12 research outputs found

    Epigenetic chromatin modification by amber suppression technology

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    The genetic incorporation of unnatural amino acids (UAAs) into proteins by amber suppression technology provides unique avenues to study protein structure, function and interactions both in vitro and in living cells and organisms. This approach has been particularly useful for studying mechanisms of epigenetic chromatin regulation, since these extensively involve dynamic changes in structure, complex formation and posttranslational modifications that are difficult to access by traditional approaches. Here, we review recent achievements in this field, emphasizing UAAs that help to unravel protein-protein interactions in cells by photo-crosslinking or that allow the biosynthesis of proteins with defined posttranslational modifications for studying their function and turnover in vitro and in cells

    Characterization of a Temperature-Sensitive Vertebrate Clathrin Heavy Chain Mutant as a Tool to Study Clathrin-Dependent Events In Vivo

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    Clathrin and clathrin-dependent events are evolutionary conserved although it is believed that there are differences in the requirement for clathrin in yeast and higher vertebrates. Clathrin is a long-lived protein and thus, with clathrin knockdowns only long-term consequences of clathrin depletion can be studied. Here, we characterize the first vertebrate temperature-sensitive clathrin heavy chain mutant as a tool to investigate responses to rapid clathrin inactivation in higher eukaryotes. Although we created this mutant using a clathrin cryo-electron microscopy model and a yeast temperature-sensitive mutant as a guide, the resulting temperature-sensitive clathrin showed an altered phenotype compared to the corresponding yeast temperature-sensitive clathrin. First, it seemed to form stable triskelions at the non-permissive temperature although endocytosis was impaired under these conditions. Secondly, as a likely consequence of the stable triskelions at the non-permissive temperature, clathrin also localized correctly to its target membranes. Thirdly, we did not observe missorting of the lysosomal enzyme beta-glucuronidase which could indicate that the temperature-sensitive clathrin is still operating at the non-permissive temperature at the Golgi or, that, like in yeast, more than one TGN trafficking pathway exists. Fourthly, in contrast to yeast, actin does not appear to actively compensate in general endocytosis. Thus, there seem to be differences between vertebrates and yeast which can be studied in further detail with this newly created tool

    Salmonella enterica Modulates Its Infectivity in Response to Intestinal Stimuli

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    ABSTRACT En route to its intestinal target cells Salmonella enterica passes different host niches and encounters various environmental cues. These are expected to promote Salmonella in the decision of changing its extracellular life style to intracellular. We find that prior incubation of bacteria in the presence of signals which are characteristic for the small intestine affects invasion in a model system: Salmonella grown at high osmotic pressure in the presence of bile or in amino acid rich medium, infect host cells most efficiently. Hence, Salmonella enterica modulates its infectivity in response to these stimuli which consequently determines the success of infection. Our results close the current gap between signal and actual behavior and may serve as a basis for further investigations for example if Salmonella has an adaptive prediction of environmental changes

    Staphylococcus aureus Resistance to Human Defensins and Evasion of Neutrophil Killing via the Novel Virulence Factor Mprf Is Based on Modification of Membrane Lipids with l-Lysine

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    Defensins, antimicrobial peptides of the innate immune system, protect human mucosal epithelia and skin against microbial infections and are produced in large amounts by neutrophils. The bacterial pathogen Staphylococcus aureus is insensitive to defensins by virtue of an unknown resistance mechanism. We describe a novel staphylococcal gene, mprF, which determines resistance to several host defense peptides such as defensins and protegrins. An mprF mutant strain was killed considerably faster by human neutrophils and exhibited attenuated virulence in mice, indicating a key role for defensin resistance in the pathogenicity of S. aureus. Analysis of membrane lipids demonstrated that the mprF mutant no longer modifies phosphatidylglycerol with l-lysine. As this unusual modification leads to a reduced negative charge of the membrane surface, MprF-mediated peptide resistance is most likely based on repulsion of the cationic peptides. Accordingly, inactivation of mprF led to increased binding of antimicrobial peptides by the bacteria. MprF has no similarity with genes of known function, but related genes were identified in the genomes of several pathogens including Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Enterococcus faecalis. MprF thus constitutes a novel virulence factor, which may be of general relevance for bacterial pathogens and represents a new target for attacking multidrug resistant bacteria

    The Bacterial Defensin Resistance Protein MprF Consists of Separable Domains for Lipid Lysinylation and Antimicrobial Peptide Repulsion

