25 research outputs found

    A Novel Approach to Hydraulic Drive Sizing Methodology and Efficiency Estimation based on Willans Line

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    A novel approach to hybrid hydraulic vehicles drive component sizing methodology based on the Willans Line method is proposed in this paper. The proposed method is used to develop a scalable mathematical model of hydraulic unit efficiency maps, thus helping the designer regarding an appropriate hydraulic unit choice when target unit data is difficult to obtain. The hydraulic unit efficiency model is also verified against catalogue data for different unit sizes, and the method is validated by means of detailed approximation error analysis. The proposed method can be particularly useful in optimal component sizing and parameterization studies of hydraulic drives in general, with possible applications to hybrid hydraulic vehicle power-trains

    Virus Etiology of Schizophrenia: The Characteristics of the Ā»Little Ice AgeĀ« and its Consequences

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    The data of the Ā»Little Ice AgeĀ« (1500ā€“1850) in Croatia and those which applied to human health were especially emphasized were analyzed. They are some which stand out like: importance of the sort of soil and relief, the infl uence of cutting down of woods and cattle-breeding and especially the war which lasted for 250 years in the territory of Croatia. The important interactions between those parameters were defi ned. The important correlations were also defi ned between freezing and long winters as well as wet springs and summers which caused starvation, malnutrition and the increase of infant mortality and also epidemics with enormous psychological stress among people in that period. The result was witch-hunting and burning (which was also advocated in the other parts of Europe) and they sometimes reached the levels of madness. Considering that such events were unknown in the earlier periods (in such proportions) and that (even today) the infl uence of the slow virus is emphasized in connection to the etiology of schizophrenia so why shouldā€™t it be supposed that the Ā»Litlle Ace AgeĀ» could be the cause of the larger prevalence of schizophrenia in the teritory of Croatia

    Prekomjerno zijevanje uzrokovano Sertralinom

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    Background: Even though there is a growing interest in the neurophysiology of yawning, it still remains somewhat of a scientific mystery due to the fact that we still do not know the exact mechanisms behind it. Apart from physiological yawning, abnormal and excessive yawning has been observed in numerous pathologies, mostly in neurological and psychiatric disorders, as well as side effects of various medicaments. Subject: We will present the case of a 42 year old woman who developed excessive yawning as a side effect of treatment with sertraline. Discussion: Although we still do not know the exact mechanism behind yawning, several neurotransmitters and neuropeptides are thought to be involved in the neurophysiology of yawning, especially serotonin and dopamine. Subsequently, excessive yawning has been observed in some patients treated with the majority of novel serotonergic antidepressants. Conclusion: Excessive yawning requires the same clinical attention as other side effects of antidepressant treatment and therefore should be carefully considered and managed. Intolerance to antidepressant treatment is a significant cause of treatment failure and that is why psychiatrists should keep in mind that sertraline could cause such a disabling side effect as excessive yawning.Pozadina: Iako postoji sve veći znanstveni interes za istraživanjem neurofiziologije zijevanja, ono i dalje predstavlja znanstvenu zagonetku jer je točan mehanizam nastanka joÅ” uvijek nepoznat. Abnormalno i prekomjerno zijevanje se javlja u brojnih bolesti i poremećaja, no posebice u psihijatrijskih i neuroloÅ”kih poremećaja, te kao nuspojava raznih medikamenata. Ispitanici: Prikazat ćemo slučaj četrdesetdvogodiÅ”nje žene kod koje je doÅ”lo do razvoja prekomjernog zijevanja kao nuspojave liječenja sertralinom. Rasprava: Iako su točni mehanizmi nastanka zijevanja joÅ” uvijek nepoznati, za nekoliko neurotransmitera i neuropeptida se smatra da igraju važnu ulogu u neurofiziologiji zijevanja, posebice monoamini serotonin i dopamin. U skladu s time, prekomjerno zijevanje je zabilježeno kao nuspojava u određenom broju bolesnika liječenih većinom novijih serotonergički aktivnih antidepresiva. Zaključak: Sam fenomen zijevanja, a posebice zijevanje kao posljedica nuspojave liječenja antidepresivima, treba dobiti na značenju kao i druge nuspojave, te može biti predmetom proučavanja kako patofiziologije bolesti, tako i djelovanja drugih lijekova u ljudi

