179 research outputs found

    Faucets as a reservoir of endemic Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonization/infections in intensive care units

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    Objective: To evaluate the role of faucets as a reservoir for Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonization/infection of patients hospitalized in intensive care units (ICUs). Design: Prospective epidemiological investigation performed during a nonepidemic period of 1year. The inner part of the ICU faucets were swabbed for P. aeruginosa. Data were recorded on all patients with at least one culture of a clinical specimens positive for P. aeruginosa. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was used to characterize the strains. Setting: Five ICUs of a university hospital which are supplied by two separate water distribution networks. Patients: During a 1-year period 132 cases were investigated. Results: In 42% of cases (56/132) there were isolates identical to those found in the faucets, with a total of nine different genotypes. Among the nine genotypes isolated from both patients and faucets one of them, the most prevalent, was isolated in the two networks and in 30 cases. The other eight genotypes were recovered almost exclusively from either one (three genotypes in 12 cases) or the other (five genotypes in 12 cases) network and from the patients in the corresponding ICUs. Conclusions: These results suggest that the water system of the ICUs was the primary reservoir of patient's colonization/infection with P. aeruginosa in a substantial proportion of patients, although the exact mode of acquisition could not be determine

    Prevalence of Vaccine Type Infections in Vaccinated and Non-Vaccinated Young Women: HPV-IMPACT, a Self-Sampling Study.

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    Background: The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination program for young girls aged 11⁻26 years was introduced in Switzerland in 2008. The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of high- and low-risk HPV in a population of undergraduate students using self-sampling for monitoring the HPV vaccination program's effect. Undergraduate women aged between 18⁻31 years, attending the Medical School and University of Applied Sciences in Geneva, were invited to participate in the study. Included women were asked to perform vaginal self-sampling for HPV testing using a dry cotton swab. A total of 409 students participated in the study-aged 18⁻31 years-of which 69% of the participants were vaccinated with Gardasil HPV vaccine and 31% did not received the vaccine. About HPV prevalence, 7.2% of unvaccinated women were HPV 16 or 18 positive, while 1.1% of vaccinated women were infected by HPV 16 or 18 (p < 0.01). Prevalence of HPV 6 and 11 was 8.3% in non-vaccinated women versus 2.1% in vaccinated women (p < 0.02). We observed no cross-protection for the other HPV genotypes of a low- and high-risk strain. Prevalence of HPV 6/11/16/18 was lower in vaccinated women versus unvaccinated women. Continued assessment of HPV vaccine effectiveness in real population is needed

    Occult nosocomial infections

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    Even with a good surveillance program, nosocomial infections may be not recognized because of several reasons: absence of symptoms or prolonged incubation period (eg, viral bloodborne infections, tuberculosis); problems with the microbiological diagnosis, because adequate specimens may be difficult to obtain or special methods should be used (eg, fungal infections, virus, new agents); shorter hospital stays (eg, surgical-site infections); difficulty in distinguishing between nosocomial and community-acquired infections (eg, influenza); and failure to detect clinically relevant colonization (eg, multiresistant microorganisms). Because of the important potential consequences of occult nosocomial infections, specific surveillance programs should be designed to address these problems

    Nosocomial nontyphoidal salmonellosis after antineoplastic chemotherapy: reactivation of asymptomatic colonization?

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    An increased frequency of nontyphoidal salmonellosis is well established in cancer patients, but it is unclear whether this represents increased susceptibility to exogenous infection or opportunistic, endogenous reactivation of asymptomatic carriage. In a retrospective study, a simple case definition was used to identify the probable presence of reactivation salmonellosis in five cancer patients between 1996 and 2002. Reactivation salmonellosis was defined as the development of nosocomial diarrhea >72h after admission and following the administration of antineoplastic chemotherapy in an HIV-seronegative cancer patient who was asymptomatic on admission, in the absence of epidemiological evidence of a nosocomial outbreak. Primary salmonellosis associated with unrecognized nosocomial transmission or community acquisition and an unusually prolonged incubation period could not entirely be ruled out. During the same time period, another opportunistic infection, Pneumocystis pneumonia, was diagnosed in six cancer patients. Presumably, asymptomatic intestinal Salmonella colonization was converted to invasive infection by chemotherapy-associated intestinal mucosal damage and altered innate immune mechanisms. According to published guidelines, stool specimens from patients hospitalized for longer than 72h should be rejected unless the patient is neutropenic or ≧65 years old with significant comorbidity. However, in this study neutropenia was present in only one patient, and four patients were <65 years old. Guidelines should thus be revised in order not to reject stool culture specimens from such patients. In cancer patients, nosocomial salmonellosis can occur as a chemotherapy-triggered opportunistic reactivation infection that may be similar in frequency to Pneumocystis pneumoni

    Human papillomavirus (HPV) contamination of gynaecological equipment.

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    OBJECTIVE: The gynaecological environment can become contaminated by human papillomavirus (HPV) from healthcare workers' hands and gloves. This study aimed to assess the presence of HPV on frequently used equipment in gynaecological practice. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, 179 samples were taken from fomites (glove box, lamp of a gynaecological chair, gel tubes for ultrasound, colposcope and speculum) in two university hospitals and in four gynaecological private practices. Samples were collected with phosphate-buffered saline-humidified polyester swabs according to a standardised pattern, and conducted twice per day for 2 days. The samples were analysed by a semiquantitative real-time PCR. Statistical analysis was performed using Pearson's χ(2) test and multivariate regression analysis. RESULTS: Thirty-two (18%) HPV-positive samples were found. When centres were compared, there was a higher risk of HPV contamination in gynaecological private practices compared with hospitals (OR 2.69, 95% CI 1.06 to 6.86). Overall, there was no difference in the risk of contamination with respect to the time of day (OR 1.79, 95% CI 0.68 to 4.69). When objects were compared, the colposcope had the highest risk of contamination (OR 3.02, 95% CI 0.86 to 10.57). CONCLUSIONS: Gynaecological equipment and surfaces are contaminated by HPV despite routine cleaning. While there is no evidence that contaminated surfaces carry infectious viruses, our results demonstrate the need for strategies to prevent HPV contamination. These strategies, based on health providers' education, should lead to well-established cleaning protocols, adapted to gynaecological rooms, aimed at eliminating HPV material

    Unusual Spread of a Penicillin-Susceptible Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Clone in a Geographic Area of Low Incidence

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    We describe the unusual spread of a penicillin-susceptible methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) clone in hospitals in western Switzerland, where the incidence of MRSA is usually low. During a 2-year period, this clone had been responsible for several outbreaks and had been isolated from >156 persons in 21 institutions. Molecular typing by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) demonstrated that all of these isolates belonged to the same clone. In 1 of the outbreaks, involving 30 cases, the clone was responsible for at least 17 secondary cases. In contrast, during the period of the latter outbreak, 9 other patients harboring different MRSA strains, as assessed by PFGE, were hospitalized in the same wards, but no secondary cases occurred. These observations suggest that this clone, compared with other MRSA strains, had some intrinsic factor(s) that contributed to its ability to disseminate and could thus be considered epidemi