17 research outputs found

    Sport fishing in Cachoeira de Emas in Mogi-Guaçu River, State of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Sport fishing is an important leisure activity in many countries. It directly and indirectly generates income and jobs for millions of people. In some places, its landing outstrips production from professional fishing but this fact is not always taken into account in the establishment of management actions. In the area of Cachoeira (Waterfall) de Emas there are reports of intense fishing since the 20's. The objective of this paper is to identify the profile of the sporting fishers who frequent this place and to characterise this fishing. From February to October of 2006, we interviewed 107 sporting fishers that visited Cachoeira. We describe the fishing and the socio-economic status of the sport fishers. Most of the fishers are men, coming from the state of São Paulo, with a mean family income of US1,212.3(R 1,212.3 (R 2,558.10, US1=R 1 = R 2.11, July/2007), being aged 50.2 years old on average. A large amount of them (49.5%) only have incomplete first grade education. The main captured species are curimba Prochilodus lineatus, mandi Pimelodus maculatus, P. heraldoi, Pimelodella spp., lambari Astyanax fasciatus, A. schubarti, A. altiparanae, Roeboides paranensis and piava Leporinus lacustris, L. friderici, L. octofasciatus. Fishers have had a strong connection with this place for many years and even with low captures (2.8 kg/day), they are quite satisfied

    Socio-economic characteristics of the Cachoeira de Emas small-scale fishery in Mogi-Guaçu River, State of São Paulo, Brazil

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    A pesca na região da Cachoeira de Emas ocorre desde quando os indígenas habitavam suas margens. As condições socioeconômicas dos pescadores que atuam neste local e a caracterização da pesca foram determinadas através de entrevistas com 33 pescadores. A idade média deles é de 48,6 anos e eles vêm pescando em média por 24,2 anos. A renda mensal total familiar é de US575,52earendaapenasdapescaeˊdeUS 575,52 e a renda apenas da pesca é de US 239,64 por pescador. A maioria deles tem o primeiro grau incompleto (66,6%). As principais espécies capturadas são o curimba Prochilodus lineatus, a piapara Leporinus obtusidens, o dourado Salminus brasiliensis, o mandi Pimelodus maculatus, Pimelodus heraldoi e o lambari (gênero Astyanax e Roeboides). Os pescadores capturam em média 19,9 kg por dia. Comparando-se a captura média diária por pescador na Cachoeira de Emas com outros lugares percebemos que ela ainda está acima da média. A renda média total está entre as mais altas comparando-se com outros locais do Brasil e do mundo e acima da linha de miséria definida pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Podemos então concluir que estes pescadores não são a classe de profissionais mais pobres da sociedade.Fishing in the area of Cachoeira de Emas dates from the aboriginal Painguás who inhabited its margins. The socioeconomic conditions of the fishers and fishing are described, derived from personal interviews with 33 fishers. Their mean age is 48.6 years and they have been fishing on average for 24.2 years. The monthly total raw income is US575.52andtherawincomejustfromfishingisofUS 575.52 and the raw income just from fishing is of US 239.64 per fisher. Most of them (66.6%) have only incomplete primary and junior education. The main capture species are curimba Prochilodus lineatus, piapara Leporinus obtusidens, dourado Salminus brasiliensis, mandi Pimelodus maculatus, Pimelodus heraldoi and lambari (genus Astyanax and Roeboides). Fishers capture an average of 19.9 kg of fish per day. The total average raw income just calculated from the interviews is very high when compared with other places in Brazil and in the world, and above the poverty line as defined by the Getúlio Vargas Foundation. So we may conclude there these fishers are not the poorest in society.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    The protected areas system in Brazil as a baseline condition for wetlands management and fish conservancy: the example of the Pantanal National Park

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    ABSTRACT Considering the need for the Brazilian government to develop tools for environmental monitoring for biodiversity conservancy purposes in the national protected areas system, this paper focuses on determining reference site metrics (or baselines) for adapting the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) based on the fish assemblages in the Pantanal National Park (PNP). The habitats in the PNP were grouped into four categories: main rivers, corixos (channels connecting the floodplain), permanent bays, and temporary bays. Fish samplings were performed at 12 points during the dry season (Oct-Nov 2010 and 2011). 146 fish species were identified from the total 18,954 individuals collected with standardized fishing gear. There was no association between the structure of the fish assemblage and categories, suggesting a theory on homogeneity of habitats. The final IBIPNP consists of nine metrics, most of them were framed in excellent class, some in fair, and none in poor. There was no significant difference in IBIPNP scores between the two sampled years. This approach provides a direct application for wetland management purposes