8 research outputs found

    Economic analysis of wheat production and applied marketing management

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    Wheat is, in quantity, the third largest crop produced in the world and therefore contributes greatly to the world economy both globally and in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina-B & H. With wheat, worldwide it is sowing about 2.20 million ha annually and in Republic of Serbia wheat cultivated in 588.820 ha. The present trial was carried out to study the growth rates of yield, production and market of wheat in B & H. During the period 2010-2016, wheat was sown of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 63606.30 ha. There is trend in increasing of areas under wheat with a rate of 0.99% per year and, it varies. Average yield of wheat during the monitored period was 3.58 t ha-1. Average export of wheat in the tested period was 41750 t and had a tendency to increase with a rate of 25.67% and variation (CV = 104.41%) while average import of wheat was 398750 t and had a tendency to increase with a rate of 0.82% and variation (CV = 10.37%). The highest import was achieved in 2016 (398750 t) and the lowest in 2013. External trade of agro-industrial products and trade liberalization implies the necessity of raising the technological level of production, productivity, efficiency and application of marketing management

    Analysis of soybean production and biogas yield to improve eco-marketing and circular economy

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    In the study attempts to analyze soybean production and possibility obtaining biogas from soybean biomass, in order to obtain energy inputs into the profit function and realized a circular economy. This paper presents the results of five-year studies of soybean production analysis in the world and in Serbia, and was also examined soybeans morphoproductive characteristics and on the biogas yield, of the Favorit variety, produced in Pančevo, Serbia. Serbia has excellent conditions for soybeans production. The maximum soybean biomass yield of soybean variety Favorit was 5 t ha-1. The average biogas yield, for tested five years, was 368 m3ha-1. The biogas yield was in positive statistically significant correlations on the plant height (r=0.65*) and in positive correlations with biomass yield. Soybean cultivar with their characteristics justify the sowing and can be used as a raw material in bio-fuels production

    Globalizacija, digitalizacija i porodični biznis: 4.0 ERA

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    "MožeÅ” odbiti da se promeniÅ”, ali svet će se svejedno promenitiā€ Isak Adižes Istoriju obeležavaju različiti događaji koji predstavljaju promenu u mnogim socijalnim, kulturnim, ekonomskim i tehnoloÅ”kim sferama. Industrijska revolucija jedna je od najpoznatijih. Sve te promene Å”irom sveta dovele su do dramatičnih promena u načinu poslovanja i globalne povezanosti. Nesporna je činjenica da se svet i privreda u njemu zadnjih decenija izuzetno i ubrzano menjaju. Četvrta industrijska revolucija bazira se na tehnoloÅ”kom i drugim pratećim znanjima, kao i na modelima privređivanja, koji su sve manje manuelnog, a sve viÅ”e umnog i digitalnog karaktera. U ā€˜ā€™Novom dobuā€™ā€™ koje se ubrzano stvara, čak i velika preduzeća, koja proizvode ogromne količine robe, zapoÅ”ljavaju sve manje radnika. Umesto ljudi rade kompjuteri, roboti i druge tzv. ā€œpametne maÅ”ineā€. Reč je o kreiranju sve složenijih procesnih postrojenja i sve ā€œpametnijihā€ maÅ”ina ili maÅ”inskih postupaka. Život i rad se sve viÅ”e odvijaju preko aplikacija. Pod uticajem novih tehnologija doÅ”lo je do velike razmene podataka koja je generisala viÅ”e vrednosti nego međunarodna trgovina. Novi trendovi industrijske revolucije 4.0 pomažu i razvijaju bolje poslovanje u malim i srednjm preduzećima. Ti novi trendovi su: novi biznis modeli; povećanje produktivnosti; veći kvalitet proizvoda; veći prihodi. Kroz ovaj rad smo pokuÅ”ali da ukažemo na neke izazove za porodične kompanije u četvrtoj industrijskoj revoluciji 4.0. Da bi napredovale u Četvrtoj industrijskoj revoluciji, kompanije moraju da obezbede da njihovi radnici budu adekvatno opremljeni kroz usavrÅ”avanje i prekvalifikaciju, a zatim da zaposle nove ljude kada je to potrebno. Nova revolucija donosi nove dimenzije načina na koji mislimo, ponaÅ”amo se i organizujemo život. Promene će biti sve brže i obimnije, a ljudi sve zavisniji od tehnologije. Svedoci smo sveopÅ”te digitalizacije druÅ”tva u kome živimo. Å to je zemlja razvijenija, to digitalizacija brže stiže u živote stanovnika. Brže od same digitalizacije dolaze najave kako će se digitalizacija sprovoditi. Digitalizaciju ne možemo izbeći, ali moramo biti svesni pretnji koje ona donosi


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    Oats are of great economic importance thanks to the high nutritional value of the grain. In this study, the productivity of oats was analyzed in two varieties: control (variants without digestate) and in the variant with digestate, during 2021-2022. The following parameters were tested: plant height, number of grains per panicle, grain yield per hectare and protein content. Highly significant positive correlation coefficients were found between grain yield and number of grains per plants (r=0.68**) and grain yield and plant height (r=0.59*). The results showed that year and digestate had no statistically significant effect on oat grain yield. The obtained values for grain yield were statistically significantly higher in the variant with digestate compared to the control variant. The digestate had a significant effect on the increase of oat yield and yield parameters, therefore its application in the oat crop is recommended

