8 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamic Analysis of Fluid Obstruction Around Different Geometric Bodies

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    The aim of this paper is to conduct a hydrodynamic analysis of fluid flow around different geometric bodies on the laboratory physical model HM 133 of the Gunt Company from Hamburg and to show the formation of boundary layer and separation points on the observed bodies. The paper covers the field of real fluid dynamics which includes a description of laminar and turbulent flow together with a Reynolds number. A detailed representation of the boundary layer, its characteristics, and its structure are included. The body models in the paper used on the HM 133 physical model were an oblong straight body and cylindrical bodies with 6 mm, 12 mm, 18 mm, and 24 mm in diameter. The research was conducted in the Hydrotechnical Laboratory of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka. Hydrodynamic analyses were made based on the tested body models on the physical model HM 133 together with the analyses on the numerical models performed using the ANSYS Fluent software

    Satelitske altimetrijske misije

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    U radu je prikazan značaj i primjena satelitske altimetrije. Opisan je i princip rada metode satelitske altimetrije koja je izuzetno korisna za dobivanje fizikalnih parametara u područjima mora i oceana, što je pak od presudnog značaja za uspješno rješavanje različitih znanstvenih i praktičnih zadataka u području geodezije. Svoju je primjenu metoda pronašla u mnogobrojnim znanostima koje su uglavnom vezane za proučavanje planeta Zemlje, tzv. geoznanosti. Razvoj altimetrije započeo je 60-ih godina 20. stoljeća te su se do današnjeg dana razvile brojne satelitske altimetrijske misije gdje je svaka misija sa sobom nosila različiti skup instrumenata i time otkrivala nove činjenice i dotad nepoznate pojave. S obzirom na to da je većina misija polučila dobre rezultate i ostvarila zadane ciljeve, pristupilo se razvoju budućih misija uz daljnje ulaganje financijskih sredstava. U radu su prikazani i rezultati proteklih satelitskih altimetrijskih misija kao i zahtjevi koji se stavljaju pred buduće misije. Posebna je pozornost posvećena aktualnim satelitskim altimetrijskim misijama, njihovim karakteristikama, mogućnostima i podatcima koje su nam sposobne pružiti

    Concordance of estimated residual tumor size by magnetic resonance imaging and pathohistologic findings in breast cancer patients after neoadjuvant chemotherapy

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    Cilj. Cilj istraživanja je procijeniti podudarnost veličine rezidualnog tumora, izmjerene magnetskom rezonancijom (MR) i patohistološkom dijagnostikom (PHD) u pacijentica s karcinomom dojke nakon provedene neoadjuvantne kemoterapije (NAK) te procijeniti mogući utjecaj ypT stadija tumora na nepodudarnost veličina izmjerenih navedenim metodama. Ispitanici i metode: U retrospektivno istraživanje uključeno je 50 pacijentica. Uključni kriterij su pacijentice kod kojih je učinjen operativni zahvat uz prethodno proveden NAK karcinoma dojke, na što je odgovor praćen s najmanje dva MR pregleda. Veličina tumora na MR-u uspoređena je s veličinom na PHD-u (zlatni standard) pomoću regresijske analize Passing-Bablok te je izračunat njihov koeficijent korelacije. Analizirana su sva odstupanja i podudarnosti veličine, kao i eventualni utjecaj ypT stadija tumora na razliku između dviju metoda. Razlika od ± 0,5 cm u veličini tumora procijenjenih slikovnom metodom i u PHD nalazu smatrale su se podudarnima veličinama. Rezultati: Srednja vrijednost veličine rezidualnog tumora na MR-u iznosila je 19,1 ± 17,71 mm, dok je na PHD-u iznosila 16,87 ± 18,19 mm. Izračunati r koeficijent korelacije iznosi 0.64 (p < 0.001). Provedenom analizom potvrđeno je da nema značajne razlike izmjerenih veličina tumora na MR-u i PHD-u (p = 0.552) te se metode mogu smatrati podudarnima. Nije uočena statistički značajna razlika u ovisnosti o ypT stadiju tumora koja bi utjecala na nepodudarnost veličina. Zaključci: Među dvjema metodama nema konstantnog niti proporcionalnog odstupanja u mjerenjima te se metode mogu smatrati podudarnim. MR dojke je dobra metoda za procjenu veličine rezidualnog tumora dojke kod pacijentica koje su podvrgnute neoadjuvantnoj kemoterapiji usporedno s PHD-om (zlatni standard).Aim: The goal of this study is to evaluate the concordance between residual tumour size measured on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and pathohistological findings in patients who underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy and operative procedure, and if any pathohistological features may affect that agreement. Respondents and methods: Fifty patients with breast cancer were retrospectively evaluated. Patients who underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy before the operative procedure, and were assessed with at least two MRI examinations, where included in this study. The primary tumour size measured by MRI was compared with pathohistological findings, which was considered as the gold standard. All differences and size correspondence were analyzed as well as the possible influence of ypT stage of tumour between the two methods. Results: The mean value of residual tumour size on MRI was 19,2 ± 17,71 mm, while on pathohistological findings it was 16,87 ± 18,29 mm. A calculated correlation coefficient between the two methods was 0.64 (p < 0.001). There was no statistically significant difference between two methods for measuring residual tumour size (p = 0.552), as well as a statistically significant influence of ypT stage on measuring, so these methods may be considered to be concordant. Conclusions: There is neither a constant nor a proportional deviation in the measurements between the two methods, so these methods can be considered concordant. Breast MRI is a reliable method for estimating residual tumour size in patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy in comparison to pathology

