56,444 research outputs found

    Simulating Organogenesis in COMSOL: Tissue Mechanics

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    During growth, tissue expands and deforms. Given its elastic properties, stresses emerge in an expanding and deforming tissue. Cell rearrangements can dissipate these stresses and numerous experiments confirm the viscoelastic properties of tissues [1]-[4]. On long time scales, as characteristic for many developmental processes, tissue is therefore typically represented as a liquid, viscous material and is then described by the Stokes equation [5]-[7]. On short time scales, however, tissues have mainly elastic properties. In discrete cell-based tissue models, the elastic tissue properties are realized by springs between cell vertices [8], [9]. In this article, we adopt a macroscale perspective of tissue and consider it as homogeneous material. Therefore, we may use the "Structural Mechanics" module in COMSOL Multiphysics in order to model the viscoelastic behavior of tissue. Concretely, we consider two examples: first, we aim at numerically reproducing published [10] analytical results for the sea urchin blastula. Afterwards, we numerically solve a continuum mechanics model for the compression and relaxation experiments presented in [4]

    Thrips as unique vectors of tospoviruses

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    Een tiental tripssoorten brengt tospovirussen van geïnfecteerde naar gezonde planten over, waaronder het zeer schadelijke tomatenbrons-vlekkenvirus (TSWV). De relatie tussen de tripsen als virusoverbrenger en deze virussen is uniek. Het virus wordt door tripslarven en-adulten uit geïnfecteerde planten opgenomen en komt in deze stadia tot vermeerdering. Het virus kan echter alleen overgebracht worden door tweede-stadium larven vlak voor hun verpopping en door adulten, die afstammen van larven die het virus tijdens het eerste stadium opgenomen hebben

    Hingeless rotor frequency response with unsteady inflow

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    Hingeless rotor frequency response calculations are obtained by applying a generalized harmonic balance to the elastic blade flapping equations. Nonuniform, unsteady induced flow effects are included by assuming a simple three-degree-of-freedom description of the rotor wake. Results obtained by using various models of elastic blade bending and induced flow are compared with experimental data obtained from a 7.5-ft diameter wind tunnel model at advance ratios from 0.0 to 0.6. It is shown that the blade elasticity and nonuniform, unsteady induced flow can have a significant effect on the transient response characteristics of rotor systems