634 research outputs found

    The role of cell tracing and fate mapping experiments in cardiac outflow tract development, new opportunities through emerging technologies

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    Whilst knowledge regarding the pathophysiology of congenital heart disease (CHDs) has advanced greatly in recent years, the underlying developmental processes affecting the cardiac outflow tract (OFT) such as bicuspid aortic valve, tetralogy of Fallot and transposition of the great arteries remain poorly understood. Common among CHDs affecting the OFT, is a large variation in disease phenotypes. Even though the different cell lineages contributing to OFT development have been studied for many decades, it remains challenging to relate cell lineage dynamics to the morphologic variation observed in OFT pathologies. We postulate that the variation observed in cellular contribution in these congenital heart diseases might be related to underlying cell lineage dynamics of which little is known. We believe this gap in knowledge is mainly the result of technical limitations in experimental methods used for cell lineage analysis. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of historical fate mapping and cell tracing techniques used to study OFT development and introduce emerging technologies which provide new opportunities that will aid our understanding of the cellular dynamics underlying OFT pathology.Cardiolog

    Active Galaxies in the UV

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    In this article we present different aspects of AGN studies demonstrating the importance of the UV spectral range. Most important diagnostic lines for studying the general physical conditions as well as the metalicities in the central broad line region in AGN are emitted in the UV. The UV/FUV continuum in AGN excites not only the emission lines in the immediate surrounding but it is responsible for the ionization of the intergalactic medium in the early stages of the universe. Variability studies of the emission line profiles of AGN in the UV give us information on the structure and kinematics of the immediate surrounding of the central supermassive black hole as well as on its mass itself.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures, Ap&SS in pres

    Extrapolating SMBH correlations down the mass scale: the case for IMBHs in globular clusters

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    Empirical evidence for both stellar mass black holes M_bh<10^2 M_sun) and supermassive black holes (SMBHs, M_bh>10^5 M_sun) is well established. Moreover, every galaxy with a bulge appears to host a SMBH, whose mass is correlated with the bulge mass, and even more strongly with the central stellar velocity dispersion sigma_c, the `M-sigma' relation. On the other hand, evidence for "intermediate-mass" black holes (IMBHs, with masses in the range 1^2 - 10^5 M_sun) is relatively sparse, with only a few mass measurements reported in globular clusters (GCs), dwarf galaxies and low-mass AGNs. We explore the question of whether globular clusters extend the M-sigma relationship for galaxies to lower black hole masses and find that available data for globular clusters are consistent with the extrapolation of this relationship. We use this extrapolated M-sigma relationship to predict the putative black hole masses of those globular clusters where existence of central IMBH was proposed. We discuss how globular clusters can be used as a constraint on theories making specific predictions for the low-mass end of the M-sigma relation.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science; fixed typos and a quote in Sec.

    Search for the Proton Decay Mode proton to neutrino K+ in Soudan 2

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    We have searched for the proton decay mode proton to neutrino K+ using the one-kiloton Soudan 2 high resolution calorimeter. Contained events obtained from a 3.56 kiloton-year fiducial exposure through June 1997 are examined for occurrence of a visible K+ track which decays at rest into mu+ nu or pi+ pi0. We found one candidate event consistent with background, yielding a limit, tau/B > 4.3 10^{31} years at 90% CL with no background subtraction.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, 3 tables and 3 figures, Accepted by Physics Letters

    First Results from the Arcminute Cosmology Bolometer Array Receiver

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    We review the first science results from the Arcminute Cosmology Bolometer Array Receiver (ACBAR); a multifrequency millimeter-wave receiver optimized for observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect in clusters of galaxies. ACBAR was installed on the 2 m Viper telescope at the South Pole in January 2001 and the results presented here incorporate data through July 2002. We present the power spectrum of the CMB at 150 GHz over the range \ell = 150 - 3000 measured by ACBAR as well as estimates for the values of the cosmological parameters within the context of Lambda-CDM models. We find that the inclusion of Omega_Lambda greatly improves the fit to the power spectrum. We also observe a slight excess of small-scale anisotropy at 150 GHz; if interpreted as power from the SZ effect of unresolved clusters, the measured signal is consistent with CBI and BIMA within the context of the SZ power spectrum models tested.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of "The Cosmic Microwave Background and its Polarization", New Astronomy Reviews, (eds. S. Hanany and K.A. Olive). 10 pages, 2 figure

