59 research outputs found


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    We can look at the planning as the first function of the management because it will take place before the other functions, the avoidance of errors, the economy of resources and the increase of the company activity performances may be achieved through the planning activity. The policy of the organization producing the road vehicles remains the same as long as the organization will carry out its activity or it may be changed when the managerial team will be also changed. As we said before, throughout the whole period of the application of the policy of the organization producing the road vehicles. The main objective of the strategic planning for the companies producing road vehicles is to establish the main objective of activity of the company and that of the organization of the activities in order to obtain the expected results and the achievement of the objectives. The strategic planning has as distinctive element the approach of the content elements of the management and strategic marketing as a process, made up of successive stages (phases), being in interdependent relations. The action carried out by cascade involves the passage of each phase step by step.marketing, strategic planning, road vehicles, management.


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    In the insurance industry there is a new way of thinking which determined the passage from transactional marketing to a holistic marketing concept. In this paper five key elements of holistic marketing are presented: relationship marketing, integrated marholistic marketing in insurance, relationship marketing, integrated marketing, internal marketing, social responsibility marketing, international marketing, trust, customer loyalty, crisis

    Research on Consumers’ Self-Protection through a Healthy Diet

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    The article analyzes consumers’ concern for healthy food, emphasizing the role of the vegetarian diet. Studies on the topic are available world-wide; however, none of these focuses on the role of vegetarian diet within the concern for healthy food, in Romania. In answering this question, a qualitative research was carried out on the customers of a store that sells natural food products and products certified as organic. The results indicate that vegetarian diet has a central role within the wider concern for healthy food, endorsing arguments to support the assertion. Hence, propensities in the consumer concerns to turn to healthier diets were identified, based on a system that diminishes or eliminates meat based diets. The conclusion of the qualitative research is a premise for future development of quantitative research, assessing the dimensions of this phenomenon.healthy food, consumer behaviour, market research, vegetarian diet, eating patterns, organic agro-food products, market strategy

    The impact of the agrotechnologies on the rivers basins. Case study – the impact of the livestock breeding on the Ialomiţa river basin

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    The experiments and the analysis studies of the territory, as well as the environment projects based on the ecological equilibrium observance have highlighted the concept of environmental sensibility, lately. The method of the ecological sensibility analysis of a territory used in the present research assumed the geo-hierarchical overlapping of the territorial plans, thus getting the evaluation resultant map of the environmental components vulnerability on different pollution levels, function on the type, intensity and nature of charge. For exemplification, the potential impact in the Ialomita river basin under the dangerous action determined by the livestock breeding on the studied territory has been analyzed. The resultant thematic map with regard to the vulnerability of the territory to the livestock breeding activity allows the choosing of the optimum designing site of such an investing objective, to which the ecological risk to be minimum


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    The aim of this work is to asses conditions for implementation of a Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) process in theWastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) of Moreni city (Romania). In order to meet the more increased environmentalregulations, the wastewater treatment plant that was studied, must update the actual treatment process and have tomodernize it. A comparative study was undertaken of the quality of effluents that could be obtained by implementationof biological nutrient removal process like A2/O (Anaerobic/Anoxic/Oxic) and VIP (Virginia Plant Initiative) aswastewater tertiary treatments. In order to asses the efficiency of the proposed treatment schemata based on the datamonitored at the studied WWTP, it were realized computer models of biological nutrient removal configurations basedon A2/O and VIP process. Computer simulation was realized using a well-known simulator, BioWin by EnviroSimAssociates Ltd. The simulation process allowed to obtain some data that can be used in design of a tertiary treatmentstage at Moreni WWTP, in order to increase the efficiency in operation

    Education and Training Needs in the Field of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Lower Danube Region

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    Given the conditions of European Strategy for Labour which was ratified also by Romania, that states an intensifying implementation at national level of labour policies and especially those regarding young person labour market integration, and taking into consideration the great human and agricultural potential of Lower Danube Region, we consider the implementation of national and regional programmes in order to train agriculture and rural development specialists to be very necessary. This article inquires the necessity of training agriculture and rural development specialists within Lower Danube Region in the context of cross-border cooperation between Romania and Bulgaria. This research starts by analysing the European and national legal framework of adult training in those two fields. Subsequently, the main premises and advantages of those activities were emphasized. It is good to mention that the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, Romania, and the D. Tsenov Academy of Economics in Svishtov, Bulgaria, proposed themselves to cooperate in the field of “human resources development – common development of skills and knowledge”. The legal base exists as the Romania-Bulgaria Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 is enforced. Furthermore, a four years comparative study of the number of persons trained for the main jobs in rural area, including farmer, in Lower Danube Region was conducted. All these led to the idea that it is necessary to continue and to stress adult training of farmers and rural specialists as a solution for rural economy development and social welfare. Also, comparative analysis of supply and demand of professionals in the field of agriculture was elaborated. The main educational programs in training agriculture and rural development specialists were identified and some problems and perspectives were worked out. This research can be considered as a first step of future deeper and profound collaboration of Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov and the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest in terms of creation of common Romanian-Bulgarian Research Area, as a part of European Research Area (ERA). It includes joint knowledge and skills development through cross-border linkages and exchanges between the universities, in accordance with Romania – Bulgaria Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013.rural development, agriculture, training, cross-border cooperation, Lower Danube Region


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    This paper is intended to achieve a mathematical model for the optimal dimensioning of number and heights of somedams/thresholds during a downpour, a decrease of water flow rate being obtained and by the solid material depositionsbehind the constructions a new smaller slope of the valley that changes the torrential nature that had before theconstruction is obtained.The choice of the dam and its characteristic dimensions may be an optimization issue and the location of dams on thetorrential (rainfall) aspect is dictated by the capabilities of the foundation and restraint so that the chosen solutions willhave to comply with these sites. Finally, the choice of optimal solution to limit torrential (rainfall) aspect will be basedon a calculation where the number of thresholds / dams can be a variable related to this, their height properly varying.The calculation method presented is an attempt to demonstrate the multiple opportunities available to implement atechnical issue solving conditions offered by the mathematics against soil erosion, which now is currently very topicalon the environmental protection

    The impact of the climatic changes on the environment – agricultural droucht

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    The drought in general and the agricultural drought in particular affect large territories on the entire planet. In Romania, there are important territories affected by the agricultural drought, the most well-known being located in Dobrogea and the south of Oltenia. The case study of the agricultural drought phenomenon took place in Dobrogea, at Tulcea meteorological station, thus determining the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the agricultural drought: the total amount of time of the agricultural drought, the maximum amount of time of the agricultural drought, the severity of the agricultural drought, the medium intensity of the agricultural drought, the agricultural yield obtained under the circumstances of the agricultural drought, the agricultural yield obtained when the irrigation with different watering norms