1,229 research outputs found

    Jagić o Maretiću

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    U radu se čitatelju daje na uvid i analizira se što je i kako Jagić pisao o Maretiću.Aside from work on his main philological activities, Jagić, as the editor of the Archive and leading Croatian philologist of his time with an international reputation, very diligently kept abreast of all happenings in the area of Slavic studies both in Croatia and abroad. He had a compelling need not only to be informed about everything but also to express his own critical judgement. He would frequently polemize with those whose opinions he disagreed with. As a result many of Jagić’s reviews of books and treatises of leading Slavicists of the time came into being, mostly published in the Archive. Not only would he courteously outline a book, but in those reviews Jagić also exposed his own evaluation, and explicated his own opinion about solutions to particular issues. Among those who Jagić wrote about frequently in his reviews of new books was Tomo Maretić, a leading Croatian philologist at the turn of the 19th century. Since both Jagić and Maretić are exceptional personalities in Croatian philology in their own ways, and since their works overlap, supplement or oppose each other in many elements, it will be interesting and useful for Croatian philology to analyze what the elder thinks about the younger, and how he evaluates him in materials available today. Such an analysis could not only somewhat clarify the picture of Maretić as a philologist, but also clarify the picture in terms of important issues in Croatian philology of the time

    Migration and pentecostalism in a mendicant Roma community in Eastern Moldavia

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    The study analyzes the changes in the religious and social life of a Roma Pentecostal community in an ethnically mixed village, and the relationship between migration practices and conversion to Pentecostalism. In the first part of the study, the author presents the Roma community and outlines the circumstances under which Pentecostalism emerged among them. Thereafter, the two types of migration practiced by the Roma will be presented: migration focused mainly on northern European countries, based on panhandling, and migration aimed at longer term residence in the countries of Western Europe. The analysis points to the importance of foreign migration-related income in the changing situation of the Roma, as well as the role of the Pentecostal religion in the modernization changes that began in the Roma community

    The changes of rural farming in a Transylvanian settlement = Schimbări în agricultura rurală într-o localitate din Transilvania

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    The article analyzes the changes occurred in a Transylvanian village farming. First part of the paper focuses on the economic and social frameworks and context of the rural farming. The main part of the analysis based on the theoretical concepts of pluriactivity, diversification and food self-provisioning and the conceptualization of the special literature analyzes the economic strategies of a Romanian village, seeking to present a typology based on nature of economic strategies. The author argues that the main strategy is pluriactivity, however the limited forms of diversification are also present in the farming patterns of the village, which mark a shift toward a more specialized, profit oriented farming. Near this strategies the food self-provisioning is also present, what is more there has appeared new ideologies and meanings regarding to food very well known mostly from the western countries’ alternative food networks


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    Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu rendahnya kinerja karyawan. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan turunnya tingkat pelayanan terhadap peserta, tingkat ketidakhadiran dan keterlambatan yang tidak stabil. Fenomena tersebut harus segera ditangani karena karyawan merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat menentukan keberhasilan suatu perusahaan. Kompetensi dan komitmen organisasional dijadikan suatu cara untuk meningkatkan kinerja karyawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kompetensi, tingkat komitmen organisasional, dan tingkat kinerja karyawan di PT.TASPEN (Persero) Kantor Cabang Utama Bandung, serta untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh tingkat kompetensi dan komitmen organisasional terhadap kinerja karyawan PT.TASPEN (Persero) Kantor Cabang Utama Bandung. Objek yang menjadi unit analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan PT.TASPEN (Persero) Kantor Cabang Utama Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dan verifikatif dengan populasi berjumlah 80 orang responden. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah koefisien korelasi pearson product moment dan analisis regresi berganda. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan uji F-test untuk melihat pengaruh secara simultan dan uji t-test untuk melihat pengaruh secara parsial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi dan komitmen organisasional memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan dengan tingkat korelasi sebesar 25,4% . Dari penelitian terhadap pengujian hipotesis kompetensi dan komitmen organisasional memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan baik secara simultan maupun parsial. Penulis merekomendasikan agar perusahaan dapat memiliki cara untuk lebih meningkatkan kompetensi dan komitmen organisasional karyawan untuk peningkatan kinerja perusahaan. Kata Kunci :Kompetensi, Komitmen organisasional, Kinerja Karyawan The main issue in this study is the low performance of the employee. It is marked by the decline the level of service to participants, attendance and tardiness unstable inproduction and sales, high absenteeis mandlow. Employee performance appraisal. This phenomenon must be addressed because the employee is one of the factors that candetermine the success of a company. Competence and commitment of the organization to be used as away of improving the performance of employees. This study is aimed to determine the level of competence, the level of organizational commitment, and the level of employee performance in PT.TASPEN (Persero) Kantor Cabang Utama Bandung, and to determine the influence of the level of competence and organizational commitment to employee performance of PT.TASPEN (Persero) Kantor Cabang Utama Bandung. The object is the unit of analysis in this study is an employee PT.TASPEN (Persero) Kantor Cabang Utama Bandung. This study uses descriptive and verification method. It involves a population consisting 80 people as the respondents. Then, the data is analyzed by using Pearson Product Moment Coefficient Correlation and also multiple regression analysis. Hypothesis testing using the test F-test to see the influence of simultaneously and t-test to see the influence partially. The result of this study shows that competence and commitment of the organization to have a significant effect on the performance of employees with a degree of correlation by 25,4%. From a study of hypothesis testing competence and organizational commitment has a Significant influence on employee performance either simultan eously or partially. The author recommends that the company may have a way to furtherenhance The organization's competence and commitment of the employees to increase the performance of the company