    The Hydrodynamic analysis of fluid flow around different geometric bodies

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    Cilj istraživanja je napraviti hidrodinamičku analizu opstrujavanja fluida oko različitih geometrijskih tijela te na laboratorijskom modelu HM 133, prikazati formiranje graničnog sloja i točke separacije. Obrađena su dva osnovna principa promatranja gibanja tekućina. Rad pokriva polje dinamike realne tekućine što uključuje opis laminarnog i turbulentnog strujanja zajedno sa Reynoldsovim brojem. Obuhvaćen je detaljan prikaz graničnog sloja, njegovih karakteristika kao i njegove strukture. U istraživanju je korišten laboratorijski fizikalni model HM 133. Modeli koji su korišteni su aeroprofil, duguljasto ravno tijelo i valjkasti upornjaci promjera 6 mm, 12 mm, 18 mm i 24 mm. Istraživanje je provedeno u Praktikumu hidrotehničkog laboratorija Građevinskog fakulteta u Rijeci. Napravljene su analize na temelju ispitanih modela na fizikalnom modelu HM 133 zajedno sa analizama na provedenim numeričkim modelima koristeći ANSYS Fluent programski paket.The aim of the research is to make a hydrodynamic analysis of fluid flow around different soilds as well as to show the formation of boundary layer and separation points on a laboratory model. The study includes two basic principles of observing the liquid motion. Real fluid dynamics has been elaborated with a description of the laminar and turbulent flow which includes Reynolds number. A detailed overview of the boundary layer, its characteristics as well as its structure is included. The study used laboratory physical model HM 133. Models that have been used are aerodynamical wing model, cylinders of diameters 6 mm, 12 mm, 18 mm, 24 mm and two square plates. The survey was conducted in the Hydrotechnical Laboratory of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Rijeka (in the Practicum classroom). Analyzes were made based on the tested models on the physical model HM 133 along with the analyzes made on numerical models using the ANSYS Fluent software

    The Hydrodynamic analysis of fluid flow around different geometric bodies

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    Cilj istraživanja je napraviti hidrodinamičku analizu opstrujavanja fluida oko različitih geometrijskih tijela te na laboratorijskom modelu HM 133, prikazati formiranje graničnog sloja i točke separacije. Obrađena su dva osnovna principa promatranja gibanja tekućina. Rad pokriva polje dinamike realne tekućine što uključuje opis laminarnog i turbulentnog strujanja zajedno sa Reynoldsovim brojem. Obuhvaćen je detaljan prikaz graničnog sloja, njegovih karakteristika kao i njegove strukture. U istraživanju je korišten laboratorijski fizikalni model HM 133. Modeli koji su korišteni su aeroprofil, duguljasto ravno tijelo i valjkasti upornjaci promjera 6 mm, 12 mm, 18 mm i 24 mm. Istraživanje je provedeno u Praktikumu hidrotehničkog laboratorija Građevinskog fakulteta u Rijeci. Napravljene su analize na temelju ispitanih modela na fizikalnom modelu HM 133 zajedno sa analizama na provedenim numeričkim modelima koristeći ANSYS Fluent programski paket.The aim of the research is to make a hydrodynamic analysis of fluid flow around different soilds as well as to show the formation of boundary layer and separation points on a laboratory model. The study includes two basic principles of observing the liquid motion. Real fluid dynamics has been elaborated with a description of the laminar and turbulent flow which includes Reynolds number. A detailed overview of the boundary layer, its characteristics as well as its structure is included. The study used laboratory physical model HM 133. Models that have been used are aerodynamical wing model, cylinders of diameters 6 mm, 12 mm, 18 mm, 24 mm and two square plates. The survey was conducted in the Hydrotechnical Laboratory of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Rijeka (in the Practicum classroom). Analyzes were made based on the tested models on the physical model HM 133 along with the analyzes made on numerical models using the ANSYS Fluent software

    Hydraulic Analysis and Optimization of a Part of the Water Supply System of the Buzet City Using WaterCAD V8i and Urbano Hydra Software Packages

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    Unutar ovog diplomskog rada razrađena su dva slučaja rasporeda vodoopskrbne mreže grada Buzeta. U prvom dijelu rada prikazane su osnovne značajke analiziranog područja, te su definirane mjerodavne količine potrebnih voda. Izvršeni su proračuni vodosprema i crpnih stanica. Drugi dio rada obuhvaća hidrauličku analizu vodoopskrbnog sustava unutar Excel-a, te WaterCAD V8i (WaterGEMS) i Urbano Hydra programskog paketa. Za oba slučaja promatrana su dva modela, model gravitacijskog dotoka vode u vodospremu i model dotoka vode u vodospremu crpljenjem. U prvom slučaju prikazane su tri varijante gravitacijskog dotoka vode i dvije varijante dotoka vode crpljenjem. Varijante se međusobno razlikuju obzirom na dispoziciju i nadmorsku visinu vodospreme i izvorišta. U drugom slučaju analizirana su oba modela, svaki s jednom varijantom. Unutar hidrauličkih analiza promatrane su promjene fizikalnih veličina (brzina, protoka, radnog tlaka) za različite vrsta materijala cijevi (lijevoželjezne, PVC i čelične cijevi) i različito požarno opterećenje (bez požara, s jednim, dva ili tri požara). Sagledane su oscilacije razine vode u vodnoj komori uslijed drugačije definiranih razina vode u vodospremi. Računalnim programima se slučajevi i varijante međusobno uspoređuju i evaluiraju. Programom Urbano Hydra iscrtani su uzdužni i karakteristični poprečni profili određenih dionica i rovova.Within this master's thesis, two cases of distribution of water supply networks of the city of Buzet have been developed. The first part of this thesis presents the general features of the analyzed area and relevant quantities of water were defined. Water reservoirs and pumping stations were calculated as well. The second part of this thesis includes hydraulic analysis of the water supply system within Excel, as well as WaterCAD V8i (WaterGEMS) and Urbano Hydra software packages. For both cases, two models were observed, the model of gravitational inflow of water into the reservoir and the model of inflow of water into the reservoir by pumping. In the first case, three variants of gravitational water inflow and two variants of water inflow by pumping are shown. The variants differ from each other with regard to the different disposition of the water reservoir and spring. In the second case, both models were analyzed, each with one variant. Within the hydraulic analyzes, changes in velocity, flow and pressure were observed for different types of materials (Ductile iron, PVC and steel pipes) and different fire loads (without and with fire). The oscillations of the water level in the reservoir due to differently defined water levels in the water reservoir were observed. Computer programs compare and evaluate cases and variants. With the help of Urbano Hydra software package longitudinal pipeline and characteristic cross section profiles were obtained

    Hydraulic Analysis and Optimization of a Part of the Water Supply System of the Buzet City Using WaterCAD V8i and Urbano Hydra Software Packages

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    Unutar ovog diplomskog rada razrađena su dva slučaja rasporeda vodoopskrbne mreže grada Buzeta. U prvom dijelu rada prikazane su osnovne značajke analiziranog područja, te su definirane mjerodavne količine potrebnih voda. Izvršeni su proračuni vodosprema i crpnih stanica. Drugi dio rada obuhvaća hidrauličku analizu vodoopskrbnog sustava unutar Excel-a, te WaterCAD V8i (WaterGEMS) i Urbano Hydra programskog paketa. Za oba slučaja promatrana su dva modela, model gravitacijskog dotoka vode u vodospremu i model dotoka vode u vodospremu crpljenjem. U prvom slučaju prikazane su tri varijante gravitacijskog dotoka vode i dvije varijante dotoka vode crpljenjem. Varijante se međusobno razlikuju obzirom na dispoziciju i nadmorsku visinu vodospreme i izvorišta. U drugom slučaju analizirana su oba modela, svaki s jednom varijantom. Unutar hidrauličkih analiza promatrane su promjene fizikalnih veličina (brzina, protoka, radnog tlaka) za različite vrsta materijala cijevi (lijevoželjezne, PVC i čelične cijevi) i različito požarno opterećenje (bez požara, s jednim, dva ili tri požara). Sagledane su oscilacije razine vode u vodnoj komori uslijed drugačije definiranih razina vode u vodospremi. Računalnim programima se slučajevi i varijante međusobno uspoređuju i evaluiraju. Programom Urbano Hydra iscrtani su uzdužni i karakteristični poprečni profili određenih dionica i rovova.Within this master's thesis, two cases of distribution of water supply networks of the city of Buzet have been developed. The first part of this thesis presents the general features of the analyzed area and relevant quantities of water were defined. Water reservoirs and pumping stations were calculated as well. The second part of this thesis includes hydraulic analysis of the water supply system within Excel, as well as WaterCAD V8i (WaterGEMS) and Urbano Hydra software packages. For both cases, two models were observed, the model of gravitational inflow of water into the reservoir and the model of inflow of water into the reservoir by pumping. In the first case, three variants of gravitational water inflow and two variants of water inflow by pumping are shown. The variants differ from each other with regard to the different disposition of the water reservoir and spring. In the second case, both models were analyzed, each with one variant. Within the hydraulic analyzes, changes in velocity, flow and pressure were observed for different types of materials (Ductile iron, PVC and steel pipes) and different fire loads (without and with fire). The oscillations of the water level in the reservoir due to differently defined water levels in the water reservoir were observed. Computer programs compare and evaluate cases and variants. With the help of Urbano Hydra software package longitudinal pipeline and characteristic cross section profiles were obtained