266 research outputs found

    Quasi-2D dynamic jamming in cornstarch suspensions: visualization and force measurements

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    We report experiments investigating jamming fronts in a floating layer of cornstarch suspension. The suspension has a packing fraction close to jamming, which dynamically turns into a solid when impacted at a high speed. We show that the front propagates in both axial and transverse direction from the point of impact, with a constant ratio between the two directions of propagation of approximately 2. Inside the jammed solid, we observe an additional compression, which results from the increasing stress as the solid grows. During the initial growth of the jammed solid, we measure a force response that can be completely accounted for by added mass. Only once the jamming front reaches a boundary, the added mass cannot account for the measured force anymore. We do not, however, immediately see a strong force response as we would expect when compressing a jammed packing. Instead, we observe a delay in the force response on the pusher, which corresponds to the time it takes for the system to develop a close to uniform velocity gradient that spans the complete system.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    High-speed ultrasound imaging in dense suspensions reveals impact-activated solidification due to dynamic shear jamming

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    A remarkable property of dense suspensions is that they can transform from liquid-like at rest to solid-like under sudden impact. Previous work showed that this impact-induced solidification involves rapidly moving jamming fronts; however, details of this process have remained unresolved. Here we use high-speed ultrasound imaging to probe non-invasively how the interior of a dense suspension responds to impact. Measuring the speed of sound we demonstrate that the solidification proceeds without a detectable increase in packing fraction, and imaging the evolving flow field we find that the shear intensity is maximized right at the jamming front. Taken together, this provides direct experimental evidence for jamming by shear, rather than densification, as driving the transformation to solid-like behavior. Based on these findings we propose a new model to explain the anisotropy in the propagation speed of the fronts and delineate the onset conditions for dynamic shear jamming in suspensions.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    La Belgique et l’Europe dans la tourmente monétaire des années 1970 Entretiens avec Jacques van Ypersele = Belgium and Europe in the monetary turmoil of the 1970s. Conservations with Jacques van Yprsele. National Bank of Belgium Working Paper No. 314

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    Jacques van Ypersele de Strihou is a discrete person but well-known in Belgian and international political and economic circles. After an outstanding academic career at the Universities of Namur, Leuven and Louvain and then at Yale in the United States where he gained a PhD, he started out his professional life as an official at the International Monetary Fund. He then returned to Belgium where he held important posts in various Finance Ministers’ cabinets. He played a major role in European and international monetary negotiations, notably in his capacity as President of the European Monetary Committee when the European Monetary System was being set up. Later, as head of Prime Minister Wilfried Martens’ cabinet, he was one of the architects of the 1982 devaluation of the Belgian franc. Discretion and modesty prevented Jacques van Ypersele from talking about himself much. He took some convincing before agreeing to be interviewed. The end result was these three interviews which took place at his home between June and October 2015 which he re-read the following summer. We were also given access to his private archives, the source of the documents published in the Annex

    Dynamic shear jamming in dense granular suspensions under extension

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    Unlike dry granular materials, a dense granular suspension like cornstarch in water can strongly resist extensional flows. At low extension rates, such a suspension behaves like a viscous liquid, but rapid extension results in a response where stresses far exceed the predictions of lubrication hydrodynamics and capillarity. To understand this remarkable mechanical response, we experimentally measure the normal force imparted by a large bulk of the suspension on a plate moving vertically upward at a controlled velocity. We observe that above a velocity threshold, the peak force increases by orders of magnitude. Using fast ultrasound imaging we map out the local velocity profiles inside the suspension which reveal the formation of a growing jammed region under rapid extension. This region interacts with the rigid boundaries of the container through strong velocity gradients, suggesting a direct connection to the recently proposed shear-jamming mechanism.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Splash wave and crown breakup after disc impact on a liquid surface

