4 research outputs found


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    Podjetja in poslovno okolje sta podvrženi nenehnim spremembam. Ker so tako številne na vseh ravneh poslovanja, jih je težko dohajati. Tudi nabavna funkcija ni izjema. Prava vrednost nabave se pokaže v času konjunkture in recesije, saj uspešno oskrbovanje in sposobnost prestati pritiske ni enostavna naloga. Seveda pa nič od tega ne bi bilo možno, brez skrbno pripravljenih nabavnih strategij usklajenimi s strategijami podjetja ter podpore in zaupanja vodstva. V diplomskem delu se prepleta teoretičen in praktičen vidik nabavnega procesa. Teoretičen vidik je predstavljen na osnovi mnenj in ugotovitev kot ga predstavljajo avtorji v literaturi. Temu sledi praktičen del, ki predstavi kako poteka proces nabave v podjetju ADK, da so potrebni materiali na razpolago ob pravem času, po ustrezni ceni, kvaliteti, količini in da izpolnjuje vse specifične zahteve kupca. S pomočjo ostalih funkcij v podjetju, tako dostavimo končni proizvod, ki ima Slovensko poreklo, kvaliteto ter je narejen po meri in željah kupca. Samo zadovoljen kupec, je predpogoj za nova naročila. Hkrati nas bo priporočil svojim znancem in širil dober glas, ki je v času močne konkurence, še kako pomemben.Companies and business environment are subject to constant change. Because there are so many of them, at all levels of the companies, it is difficult to keep up. Even purchasing function is no exception. The real value of the purchase is displayed during the boom and bust, since the successful provisioning and the ability to withstand pressure, is not an easy task. Of course, none of this would have been possible, without carefully prepared purchase strategy, harmonized with the company\u27s strategy and the support and trust of the company\u27s management. In my diploma the theoretical and practical aspect of the purchasing process are intertwined. The theoretical aspect is presented and based on the opinions and conclusions as presented by the authors in the literature. This is followed by a practical part, which presents the process of purchasing in the company ADK, which means that the necessary materials are available at the right time, at the right cost, quality, quantity and fulfills all the specific requirements of the customer. With the help of the other functions in the company, we are able to deliver the product, which has Slovenian origin, quality and it is made upon customer specifications. Only a satisfied customer is a prerequisite for new orders. At the same time, they will recommend us to their friends and spread the good word, which is in a time of strong competition, very important