2 research outputs found

    In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation of Dark Chocolate as Age-appropriate Oral Matrix

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    Swallowing difficulties encountered by geriatric patients who undergo polypharmacy represent a significant challenge that hampers patient compliance and therapeutic management. As an appealing and sensory-pleasing, chocolate-based formulations have emerged as a potential alternative oral dosage form suitable for both the elderly and paediatric populations. However, the extent to which the incorporation of drugs into a chocolate matrix affects their oral availability remains unclear. Therefore, the objective of this investigation was to explore the in vitro and in vivo performance of an ibuprofen-based chocolate dosage form. A matrix based on dark chocolate and the model drug was prepared at two distinct temperatures: 50 and 80 °C. In vitro release studies revealed that ibuprofen formulated through co-melting at 80 °C exhibited a statistically significant slower drug release (p < 0.05) compared to formulations prepared at 50 °C in both FaSSGF (fasted-state simulated gastric fluid) and lipolysis media. The enzymatic degradation of chocolate in the presence of lipase accelerated in vitro ibuprofen release from chocolate matrices. To delve deeper into the bioavailability of ibuprofen within the chocolate formulations, we conducted an in vivo assessment, comparing the pharmacokinetic profiles of ibuprofen in its conventional suspension form with our chocolate-based dosage forms. A notable drop (p < 0.05) in the maximum serum concentration of ibuprofen when incorporated into co-melted or solid-suspension chocolate matrices. However, no significant differences in plasma exposure were observed between the two formulations. These findings shed a light on the potential of chocolate to extend of ibuprofen when integrated into various chocolate matrices, showcasing the potential held by these innovative formulations. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2023. Published by Elsevier B.V.

    Instrumentation of Flow-Through USP IV Dissolution Apparatus to Assess Poorly Soluble Basic Drug Products: a Technical Note

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    Supersaturation and precipitation are common limitations encountered especially with poorly soluble basic drugs. The aims of this work were to explore the pattern of dissolution and precipitation of poorly soluble basic drugs using a United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) IV dissolution apparatus and to compare it to the widely used USP II dissolution apparatus. In order to investigate the influence of gastric emptying time on bioavailability, tables of two model drugs (dipyridamole 100 mg and cinnarizine 15 mg) were investigated and pH change from 1.2 to 6.8 were achieved after 10, 20 or 30 min using USP II or USP IV dissolution apparatuses. Using USP II, dipyridamole and cinnarizine concentrations dropped instantly as a result of drug precipitation with drug crystals evident in the dissolution vessel. At pH change times of 10, 20 and 30 min, the total amount of dissolved drug was dependent on pH change time. Using USP IV, at a flow rate of 8 ml/min, it was possible to have comparable release to agitation at 50 rpm using USP II suggesting that comparable hydrodynamic forces are possible. No drop in drug percentage occurs as the dissolved fraction was readily emptied from the flow cell, preventing drug accumulation in the dissolution medium. However, a negligible percentage of drug release took place following pH change. In conclusion, the use of the flow-through cell dissolution provided laminar flow, use of realistic fluid volumes and avoided precipitation of dissolved drug fraction in the gastric phase as it is discharged before pH change