    Kollektív látomások a moldvai csángó falvakban

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    The paper analyses the social history and the cultural aspects of collective visions from the traditional Moldavian csángó culture. It mentions the conditions and circumstances of their appearance, their ontological qualities (Saint—demonic), the attitude of the church to them, the features of the visions compared with the orthodox religious culture. For the uncommonly religious csángó community, to whom the religious experience has a very deep emotional meaning, the other-world has medieval importance. They accept the reality of the other-world without transcendental experience. The visions announce visual certainty about this important religious structure

    JOŽE TOPORIŠIČ (1926. – 2014.). U spomen

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    Seleksi pemilihan peserta didik baru merupakan agenda tahunan yang dilakukan oleh SMAN 1 Airgegas, dalam melakukan pemilihan peserta didik baru calon PPDB dan panitia PPDB mengalami kesulitan dimana belum adanya sebuah sistem pendukung yang transparan dan professional untuk penyeleksian hingga mengurutkan rangking dari nilai seleksi calon peserta didik. Pada penelitian ini penulis mengusulkan penerapan logika fuzzy dan motode SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) sebagai sistem yang alternatif dapat digunakan untuk mempermudah panitia PPDB dalam mengolah data kriteria hingga menentukan rangking calon peserta didik yang mendaftar. Untuk pengolahan data bobot dihasilkan melalui kuesioner dengan skala linkert. Sistem penunjang keputusan yang dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan MySQL sebagai database, kriteria yang diusulkan dari wawancara diantaranya nilai ujian nasional, nilai ujian sekolah, nilai rata-rata rapor, dan sertifikat prestasi, dengan sampel alternatif yang terdiri dari 5 orang siswa, hasil akhir dari perolehan perhitungan fuzzy SAW data alternatif tersebut adalah A1(0,51), A2(1), A3(0,78), A4(0,78), A5(0,78), dan sistem yang dihasilkan adalah calon PPDB dapat mendaftar, melihat pengumuman dan panitia dapat mengolah data bobot pada kriteria dengan efektif dan efisien secara online.   Keywords: Sistem Penunjang Keputusan, Pemilihan Peserta Didik Baru, Logika Fuzzy, Simple Additive Weighting,  Skala Linker

    Regulation of macula densa Na:H exchange by angiotensin II

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    Regulation of macula densa Na:H exchange by angiotensin II.BackgroundAngiotensin II (Ang II) is a positive modulator of tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF). At the present time, the site(s) at which Ang II interacts with the signal transmission process remains unknown. In certain renal epithelia, Ang II is known to stimulate apical Na:H exchange. Since macula densa cells possess an apical Na:H exchanger and Ang II subtype I receptors (AT1-receptors), we tested the possibility that Ang II might stimulate exchanger activity in these cells.MethodsUsing the isolated perfused thick ascending limb with attached glomerulus preparation dissected from rabbit kidney, macula densa intracellular pH (pHi) was measured with fluorescence microscopy using BCECF.ResultsControl pHi, during perfusion with 25mm NaCl and 150mm NaCl in the bath, averaged 7.22 ± 0.02 (N = 24). Increasing luminal [NaCl] to 150mm elevated pHi by 0.54 ± 0.04 (N = 7, P < 0.01). Ang II (10-9 m), added to the bath in the same paired experiments, significantly elevated baseline pHi by 0.17 ± 0.04, increased the magnitude of change in pHi (Δ = 0.71 ± 0.05) and initial rate of alkalinization (by 69%) to increased luminal [NaCl]. Ang II produced similar effects when added exclusively to the luminal perfusate. In addition, low-dose Ang II (10-9 m) stimulated while high-dose Ang II (10-6 m) inhibited Na-dependent pH-recovery from an acid load. AT1 blockade prevented the stimulatory but not the inhibitory effects of Ang II.ConclusionThrough the AT1, Ang II may influence macula densa Na transport and regulate cell alkalinization via the apical Na:H exchanger. Thus, Ang II may modulate the TGF signal transmission process, at least in part, through a direct effect on macula densa cell function