1,010 research outputs found

    Detection of GRB signals with Fluorescence Detectors

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    Gamma Ray Bursts are being searched in many ground based experiments detecting the high energy component (GeV Ă·\div TeV energy range) of the photon bursts. In this paper, Fluorescence Detectors are considered as possible candidate devices for these searches. It is shown that the GRB photons induce fluorescence emission of UV photons on a wide range of their spectrum. The induced fluorescence flux is dominated by GRB photons from 0.1 to about 100 MeV and, once the extinction through the atmosphere is taken into account, it is distributed over a wide angular region. This flux can be detected through a monitor of the diffuse photon flux, provided that its maximum value exceeds a threshold value, that is primarily determined by the sky brightness above the detector. The feasibility of this search and the expected rates are discussed on the basis of the current GRB observations and the existing fluorescence detectors.Comment: 16 pages 9 eps figure

    Infinitely many symmetries and conservation laws for quad-graph equations via the Gardner method

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    The application of the Gardner method for generation of conservation laws to all the ABS equations is considered. It is shown that all the necessary information for the application of the Gardner method, namely B\"acklund transformations and initial conservation laws, follow from the multidimensional consistency of ABS equations. We also apply the Gardner method to an asymmetric equation which is not included in the ABS classification. An analog of the Gardner method for generation of symmetries is developed and applied to discrete KdV. It can also be applied to all the other ABS equations

    Proteomics biomarker discovery for individualized prevention of familial pancreatic cancer using statistical learning

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    BACKGROUND: The low five-year survival rate of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) and the low diagnostic rate of early-stage PDAC via imaging highlight the need to discover novel biomarkers and improve the current screening procedures for early diagnosis. Familial pancreatic cancer (FPC) describes the cases of PDAC that are present in two or more individuals within a circle of first-degree relatives. Using innovative high-throughput proteomics, we were able to quantify the protein profiles of individuals at risk from FPC families in different potential pre-cancer stages. However, the high-dimensional proteomics data structure challenges the use of traditional statistical analysis tools. Hence, we applied advanced statistical learning methods to enhance the analysis and improve the results’ interpretability. METHODS: We applied model-based gradient boosting and adaptive lasso to deal with the small, unbalanced study design via simultaneous variable selection and model fitting. In addition, we used stability selection to identify a stable subset of selected biomarkers and, as a result, obtain even more interpretable results. In each step, we compared the performance of the different analytical pipelines and validated our approaches via simulation scenarios. RESULTS: In the simulation study, model-based gradient boosting showed a more accurate prediction performance in the small, unbalanced, and high-dimensional datasets than adaptive lasso and could identify more relevant variables. Furthermore, using model-based gradient boosting, we discovered a subset of promising serum biomarkers that may potentially improve the current screening procedure of FPC. CONCLUSION: Advanced statistical learning methods helped us overcome the shortcomings of an unbalanced study design in a valuable clinical dataset. The discovered serum biomarkers provide us with a clear direction for further investigations and more precise clinical hypotheses regarding the development of FPC and optimal strategies for its early detection

    The Air Microwave Yield (AMY) experiment - A laboratory measurement of the microwave emission from extensive air showers

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    The AMY experiment aims to measure the microwave bremsstrahlung radiation (MBR) emitted by air-showers secondary electrons accelerating in collisions with neutral molecules of the atmosphere. The measurements are performed using a beam of 510 MeV electrons at the Beam Test Facility (BTF) of Frascati INFN National Laboratories. The goal of the AMY experiment is to measure in laboratory conditions the yield and the spectrum of the GHz emission in the frequency range between 1 and 20 GHz. The final purpose is to characterise the process to be used in a next generation detectors of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. A description of the experimental setup and the first results are presented.Comment: 3 pages -- EPS-HEP'13 European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (July, 18-24, 2013) at Stockholm, Swede

    A novel method for the absolute fluorescence yield measurement by AIRFLY

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    One of the goals of the AIRFLY (AIR FLuorescence Yield) experiment is to measure the absolute fluorescence yield induced by electrons in air to better than 10% precision. We introduce a new technique for measurement of the absolute fluorescence yield of the 337 nm line that has the advantage of reducing the systematic uncertainty due to the detector calibration. The principle is to compare the measured fluorescence yield to a well known process - the Cerenkov emission. Preliminary measurements taken in the BFT (Beam Test Facility) in Frascati, Italy with 350 MeV electrons are presented. Beam tests in the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator at the Argonne National Laboratory, USA with 14 MeV electrons have also shown that this technique can be applied at lower energies.Comment: presented at the 5th Fluorescence Workshop, El Escorial - Madrid, Spain, 16 - 20 September 200

    Temperature and Humidity Dependence of Air Fluorescence Yield measured by AIRFLY

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    The fluorescence detection of ultra high energy cosmic rays requires a detailed knowledge of the fluorescence light emission from nitrogen molecules over a wide range of atmospheric parameters, corresponding to altitudes typical of the cosmic ray shower development in the atmosphere. We have studied the temperature and humidity dependence of the fluorescence light spectrum excited by MeV electrons in air. Results for the 313.6 nm, 337.1 nm, 353.7 nm and 391.4 nm bands are reported in this paper. We found that the temperature and humidity dependence of the quenching process changes the fluorescence yield by a sizeable amount (up to 20%) and its effect must be included for a precise estimation of the energy of ultra high energy cosmic rays.Comment: presented at the 5th Fluorescence Workshop, El Escorial - Madrid, Spain, 16 - 20 September 2007, to appear in Nuclear Instruments and Methods
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