    Interest and Knowledge of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in a Unified Jail and Prison Setting

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    Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) may be an effective approach to prevent HIV among people who are currently incarcerated or who have been recently released from incarceration. However, awareness and interest in PrEP are largely unknown in this population. This study assessed 417 incarcerated men’s lifetime HIV risk engagement and gauged their interest and willingness to take PrEP. Twenty percent reported ever injecting drugs and 4% ever having sex with a man without a condom; 88% had never heard of PrEP. More White men had heard of PrEP, but higher percentages of men of color were interested in learning more about PrEP and willing to take PrEP to prevent HIV. Future interventions should focus on PrEP education and uptake among individuals who are incarcerated

    Genetic and environmental components to self-induced vomiting

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    Objective We examined the association between the genetic and environmental factors contributing to the liability to having ever engaged in self-induced vomiting (SIV initiation) and the genetic and environmental factors contributing to regular SIV behaviors (weekly or daily) for weight control. Method SIV was assessed in 3,942 women from monozygotic twin pairs and 2,790 women from same-sex dizygotic twin pairs, aged 20-47, from the Swedish Twin study of Adults: Genes and Environment. A causal-contingent-common pathway model assessed the extent to which genetic and environmental factors that influence initiation of SIV also influence regular SIV behaviors. Results In the best-fit model, genetic and individual-specific environmental factors influenced liability to SIV initiation. The genetic factors influencing regular SIV behaviors were the same as the genetic factors influencing SIV initiation. Additional individual-specific environmental factors that were unrelated to SIV initiation influenced regular SIV behaviors. Discussion Our findings provide evidence that the underlying liabilities for SIV initiation and regular SIV lie on the same continuum given the degree of overlap in risk between SIV initiation and regular SIV behaviors. Further, the lack of specific genetic factors and the importance of individual-specific environmental factors for regular SIV behaviors highlight the significance of environmental factors in the etiology of eating disorder symptomatology and the non-deterministic nature of genetic factors. Finally, our results suggest that when it comes to preventing individuals from developing regular SIV behavior, intervening at an environmental level is warranted

    Measurement of the Proton and Deuteron Spin Structure Functions g2 and Asymmetry A2

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    We have measured the spin structure functions g2p and g2d and the virtual photon asymmetries A2p and A2d over the kinematic range 0.02 < x < 0.8 and 1.0 < Q^2 < 30(GeV/c)^2 by scattering 38.8 GeV longitudinally polarized electrons from transversely polarized NH3 and 6LiD targets.The absolute value of A2 is significantly smaller than the sqrt{R} positivity limit over the measured range, while g2 is consistent with the twist-2 Wandzura-Wilczek calculation. We obtain results for the twist-3 reduced matrix elements d2p, d2d and d2n. The Burkhardt-Cottingham sum rule integral - int(g2(x)dx) is reported for the range 0.02 < x < 0.8.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Measurements of the Q2Q^2-Dependence of the Proton and Neutron Spin Structure Functions g1p and g1n

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    The structure functions g1p and g1n have been measured over the range 0.014 < x < 0.9 and 1 < Q2 < 40 GeV2 using deep-inelastic scattering of 48 GeV longitudinally polarized electrons from polarized protons and deuterons. We find that the Q2 dependence of g1p (g1n) at fixed x is very similar to that of the spin-averaged structure function F1p (F1n). From a NLO QCD fit to all available data we find Γ1p−Γ1n=0.176±0.003±0.007\Gamma_1^p - \Gamma_1^n =0.176 \pm 0.003 \pm 0.007 at Q2=5 GeV2, in agreement with the Bjorken sum rule prediction of 0.182 \pm 0.005.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Physics Letters