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    In this paper we analyze the impact of a circular disc on a free surface using experiments, potential flow numerical simulations and theory. We focus our attention both on the study of the generation and possible breakup of the splash wave created after the impact and on the calculation of the force on the disc. We have experimentally found that drops are only ejected from the rim located at the top part of the splash --giving rise to what is known as the crown splash-- if the impact Weber number exceeds a threshold value \Weber_{crit}\simeq 140. We explain this threshold by defining a local Bond number BotipBo_{tip} based on the rim deceleration and its radius of curvature, with which we show using both numerical simulations and experiments that a crown splash only occurs when Botip1Bo_{tip}\gtrsim 1, revealing that the rim disrupts due to a Rayleigh-Taylor instability. Neglecting the effect of air, we show that the flow in the region close to the disc edge possesses a Weber-number-dependent self-similar structure for every Weber number. From this we demonstrate that \Bond_{tip}\propto\Weber, explaining both why the transition to crown splash can be characterized in terms of the impact Weber number and why this transition occurs for Wecrit140We_{crit}\simeq 140. Next, including the effect of air, we have developed a theory which predicts the time-varying thickness of the very thin air cushion that is entrapped between the impacting solid and the liquid. Our analysis reveals that gas critically affect the velocity of propagation of the splash wave as well as the time-varying force on the disc, FDF_D. The existence of the air layer also limits the range of times in which the self-similar solution is valid and, accordingly, the maximum deceleration experienced by the liquid rim, what sets the length scale of the splash drops ejected when We>\Weber_{crit}

    Splashing onset in dense suspension droplets

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    We investigate the impact of droplets of dense suspensions onto a solid substrate. We show that a global hydrodynamic balance is unable to predict the splash onset and propose to replace it by an energy balance at the level of the particles in the suspension. We experimentally verify that the resulting, particle-based Weber number gives a reliable, particle size and density dependent splash onset criterion. We further show that the same argument also explains why, in bimodal systems, smaller particles are more likely to escape than larger ones

    From splashing to bouncing: the influence of viscosity on the impact of suspension droplets on a solid surface

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    We experimentally investigated the splashing of dense suspension droplets impacting a solid surface, extending prior work to the regime where the viscosity of the suspending liquid becomes a significant parameter. The overall behavior can be described by a combination of two trends. The first one is that the splashing becomes favored when the kinetic energy of individual particles at the surface of a droplet overcomes the confinement produced by surface tension. This is expressed by a particle-based Weber number WepWe_p. The second is that splashing is suppressed by increasing the viscosity of the solvent. This is expressed by the Stokes number StSt, which influences the effective coefficient of restitution of colliding particles. We developed a phase diagram where the splashing onset is delineated as a function of both WepWe_p and StSt. A surprising result occurs at very small Stokes number, where not only splashing is suppressed but also plastic deformation of the droplet. This leads to a situation where droplets can bounce back after impact, an observation we are able to reproduce using discrete particle numerical simulations that take into account viscous interaction between particles and elastic energy

    Getting jammed in all directions: Dynamic shear jamming around a cylinder towed through a dense suspension

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    Experimental results of towing a cylinder through a dense suspension of cornstarch and sucrose-water are presented. Focus is placed on the jamming fronts that exist in such systems. The literature has concentrated on the propagation of the jammed region under pushing, pulling or shearing conditions independently. How the different fronts interact and if the fronts are symmetric when generated simultaneously has remained unexplored. Investigating this is our main goal. With the current setup, we are able to view a continuous, quasi-2D field around the cylinder. As such, a new way of generating jamming fronts is presented whereby pushing, pulling and shearing can be examined simultaneously. In agreement with previous studies, the front propagates roughly twice as fast in the longitudinal direction compared to the transverse direction, which is attributed to a single underlying onset strain, regardless of orientation from the cylinder. Although the jamming front shows nearly perfect transverse symmetry, there is clear longitudinal asymmetry. This is evident in the velocity and strain fields, and is also detectable in the front propagation velocity and onset strain

    Internal Crowd Work as a Source of Empowerment - An Empirical Analysis of the Perception of Employees in a Crowdtesting Project -

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    Internal crowd work has emerged as a new form of digital gainful employment that changes the nature of work. However, the possible effects of internal crowd work on the individual level have been largely neglected. In this paper, we therefore present our research in progress which is concerned with the effects of work characteristics in internal crowd work that have impact on the individual\u27s empowerment and satisfaction. Thus, we developed our research model and conducted an online survey amongst 118 internal crowd workers of a Swiss bank who were asked to test new software. Our expected contribution will increase the understanding of internal crowd work and provide important insights for organizations to (re-) design work on internal IT-platforms