    The economic importance of safflower and the influence of genotype on biomass production

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    Å afranjika pripada porodici glavočika (familia Asteraceae). Celokupna nadzemna generativna i vegetativna biomasa sorti najnovije generacije, može se upotrebiti na različite načine. U radu su ispitivani su parametri produktuvnosti dva genotipa Å”afranjike i mogućnost njihove upotrebe. Rezultati su pokazali da su utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u prinosima biomase, masi 1000 zrna i zapreminskoj masi u zavisnosti od genotipa (p<0,05). Prosečni prinosi bili su statistički veoma značajno veći u sorte Å”afranjike S-20 (4,43 t/ha) u odnosu na sortu Nutrasaff (4,20 t/ha). Prinos biomase bio je u pozitivnoj statistički visoko značajnoj korelaciji sa masom 1000 zrna (0,94**) i u pozitivnoj statistički značajnoj korelaciji sa zapreminskom masom (0,67*). U uslovima sve viÅ”e izraženih globalnih klimatskih promena Å”afranjika može postati vrlo značajna ratarska biljka.Safflower belongs to the family Asteraceae. The entire overhead generative and vegetative biomass varieties the latest generations, can be used in a variety of ways. The productivity parameters of two saffron genotypes and were investigated the possibility of their use. The results showed that statistically significant differences in biomass yields were found, mass of 1000 grains and volumetric mass depending on genotype (p<0.05). Average yields were statistically very significantly higher in saffron varieties S-20 (4.43 t / ha) compared to the Nutrasaff variety (4.20 t / ha). Biomass yield was positive statistically highly significant correlation with the mass of 1000 grains (0.94 **) and in a positive statistically significant correlation with volumetric mass (0.67 *). In the conditions of increasingly pronounced global climate changes saffron can become a very important cro

    Cereals as energy sources in the function of circular economy

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    The circular economy is an approach that integrates the economy, the waste management system and protects the environment. The goal of the circular economy is to optimize the existing system and increase welfare. The growth trend of alternative fuels is evident in the world from year to year, thanks to the development of new technologies for processing biological waste into energy sources. Commercial production needs to be economically and environmentally friendly so that biofuels from renewable sources are an adequate substitute for fossil fuels. In this study, two winter grains, wheat and rye, were examined, during 2018/2019 and 2019/2020, in order to obtain biogas from plant biomass. The results showed that wheat had a statistically significantly higher production of biomass and biogas compared to rye. Based on the analysis of variance, it can be concluded that there are highly significant differences in biomass yield in regard to the genotype (Fexp=937.75**) and years (Fexp=28.07**) of investigation. There is a strong positive correlation between biomass and biogas yields

    Influence of the year on the productivity of alternative cereal spelt on degrade soil

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    In the last forty years, about 30% of agricultural soil has undergone degradation processes, especially in developed countries. There are attempts to repair or recultivate degraded soils, but the results both in the world and in our country are mostly symbolic. Spelt achieves good results on degraded soil. It is more and more cultivated, because spelled grain has a high protein content, up to 25%, more proline, tyrosine, glutamic and aspartic acids, lipids and unsaturated fatty acids from common wheat. It is resistant to low temperatures, diseases and pests and suitable for organic production. The paper presents the results of two-year tests on the spelt productivity grown on degraded soil. The average value for grain yield in the examined years was 3.951Ā±0.53 t/ha. The Nirvana variety had a statistically significantly higher grain yield in 2020 (4.40Ā±0.10 t/ha) compared to 2021 (3.50Ā±0.30 t/ha). Positive and very strong correlations were found between grain yield and volumetric mass (r=0.97*) and a strong positive correlation between yield and mass of 1000 grains (r=0.67*)


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    Trade policy should be directed towards the creation of conditions for the smooth functioning of the market and for full respect for the rules of the market game. It is a common opinion among economic policy makers that liberalization leads to more efficient allocation and use of resources, because the domestic economy is exposed to the discipline of the world market and the influence of modern technology. It is often emphasized that rapid liberalization of imports can cause balance of payments difficulties and dislocations in the economy, unless combined with effective measures to increase competitiveness and improve exports. It is recommended that the liberalization process be gradual. A radical liberalization process can have a very negative impact on the balance of payments. The biggest problem of Serbian exports is the lack of recognizable products that could be competitive in the world market with price and quality. One of the key directions of foreign trade policy in the coming period is to direct companies to new markets. Today Serbia has great experience in many segments of transition that have been taking place in other countries. Taken examples of the countries that went through the transition and became EU members, significant activities have been undertaken to improve foreign trade policy. The aim of this paper is to analyze the trade policy and the Serbian transition process, and to point out possible measures and activities that would contribute to the faster and sustainable development of the Serbian economy