    Amyloidosis related carpal tunel syndrome in patients with chronic renal disease: case report

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    Bolesnici s kroničnim bubrežnim zatajenjem imaju poviÅ”ene vrijednosti AGE (krajnje produkte glikolizacije). AGE nastaju tijekom procesa glikolizacije i oksidativnim reakcijama, kao dio procesa kronične upale. Amiloidoza je česta komplikacija kod bolesnika s kroničnim bubrežnim zatajenjem, a posljedica je nemogućnosti izlučivanja Ī²2-mikroglobulina. Vremenskim trajanjem hemodijalize povećava se broj bolesnika kod kojih se histoloÅ”ki može utvrditi amiloidoza. Trećina bolesnika koji idu na hemodijalizu manje od 4 godine ima histoloÅ”ke znakove amiloidoze, a redovito se javlja kod 90% bolesnika nakon 5-7 godina hemodijalize. U početnom stadiju prisutni su samo histoloÅ”ki znakovi bolesti, dok se klinički znakovi javljaju kasnije. Jedan od prvih kliničkih znakova amiloidoze je sindrom karpalnog tunela. Javlja se kod trećine bolesnika koji idu 5-10 godina na hemodijalizu, a nakon 20 godina hemodijalize gotovo 100% bolesnika ima sindrom karpalnog tunela. Iako sindrom karpalnog tunela ne dovodi do fatalnog ishoda, njegovim zanemarivanjem dolazi do oÅ”tećenja n. medianusa u karpalnom tunelu i atrofije miÅ”ića Å”ake s teÅ”kim funkcionalnim ispadima. NaÅ” bolesnik je liječen operativno i nakon zavrÅ”ene rehabilitacije zaostao je dobar funkcionalni i anatomski rezultat. Zbog toga je pravovremeno dijagnosticiranje i dekompresija n. medianusa preduvjet za uspjeÅ”no liječenje sindroma karpalnog tunela. Za razliku od ā€žlow-fluxā€œ hemodijalizatora, novi ā€žhigh-fluxā€œ su viÅ”e biokompatibilni i mogu odstraniti beta-2-mikroglobulin, pa se očekuju rjeđe komplikacije u smislu sindroma karpalnog tunela zbog amiloidoze kod bolesnika s kroničnim bubrežnim zatajenjem.Patients with CRF (chronic renal failure) have elevated AGE (advanced glycation end products). AGE are formed during glycation and oxidative stress, and accumulation of AGE occurs especially in CRF and plays a major pathogenic role. Amyloidosis is a common complication in patients with chronic renal failure. Amyloidosis develops due to impossible Ī²2-microglobulin excretion. The number of patients with histologically demonstrable amyloidosis increases with the length of hemodialysis. Histologic signs of amyloidosis are found in one third and 90% of patients undergoing hemodialysis for up to 4 years and 5-7 years, respectively. Histologic signs alone are present initially, whereas clinical signs develop later. The carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the first clinical signs of amyloidosis. The syndrome develops in one third of patients undergoing hemodialysis for 5-10 years and nearly 100% of those treated by hemodialysis for 20 years. The carpal tunnel syndrome is not a fatal disease; however, if left untreated, it leads to median nerve lesion and atrophy of the hand musculature with severe functional deficits. The patient presented was operatively treated, followed by rehabilitation that resulted in satisfactory functional and anatomical outcome. Accordingly, timely diagnosis and median nerve decompression are the main preconditions for successful management of the carpal tunnel syndrome. In contrast to ā€œlow-fluxā€ hemodialyzers, the new ā€high-fluxā€ devices offer appropriate biocompatibility and Ī²2-microglobulin removal, thus a lower rate of complications such as carpal tunnel syndrome due to amyloidosis is expected in patients with chronic renal failure

    Amyloidosis related carpal tunel syndrome in patients with chronic renal disease: case report

