3 research outputs found
Concept of procedure for modeling of the TerezĂn Fortress buildings with several levels of detail
V bakalářskĂ© práci je navrĹľen postup tvorby 3D modelu budovy v rĹŻznĂ˝ch ĂşrovnĂch detailu. DatovĂ˝ formát modelu je KML (Keyhole Markup Language). Postup je vysvÄ›tlen na konkrĂ©tnĂm pĹ™ĂpadÄ› modelu budovy ÄŤ. p. 216 na námÄ›stĂ v TerezĂnÄ›, jenĹľ byl tvoĹ™en na základÄ› stavebnĂch vĂ˝kresĹŻ a fotografiĂ. Postup je navrĹľen v prostĹ™edĂ aplikace Trimble SketchUp, pĹ™iÄŤemĹľ je porovnán s tvorbou v aplikaci AutoCAD. V práci je zmĂnÄ›n takĂ© projekt ?Krajina pamÄ›ti. Drážďany a TerezĂn jako mĂsta vzpomĂnek na Ĺ OA.? v jehoĹľ rámci modelovánĂ probĂhalo. Dále je zmĂnÄ›n standard OGC CityGML, podle nÄ›jĹľ byly tvoĹ™eny jednotlivĂ© ĂşrovnÄ› detailu.Katedra matematikyObhájenoIn this bachelor thesis a procedure of 3D modeling of a building in different levels of detail (LOD) is proposed. Data format of the model is KML (Keyhole Markup Language). The procedure is explained on a particular example of of building No. 216 located at the square in TerezĂn. Modeling was based mostly on floor plans and photos. The process is proposed in software Trimble SketchUp and is compared to the procedure in software AutoCAD. The model was made in terms of the project GEPAM. Levels of details are modeled according to CityGML standard
Possibilities of validation for GRACE satellite data by integral transformations
V tĂ©to práci jsou formulovány, zkoumány a aplikovány integrálnĂ transformace poruchovĂ©ho potenciálu, kterĂ© mohou bĂ˝t odvozeny z druĹľicovĂ© altimetrie, na data typu GRACE observacĂ. Nejprve jsou aplikovány odpovĂdajĂcĂ diferenciálnĂ operátory, kterĂ© dávajĂ do souvislosti poruchovĂ˝ potenciál a rozdĂl poruchovĂ˝ch potenciálĹŻ (RPP) nebo rozdĂl gradientĹŻ poruchovĂ˝ch potenciálĹŻ (RGPP). Z toho vyplĂ˝vajĂ dvÄ› integrálnĂ transformace, jejichĹľ integrálnĂ jádro je dáno v prostorovĂ©m a spektrálnĂm tvaru. Za druhĂ© jsou formulovány praktickĂ© odhady pro vĂ˝poÄŤet RPP a RGPP. Ty rozdÄ›lujĂ integraÄŤnĂ oblast na omezenou integraci a vliv vzdálenĂ˝ch zĂłn. Za tĹ™etĂ je zkoumána pĹ™esnost praktickĂ˝ch odhadĹŻ pro druĹľicovou misi GRACE. JinĂ˝mi slovy je zkoumáno šĂĹ™enĂ chyb v omezenĂ© integraci a chyby ze zanedbánĂ vlivu vzdálenĂ˝ch zĂłn nad maximálnĂm stupnÄ›m harmonickĂ©ho rozvoje (angl. omission error) a vliv chyb sfĂ©rickĂ˝ch harmonickĂ˝ch koeficientĹŻ pĹ™i vĂ˝poÄŤtu vzdálenĂ˝ch zĂłn (angl. commission error).ObhájenoIntegral transforms of the disturbing potential, that would eventually be derived from altimetry data are formulated, onto satellite-to-satellite (SST) tracking data are formulated investigated and applied in this paper. First, corresponding differential operators, that relate the disturbing potential differences (DPDs) and line-of-sight (LOS) gravity disturbances (LGDs) to the disturbing potential, are applied to the spherical form of the Abel-Poisson integral. This gives two integral transforms for which respective kernel functions are given in the spatial and spectral form. Second, practical integral estimators for evaluation of the DPDs and LGDs are formulated. These decompose the original integral transforms into the limited integration (near zones) and distant zones. Third, expected accuracy of the estimators is investigated for GRACE satellite mission. In particular, we investigate the
error propagation through the limited integration, and the omission and commission errors, which are related to the evaluation of the distant zone