13 research outputs found

    Stirring competes with chemical induction in chiral selection of soft matter aggregates

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    Chirality, the absence of mirror symmetry, can be equally invoked in relation to physical forces and chemical induction processes, yet a competition between these two types of influence is rarely reported. Here we present a self-assembled soft matter system in which chiral selection is controlled by the combined independent action of a chiral dopant and vortical stirring, which are arbitrarily coupled, either constructively or destructively. In the latter case, perfect compensation, that is, absence of a net chiral effect, is realized. The induced enantiomorphic excess is measured in terms of the statistical imbalance of an ensemble of submillimetre domains, where achiral molecules self-assemble with a well-defined orientational chirality that is unambiguously resolved using optical microscopy. The possibility of combining top-down and bottom-up strategies to induce a chiral predominance in a supramolecular system of achiral components should be recognized as a new twist in the process of chiral recognition, selection and control

    Topological defects in cholesteric liquid crystals induced by monolayer domains with orientational chirality

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    Unless stabilized by colloids or confinement with well-defined boundary conditions, defects in liquid crystals remain elusive short-lived objects that tend to disappear with time to minimize the medium's free energy. In this work we use multimodal three-dimensional imaging to visualize cholesteric director structures to show that self-assembled chiral molecular monolayer domains can stabilize topologically constrained defect configurations when in contact with a cholesteric liquid crystal. The cholesteric liquid crystal, having features of both coarse-grained lamellar and nematic liquid crystal with chiral symmetry breaking, allows us to explore the interplay of chirality and implications of layering on the formed defects and director configurations

    Chiral-symmetry selection in soft monolayers under vortical flow

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    Herein, we report and interpret a new chiral-selection phenomenon in the orientational ordering of soft-assembled domains that arise spontaneously in Langmuir monolayers of an azobenzene derivative at the air/water interface. The orientational chirality of isolated sub-millimeter domains was unambiguously assessed by optical microscopy. The selection process, quantified by using an enantiomeric excess parameter, was controlled by stirring the aqueous subphase. We have studied the dependence of this process on stirring rate and handedness, stirring time, temperature, and on the initial state of the monolayer. The influence of the concomitant cis/trans isomerization on the reported chiral-selection process is also discussed

    Healing of defects at the interface of nematic liquid crystals and structured Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers

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    We use Langmuir-Blodgett molecular monolayers and nematic liquid crystals as model two-and three-dimensional orientationally ordered systems to study the stability and healing of topological defects at their contact interfaces. Integer-strength defects at the monolayer induce disclinations of similar strength in the nematic that, however, do not propagate deep into the bulk, but rather form single- or double-split arch-shaped loops pinned to the interface. This behavior is qualitatively independent of the far-field director orientation and involves either half-integer singular or twist-escaped unity-strength nonsingular nematic disclinations. These two defect configurations can be selected by varying sample preparation given their comparable free energy, consistently with direct probing by use of laser tweezers

    Chiral selection by interfacial shearing of self-assembled achiral molecules

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    We report a novel phenomenon of chiral selection in self-assembled condensates of achiral amphiphiles. The handedness of chiral textures, reproducing the collective rotational component of the molecular orientation inside submillimeter circular domains, is correlated with the sign of a vortical stirring in the aqueous subphase. We propose an explanation based on the distinctive kinetics of topological defect annihilation during domain coalescence at the initial coarsening stage of a phase-separating monolayer

    FamĂ­lies botĂ niques de plantes medicinals

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    Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona. Ensenyament: Grau de Farmàcia, Assignatura: Botànica Farmacèutica, Curs: 2013-2014, Coordinadors: Joan Simon, Cèsar Blanché i Maria Bosch.Els materials que aquí es presenten són els recull de 175 treballs d’una família botànica d’interès medicinal realitzats de manera individual. Els treballs han estat realitzat per la totalitat dels estudiants dels grups M-2 i M-3 de l’assignatura Botànica Farmacèutica durant els mesos d’abril i maig del curs 2013-14. Tots els treballs s’han dut a terme a través de la plataforma de GoogleDocs i han estat tutoritzats pel professor de l’assignatura i revisats i finalment co-avaluats entre els propis estudiants. L’objectiu principal de l’activitat ha estat fomentar l’aprenentatge autònom i col·laboratiu en Botànica farmacèutica

    Chiral selection by interfacial shearing of self-assembled achiral molecules

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    We report a novel phenomenon of chiral selection in self-assembled condensates of achiral amphiphiles. The handedness of chiral textures, reproducing the collective rotational component of the molecular orientation inside submillimeter circular domains, is correlated with the sign of a vortical stirring in the aqueous subphase. We propose an explanation based on the distinctive kinetics of topological defect annihilation during domain coalescence at the initial coarsening stage of a phase-separating monolayer

    Chiral selection by interfacial shearing of self-assembled achiral molecules

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    We report a novel phenomenon of chiral selection in self-assembled condensates of achiral amphiphiles. The handedness of chiral textures, reproducing the collective rotational component of the molecular orientation inside submillimeter circular domains, is correlated with the sign of a vortical stirring in the aqueous subphase. We propose an explanation based on the distinctive kinetics of topological defect annihilation during domain coalescence at the initial coarsening stage of a phase-separating monolayer

    Topological defects in cholesteric liquid crystals induced by monolayer domains with orientational chirality

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    Unless stabilized by colloids or confinement with well-defined boundary conditions, defects in liquid crystals remain elusive short-lived objects that tend to disappear with time to minimize the medium's free energy. In this work we use multimodal three-dimensional imaging to visualize cholesteric director structures to show that self-assembled chiral molecular monolayer domains can stabilize topologically constrained defect configurations when in contact with a cholesteric liquid crystal. The cholesteric liquid crystal, having features of both coarse-grained lamellar and nematic liquid crystal with chiral symmetry breaking, allows us to explore the interplay of chirality and implications of layering on the formed defects and director configurations

    Chiral-symmetry selection in soft monolayers under vortical flow

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    Herein, we report and interpret a new chiral-selection phenomenon in the orientational ordering of soft-assembled domains that arise spontaneously in Langmuir monolayers of an azobenzene derivative at the air/water interface. The orientational chirality of isolated sub-millimeter domains was unambiguously assessed by optical microscopy. The selection process, quantified by using an enantiomeric excess parameter, was controlled by stirring the aqueous subphase. We have studied the dependence of this process on stirring rate and handedness, stirring time, temperature, and on the initial state of the monolayer. The influence of the concomitant cis/trans isomerization on the reported chiral-selection process is also discussed