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    Bolesnici s kroničnim bubrežnim zatajenjem imaju poviÅ”ene vrijednosti AGE (krajnje produkte glikolizacije). AGE nastaju tijekom procesa glikolizacije i oksidativnim reakcijama, kao dio procesa kronične upale. Amiloidoza je česta komplikacija kod bolesnika s kroničnim bubrežnim zatajenjem, a posljedica je nemogućnosti izlučivanja Ī²2-mikroglobulina. Vremenskim trajanjem hemodijalize povećava se broj bolesnika kod kojih se histoloÅ”ki može utvrditi amiloidoza. Trećina bolesnika koji idu na hemodijalizu manje od 4 godine ima histoloÅ”ke znakove amiloidoze, a redovito se javlja kod 90% bolesnika nakon 5-7 godina hemodijalize. U početnom stadiju prisutni su samo histoloÅ”ki znakovi bolesti, dok se klinički znakovi javljaju kasnije. Jedan od prvih kliničkih znakova amiloidoze je sindrom karpalnog tunela. Javlja se kod trećine bolesnika koji idu 5-10 godina na hemodijalizu, a nakon 20 godina hemodijalize gotovo 100% bolesnika ima sindrom karpalnog tunela. Iako sindrom karpalnog tunela ne dovodi do fatalnog ishoda, njegovim zanemarivanjem dolazi do oÅ”tećenja n. medianusa u karpalnom tunelu i atrofije miÅ”ića Å”ake s teÅ”kim funkcionalnim ispadima. NaÅ” bolesnik je liječen operativno i nakon zavrÅ”ene rehabilitacije zaostao je dobar funkcionalni i anatomski rezultat. Zbog toga je pravovremeno dijagnosticiranje i dekompresija n. medianusa preduvjet za uspjeÅ”no liječenje sindroma karpalnog tunela. Za razliku od ā€žlow-fluxā€œ hemodijalizatora, novi ā€žhigh-fluxā€œ su viÅ”e biokompatibilni i mogu odstraniti beta-2-mikroglobulin, pa se očekuju rjeđe komplikacije u smislu sindroma karpalnog tunela zbog amiloidoze kod bolesnika s kroničnim bubrežnim zatajenjem.Patients with CRF (chronic renal failure) have elevated AGE (advanced glycation end products). AGE are formed during glycation and oxidative stress, and accumulation of AGE occurs especially in CRF and plays a major pathogenic role. Amyloidosis is a common complication in patients with chronic renal failure. Amyloidosis develops due to impossible Ī²2-microglobulin excretion. The number of patients with histologically demonstrable amyloidosis increases with the length of hemodialysis. Histologic signs of amyloidosis are found in one third and 90% of patients undergoing hemodialysis for up to 4 years and 5-7 years, respectively. Histologic signs alone are present initially, whereas clinical signs develop later. The carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the first clinical signs of amyloidosis. The syndrome develops in one third of patients undergoing hemodialysis for 5-10 years and nearly 100% of those treated by hemodialysis for 20 years. The carpal tunnel syndrome is not a fatal disease; however, if left untreated, it leads to median nerve lesion and atrophy of the hand musculature with severe functional deficits. The patient presented was operatively treated, followed by rehabilitation that resulted in satisfactory functional and anatomical outcome. Accordingly, timely diagnosis and median nerve decompression are the main preconditions for successful management of the carpal tunnel syndrome. In contrast to ā€œlow-fluxā€ hemodialyzers, the new ā€high-fluxā€ devices offer appropriate biocompatibility and Ī²2-microglobulin removal, thus a lower rate of complications such as carpal tunnel syndrome due to amyloidosis is expected in patients with chronic renal failure

    Stigmatization of Patients Suffering from Schizophrenia

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    For the general public, but also for healthcare professionals, schizophrenia is still one of those areas of medicine connected with feelings of unease, fear and prejudice. These feelings lead to stigmatization and discrimination which are unjust processes which put patients suffering from mental illnesses into undesirable and unequal positions. Aim of this research was to establish the extent of stigmatization of mentally ill patients among the population of healthcare professionals and future healthcare professionals and if they differ from general population. Results show that stigmatization of schizophrenic patients is high among all included populations. Although there were no statistical differences between groups regarding the assessment of schizophrenic patients, nurses employed in psychiatric wards exhibited a tendency towards higher acceptance of schizophrenic patients, as well as better understanding of that illness. This data emphasizes a growing need for continuous education of general population but also of healthcare professionals

    Modeling of hydro-pneumatic energy storage system

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