4,050 research outputs found

    Flavor altering excitations of composite fermions

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    Past theoretical studies have considered excitations of a given flavor of composite fermions across composite-fermion quasi-Landau levels. We show that in general there exists a ladder of flavor changing excitations in which composite fermions shed none, some, or all of their vortices. The lowest energy excitations are obtained when the composite fermions do not change their flavor, whereas in the highest energy excitations they are stripped of all of their vortices, emerging as electrons in the final state. The results are relevant to the intriguing experimental discovery of Hirjibehedin {\em et al.} (cond-mat/0306152) of coexisting excitation modes of composite fermions of different flavor in the filling factor range 1/3>ν1/51/3>\nu\geq 1/5.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Modeling Changes in Measured Conductance of Thin Boron Carbide Semiconducting Films Under Irradiation

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    Semiconducting, p-type, amorphous partially dehydrogenated boron carbide films (a-B10C2+x:Hy) were deposited utilizing plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) onto n-type silicon thus creating a heterojunction diode. A model was developed for the conductance of the device as a function of perturbation frequency (��) that incorporates changes of the electrical properties for both the a-B10C2+x:Hy film and the silicon substrate when irradiated. The virgin model has 3 independent variables (R1, C1, R3), and 1 dependent variable (��). Samples were then irradiated with 200 keV He+ ions, and the conductance model was matched to the measured data. It was found that initial irradiation (0.1 displacements per atom (dpa) equivalent) resulted in a decrease in the parallel junction resistance parameter from 6032 Ω to 2705 Ω. Further irradiation drastically increased the parallel junction resistance parameter to 39000 Ω (0.2 dpa equivalent), 77440 Ω (0.3 dpa equivalent), and 190000 Ω (0.5 dpa equivalent). It is believed that the initial irradiation causes type inversion of the silicon substrate changing the original junction from a p-n to a p-p+ with a much lower barrier height leading to a lower junction resistance component between the a-B10C2+x:Hy and irradiated silicon. Additionally, it was found that after irradiation, a second parallel resistor and capacitor component is required for the model, introducing 2 additional independent variables (R2, C2). This is interpreted as the junction between the irradiated and virgin silicon near ion end of range

    Quantum Hall Phase Diagram of Second Landau-level Half-filled Bilayers: Abelian versus Non-Abelian States

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    The quantum Hall phase diagram of the half-filled bilayer system in the second Landau level is studied as a function of tunneling and layer separation using exact diagonalization. We make the striking prediction that bilayer structures would manifest two distinct branches of incompressible fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) corresponding to the Abelian 331 state (at moderate to low tunneling and large layer separation) and the non-Abelian Pfaffian state (at large tunneling and small layer separation). The observation of these two FQHE branches and the quantum phase transition between them will be compelling evidence supporting the existence of the non-Abelian Pfaffian state in the second Landau level.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Two-dimensional electron system in high magnetic fields: Wigner crystal vs. composite-fermion liquid

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    The two dimensional system of electrons in a high magnetic field offers an opportunity to investigate a phase transition from a quantum liquid into a Wigner solid. Recent experiments have revealed an incipient composite fermion liquid in a parameter range where theory and many experiments had previously suggested the Wigner crystal phase, thus calling into question our current understanding. This Letter shows how very small quantitative corrections (< 1%) in the energy due to the weak interaction between composite fermions can cause a fundamental change in the nature of the ground state, thus providing insight into the puzzling experimental results.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    A new intrinsic thermal parameter for enzymes reveals true temperature optima

