medio de la polilla del tomate fue significativamente superior en el cv. UCO PLATA que en PI 134417 en ambos ambientes. Las medias de la F1 y F2 sugieren un efecto promedio g茅nico aditivo para este car谩cter. La heredabilidad amplia estimada en invernadero fue 70% y en el campo del 56%. PI 134417 result贸 altamente resistente a la ara帽uela roja en ambos ambientes. Las medias de F1 y F2 sugieren que la resistencia a la ara帽uela roja ser铆a un car谩cter recesivo. No se detect贸 correlaci贸n entre la concentraci贸n de 2-tridecanona y el grado de infestaci贸n de la ara帽uela roja, por lo que la 2-tridecanona no estar铆a involucrada en la resistencia a este 谩caro. Se detect贸 una correlaci贸n negativa significativa entre la concentraci贸n de 2-tridecanona y el grado de infestaci贸n de la polilla del tomate en invernadero pero no en campo. La 2-tridecanona podr铆a explicar s贸lo parcialmente la resistencia a la polilla en invernadero; en el campo se podr铆a desencadenar otro mecanismo de resistencia independiente de la 2-tridecanona.The South American tomato pinworm and the two spotted spider mite are two important pests of the tomato crop in Argentina. The wild accession PI 134417 of Lycopersicon hirsutum f. glabratum is resistant to both pests. The resistance to insects in the wild tomato accessions has been associated to the presence of secondary metabolites as 2-tridecanone, 2-undecanone, alpha-tomatine, etc. In this work the concentration of 2-tridecanone was colorimetrically quantified and the tomato pinworm and two spotted spider mite degrees of infestation were evaluated in the susceptible cultivar Uco Plata INTA (L. esculentum), the resistant accession PI 134417 (L. hirsutum f. glabratum) and their F1 and F2, grown in the greenhouse and in the field. In the field essay the 2-tridecanone concentration in PI 134417 was 36 times higher than in Uco Plata; in the greenhouse it was 15 times higher. The high 2-tridecanone concentration would be controlled by several genes of recessive effect. The mean infestation degree of the tomato pinworm was significantly higher in the cv. Uco Plata than in PI 134417 in both environments. The F1 and F2 means suggest a mean genic additive effect for this trait. The estimated broad heritability was 70% in the greenhouse and 56 % in the field. PI 134417 was highly resistant to the two spotted spider mite in both environments. The F1 and F2 means suggest that the resistance to this pest would be a recessive trait. No correlation was found between the 2-tridecanone concentration and the two spotted spider mite degree of infestation, so the 2- tridecanone would not be involved in the resistance. A significative negative correlation was found between the 2-tridecanone concentration and the tomato pinworm degree of infestation in the greenhouse but not in the field. The 2-tridecanone could account only partially for the tomato pinworm resistance in the greenhouse. In the field another resistance mechanism could be involved independently of the 2-tridecanone.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    2-tridecanone content and resistence to Tuta absoluta Meyrick and Tetranychus urticae Koch in tomato

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    La polilla del tomate y la ara帽uela roja constituyen dos plagas importantes del tomate cultivado (Lycopersicon esculentum ) en la Argentina. La accesi贸n PI 134417 de Lycopersicon hirsutum f. glabratum es resistente a ambos artr贸podos. La resistencia de las especies silvestres de tomate fue asociada con la presencia de metabolitos secundarios como la 2-tridecanona, 2-undecanona, alfatomatina, etc. En el presente trabajo se cuantific贸 por colorimetr铆a la concentraci贸n de 2-tridecanona y se evalu贸 el grado de infestaci贸n de la polilla del tomate y de la ara帽uela roja en los padres susceptible, UCO PLATA INTA (Lycopersicon esculentum) y resistente, PI 134417 (L. hirsutum f. glabratum), sus F1 y F2 cultivados en invernadero y a campo. La concentraci贸n de 2-tridecanona en PI 134417 fue treinta y seis veces mayor que en el padre susceptible en el campo; en invernadero la diferencia fue de quince veces. La alta concetraci贸n de 2-tridecanona estar铆a gobernada por varios genes de efecto recesivo. El grado de infestaci贸n medio de la polilla del tomate fue significativamente superior en el cv. UCO PLATA que en PI 134417 en ambos ambientes. Las medias de la F1 y F2 sugieren un efecto promedio g茅nico aditivo para este car谩cter. La heredabilidad amplia estimada en invernadero fue 70% y en el campo del 56%. PI 134417 result贸 altamente resistente a la ara帽uela roja en ambos ambientes. Las medias de F1 y F2 sugieren que la resistencia a la ara帽uela roja ser铆a un car谩cter recesivo. No se detect贸 correlaci贸n entre la concentraci贸n de 2-tridecanona y el grado de infestaci贸n de la ara帽uela roja, por lo que la 2-tridecanona no estar铆a involucrada en la resistencia a este 谩caro. Se detect贸 una correlaci贸n negativa significativa entre la concentraci贸n de 2-tridecanona y el grado de infestaci贸n de la polilla del tomate en invernadero pero no en campo. La 2-tridecanona podr铆a explicar s贸lo parcialmente la resistencia a la polilla en invernadero; en el campo se podr铆a desencadenar otro mecanismo de resistencia independiente de la 2-tridecanona.The South American tomato pinworm and the two spotted spider mite are two important pests of the tomato crop in Argentina. The wild accession PI 134417 of Lycopersicon hirsutum f. glabratum is resistant to both pests. The resistance to insects in the wild tomato accessions has been associated to the presence of secondary metabolites as 2-tridecanone, 2-undecanone, alpha-tomatine, etc. In this work the concentration of 2-tridecanone was colorimetrically quantified and the tomato pinworm and two spotted spider mite degrees of infestation were evaluated in the susceptible cultivar Uco Plata INTA (L. esculentum), the resistant accession PI 134417 (L. hirsutum f. glabratum) and their F1 and F2, grown in the greenhouse and in the field. In the field essay the 2-tridecanone concentration in PI 134417 was 36 times higher than in Uco Plata; in the greenhouse it was 15 times higher. The high 2-tridecanone concentration would be controlled by several genes of recessive effect. The mean infestation degree of the tomato pinworm was significantly higher in the cv. Uco Plata than in PI 134417 in both environments. The F1 and F2 means suggest a mean genic additive effect for this trait. The estimated broad heritability was 70% in the greenhouse and 56 % in the field. PI 134417 was highly resistant to the two spotted spider mite in both environments. The F1 and F2 means suggest that the resistance to this pest would be a recessive trait. No correlation was found between the 2-tridecanone concentration and the two spotted spider mite degree of infestation, so the 2- tridecanone would not be involved in the resistance. A significative negative correlation was found between the 2-tridecanone concentration and the tomato pinworm degree of infestation in the greenhouse but not in the field. The 2-tridecanone could account only partially for the tomato pinworm resistance in the greenhouse. In the field another resistance mechanism could be involved independently of the 2-tridecanone.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale