32 research outputs found


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    This paper is focused to characterize the ochre precipitates and the mine water effluents of some old mine adits and settling pits after mining of polymetallic ores in Slovakia. It was shown that the mine water effluents from two different types of deposits (adits; settling pits) have similar composition and represent slightly acidic sulphate water (pH in range 5.60-6.05, sulphate concentration from 1160 to 1905 g.dm-3). The ochreous precipitates were characterized by methods of X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and B.E.T. method for measuring the specific surface area and porosity. The dominant phases were ferrihydrite with goethite or goethite with lepidocrocide

    Reduced graphene oxide-based nanometal-composite containing copper and silver nanoparticles protect tomato and pepper against Xanthomonas euvesicatoria infection

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    Xanthomonas euvesicatoria (Xe) is of the genera Xanthomonas, which causes a bacterial spot disease that affects tomato and pepper plants, resulting in significant economic losses. Commonly used bactericides lead to pathogen resistance, environmental contamination and a current risk to human health. Herein, a nanocomposite consisting of Cu and Ag loaded onto reduced graphene oxide (rGO) was synthesized, characterized and tested. After confirmation of the antibacterial properties in vitro, nanocomposites at concentrations of 50 and 500 µg mL MINUS SIGN 1 were applied to protect tomato and pepper plants under controlled greenhouse conditions. The tomato and pepper plants indicated significantly lower disease severity when treated with the nanocomposite (15.6 and 16.7%, respectively) than when treated with the commercial copper-based bactericide Kocide(R) 2000. The nanocomposite was demonstrated as a high-efficiency biocide and has the potential for crop disease management with no phytotoxic effect.O

    Relations between structure, morphology a mechanical properties of cerianite based polishing powders

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    We studied relationships between structure, morphology a mechanical properties of cerianite based polishing powders

    Book of Abstracts

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    The book of abstracts of the SSC2000 conference dividedto chapters Metaloxides, Glass, Reactivity of Solids,Electrochemistry of Solids, Materials. Structure of SolidPhases and Advanced Syntheses

    The modern method analysis pointings

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    Baseline identification of pigments is not sufficient for the description of technical style of painting and its authentication. Qualified interpretation of the stratigraphy of colour layers accompanied by the description of their microstructure is only able to help with the evaluation of origin and authenticity of the painting. Wide comparative database and close cooperation of scientists, restorers and art historians is always necessary. Diversity of forms, in which titanium occurs in nature, could be given as an example documenting the necessity of highly professional and sensitive approach to data within this research area

    Apartment building, Chrudim

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    The bachelor's thesis deals with the design of a new-build apartment building located in the town of Chrudim. The apartment building is designed as a detached. The building has three above ground floors and a partial basement. The entrance to the building is from the southeast side. There are 12 residential units in the apartment building, 4 units on each floor in sizes 1+KK, 2+KK and 3+KK. The flats on the second and third floors have a balcony facing either the southwest or northeastes. The apartment building is designed using Porotherm technology with a contact insulation system. The horizontal structures are designed as a reinforced concrete monolithic ceiling structure. The roofing is designed as walkable flat roof

    Relations between structure and mechanical properties of polishing powders based on CeOsub2/sub

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    We studied the polishing powders based on CeOsub2/sub and its mechanical properties

    Apartment building, Chrudim

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem novostavby bytového domu, který se nachází ve městě Chrudim. Bytový dům je navržen jako samostatně stojící. Objekt je částečně podsklepený, se třemi nadzemními podlažími. Vstup do objektu je z jihovýchodní strany. V bytovém domě se nachází 12 bytových jednotek, v každém patře jsou 4 bytové jednotky různých velikostí. Jedná se o velikosti bytů 1+KK, 2+KK a 3+KK, ke spodním bytovým jednotkám náleží i část zahrady. Byty ve druhém a třetím nadzemním podlaží mají balkón orientovaný buď na jihozápadní stranu, nebo severovýchodní stranu. Bytový dům je navržený zděný pomocí technologie Porotherm s kontaktní zateplovacím systémem. Vodorovné konstrukce jsou řešeny jako železobetonová monolitická stropní konstrukce. Zastřešení je navrženo pomocí pochozí ploché střechy.The bachelor's thesis deals with the design of a new-build apartment building located in the town of Chrudim. The apartment building is designed as a detached. The building has three above ground floors and a partial basement. The entrance to the building is from the southeast side. There are 12 residential units in the apartment building, 4 units on each floor in sizes 1+KK, 2+KK and 3+KK. The flats on the second and third floors have a balcony facing either the southwest or northeastes. The apartment building is designed using Porotherm technology with a contact insulation system. The horizontal structures are designed as a reinforced concrete monolithic ceiling structure. The roofing is designed as walkable flat roof.

    Strucrure and Morphology of Diamond Based Polishing Powders

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    We studied structure and morphology of diamond based polishing powders

    Analysis of R 4241 F Pigments

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    We analysed pigments of the R 4241 F type