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    Two established thermal properties of enzymes are the Arrhenius activation energy and thermal stability. Arising from anomalies found in the variation of enzyme activity with temperature, a comparison has been made of experimental data for the activity and stability properties of five different enzymes with theoretical models. The results provide evidence for a new and fundamental third thermal parameter of enzymes, Teq, arising from a subsecond timescale-reversible temperature-dependent equilibrium between the active enzyme and an inactive (or less active) form. Thus, at temperatures above its optimum, the decrease in enzyme activity arising from the temperature-dependent shift in this equilibrium is up to two orders of magnitude greater than what occurs through thermal denaturation. This parameter has important implications for our understanding of the connection between catalytic activity and thermostability and of the effect of temperature on enzyme reactions within the cell. Unlike the Arrhenius activation energy, which is unaffected by the source (“evolved”) temperature of the enzyme, and enzyme stability, which is not necessarily related to activity, Teq is central to the physiological adaptation of an enzyme to its environmental temperature and links the molecular, physiological, and environmental aspects of the adaptation of life to temperature in a way that has not been described previously. We may therefore expect the effect of evolution on Teq with respect to enzyme temperature/activity effects to be more important than on thermal stability. Teq is also an important parameter to consider when engineering enzymes to modify their thermal properties by both rational design and by directed enzyme evolution

    Fractional quantum Hall effects in bilayers in the presence of inter-layer tunneling and charge imbalance

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    Two-component fractional quantum Hall systems are providing a major motivation for a large section of the physics community. Here we study two-component fractional quantum Hall systems in the spin-polarized half-filled lowest Landau level (filling factor 1/2) and second Landau level (filling factor 5/2) with exact diagonalization utilizing both the spherical and torus geometries. The two distinct two-component systems we consider are the true bilayer and effective bilayers (wide-quantum-well). In each model (bilayer and wide-quantum-well) we completely take into account inter-layer tunneling and charge imbalancing terms. We find that in the half-filled lowest Landau level, the FQHE is described by the two-component Abelian Halperin 331 state which is remarkably robust to charge imbalancing. In the half-filled second Landau, we find that the FQHE is likely described by the non-Abelian Moore-Read Pfaffian state which is also quite robust to charge imbalancing. Furthermore, we suggest the possibility of experimentally tuning from an Abelian to non-Abelian FQHE state in the second Landau level, and comment on recent experimental studies of FQHE in wide quantum well structures.Comment: 25 pages, 27 figure

    Progress On Research Regarding Ecology and Biodiversity of Coastal Fisheries and Nektonic Species and Their Habitats Within Coastal Landscapes

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    This paper aims to highlight the new research and significant advances in our understanding of links between coastal habitat quality/quantity/diversity and the diversity of fisheries species and other mobile aquatic species (hereafter nekton) that use them within coastal landscapes. This topic is quite diverse owing to the myriad of habitat types found in coastal marine waters and the va-riety of life history strategies fisheries species and nekton use in these environments. Thus, we focus our mini-review on five selective but relevant topics, habitat templates, essential fish habitat, habitat mosaics/habitat connectivity, transitory/ephemeral habitat, and the emerging/maturing approaches to the study of fish-habitat systems as a roadmap to its development. We have highlighted selected important contributions in the progress made on each topic to better identify and quantify landscape scale interactions between living biota and structured habitats set within a dynamic landscape

    Integrating Management, Research, and Monitoring: Balancing the 3-Legged Stool

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    Research and monitoring programs are often thought of as competing with “on the ground management” for attention and funding. This is false trichotomy; instead, it is more appropriate to view management, research, and monitoring as complementary endeavors, in which loss of any 1 of the 3 is disruptive to the remaining 2. There is often significant or even profound uncertainty about the system’s likely response to management, beyond environmental and other sources of uncontrolled variation. Sometimes this uncertainty can be reduced through directed research studies, including experimentation. However, management decisions usually cannot await the completion of elaborate, multiple-year studies. Adaptive resource management (ARM) provides managers a way to make optimal decisions with respect to resource objectives, given the current level of uncertainty about system response, and in anticipation that learning will improve decision-making through time. Under ARM, resource goals and objectives are always paramount and research and monitoring programs exist to provide managers with the tools they need to make better decisions. The essentials of ARM are clear, compelling, and critically needed in natural resource management. We can no longer afford the luxury, if we ever could, of management divorced from research and monitoring, and vice versa. By keeping the focus on management decision-making and resource objective outcomes, ARM places an explicit value on research and monitoring that then can be used to justify monitoring and research programs