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    Many bacterial pathogens achieve resistance to defensin-like cationic antimicrobial peptides (CAMPs) by the multiple peptide resistance factor (MprF) protein. MprF plays a crucial role in Staphylococcus aureus virulence and it is involved in resistance to the CAMP-like antibiotic daptomycin. MprF is a large membrane protein that modifies the anionic phospholipid phosphatidylglycerol with l-lysine, thereby diminishing the bacterial affinity for CAMPs. Its widespread occurrence recommends MprF as a target for novel antimicrobials, although the mode of action of MprF has remained incompletely understood. We demonstrate that the hydrophilic C-terminal domain and six of the fourteen proposed trans-membrane segments of MprF are sufficient for full-level lysyl-phosphatidylglycerol (Lys-PG) production and that several conserved amino acid positions in MprF are indispensable for Lys-PG production. Notably, Lys-PG production did not lead to efficient CAMP resistance and most of the Lys-PG remained in the inner leaflet of the cytoplasmic membrane when the large N-terminal hydrophobic domain of MprF was absent, indicating a crucial role of this protein part. The N-terminal domain alone did not confer CAMP resistance or repulsion of the cationic test protein cytochrome c. However, when the N-terminal domain was coexpressed with the Lys-PG synthase domain either in one protein or as two separate proteins, full-level CAMP resistance was achieved. Moreover, only coexpression of the two domains led to efficient Lys-PG translocation to the outer leaflet of the membrane and to full-level cytochrome c repulsion, indicating that the N-terminal domain facilitates the flipping of Lys-PG. Thus, MprF represents a new class of lipid-biosynthetic enzymes with two separable functional domains that synthesize Lys-PG and facilitate Lys-PG translocation. Our study unravels crucial details on the molecular basis of an important bacterial immune evasion mechanism and it may help to employ MprF as a target for new anti-virulence drugs

    Synthetic biology approaches in drug discovery and pharmaceutical biotechnology

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    Synthetic biology is the attempt to apply the concepts of engineering to biological systems with the aim to create organisms with new emergent properties. These organisms might have desirable novel biosynthetic capabilities, act as biosensors or help us to understand the intricacies of living systems. This approach has the potential to assist the discovery and production of pharmaceutical compounds at various stages. New sources of bioactive compounds can be created in the form of genetically encoded small molecule libraries. The recombination of individual parts has been employed to design proteins that act as biosensors, which could be used to identify and quantify molecules of interest. New biosynthetic pathways may be designed by stitching together enzymes with desired activities, and genetic code expansion can be used to introduce new functionalities into peptides and proteins to increase their chemical scope and biological stability. This review aims to give an insight into recently developed individual components and modules that might serve as parts in a synthetic biology approach to pharmaceutical biotechnology

    Epigenetic chromatin modification by amber suppression technology

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    The genetic incorporation of unnatural amino acids (UAAs) into proteins by amber suppression technology provides unique avenues to study protein structure, function and interactions both in vitro and in living cells and organisms. This approach has been particularly useful for studying mechanisms of epigenetic chromatin regulation, since these extensively involve dynamic changes in structure, complex formation and posttranslational modifications that are difficult to access by traditional approaches. Here, we review recent achievements in this field, emphasizing UAAs that help to unravel protein-protein interactions in cells by photo-crosslinking or that allow the biosynthesis of proteins with defined posttranslational modifications for studying their function and turnover in vitro and in cells

    Tuning the Optoelectronic Properties of Stannoles by the Judicious Choice of the Organic Substituents

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    Stannoles are organometallic rings in which the heteroatom is involved in a form of conjugation that is called σ*−π* conjugation. Only very little is known about how the substituents on the Sn atom or substituents on the stannole ring determine the optoelectronic properties of these heterocycles. In this work, this question has been studied experimentally and theoretically. Calculations of optimized equilibrium geometries, energy gaps between the highest occupied molecular orbitals (HOMOs) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (LUMOs), and of the absorption spectra of a wide range of compounds were performed. The computational data showed that the substituents on the Sn atom influence the optoelectronic properties to a lower extent than the substituents in the 2 and 5 positions of the ring. These substituents in the 2 and 5 positions of the stannole ring can also have a strong influence on the overall planarity of the structure, in which mesomeric effects can play a substantial role only if the structure is planar. Thus, only structures with a planar backbone are of interest in the context of tuning the optoelectronic properties. These were selected for the experimental studies. On the basis of this information, a series of six novel stannoles was synthesized by the formation of a zirconium intermediate and subsequent transmetalation to obtain the tin compound. The calculated electronic HOMO–LUMO energy gaps varied between 2.94 and 2.68 eV. The measured absorption maxima were located between 415 and 448 nm compared to theoretically calculated values ranging from 447 nm (2.77 eV) to 482 nm (2.57 eV). In addition to these optical measurements, cyclic voltammetry data could be obtained, which show two reversible oxidation processes for three of the six stannoles. With this study, it could be demonstrated how the judicious choice of the substituents can lead to large and predictable bathochromic shifts in the absorption spectra