77 research outputs found

    On the Asymptotic Behavior of the Wave Function of a System of Charged Particles

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    Asymptotic behavior of wave function in system of charged particle

    Post-Collision Interaction with Wannier electrons

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    A theory of the Post-Collision Interaction (PCI) is developed for the case when an electron atom impact results in creation of two low-energy Wannier electrons and an ion excited into an autoionizing state. The following autoionization decay exposes the Wannier pair to the influence of PCI resulting in variation of the shape of the line in the autoionization spectrum. An explicit dependence of the autoionization profile on the wave function of the Wannier pair is found. PCI provides an opportunity to study this wave function for a wide area of distancesComment: 33 pages, Latex, IOP style, and 3 figures fig1.ps, fig2.ps, fig3.p

    Three charged particles in the continuum. Astrophysical examples

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    We suggest a new adiabatic approach for description of three charged particles in the continuum. This approach is based on the Coulomb-Fourier transformation (CFT) of three body Hamiltonian, which allows to develop a scheme, alternative to Born-Oppenheimer one. The approach appears as an expansion of the kernels of corresponding integral transformations in terms of small mass-ratio parameter. To be specific, the results are presented for the system ppeppe in the continuum. The wave function of a such system is compared with that one which is used for estimation of the rate for triple reaction p+p+ed+ν, p+p+e\to d+\nu, which take place as a step of pppp-cycle in the center of the Sun. The problem of microscopic screening for this particular reaction is discussed

    Closed form representation for a projection onto infinitely dimensional subspace spanned by Coulomb bound states

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    The closed form integral representation for the projection onto the subspace spanned by bound states of the two-body Coulomb Hamiltonian is obtained. The projection operator onto the n2n^2 dimensional subspace corresponding to the nn-th eigenvalue in the Coulomb discrete spectrum is also represented as the combination of Laguerre polynomials of nn-th and (n1)(n-1)-th order. The latter allows us to derive an analog of the Christoffel-Darboux summation formula for the Laguerre polynomials. The representations obtained are believed to be helpful in solving the breakup problem in a system of three charged particles where the correct treatment of infinitely many bound states in two body subsystems is one of the most difficult technical problems.Comment: 7 page

    Scattering theory with the Coulomb potential

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    Basic features of a new surface-integral formulation of scattering theory are outlined. This formulation is valid for both short-range and Coulombic long-range interactions. New general definitions for the potential scattering amplitude are given. For the Coulombic potentials the generalized amplitude gives the physical on-shell amplitude without recourse to a renormalization procedure. New post and prior forms for the amplitudes of breakup, direct and rearrangement scattering in a Coulomb three-body system are presented

    Threshold Laws for the Break-up of Atomic Particles into Several Charged Fragments

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    The processes with three or more charged particles in the final state exhibit particular threshold behavior, as inferred by the famous Wannier law for (2e + ion) system. We formulate a general solution which determines the threshold behavior of the cross section for multiple fragmentation. Applications to several systems of particular importance with three, four and five leptons (electrons and positrons) in the field of charged core; and two pairs of identical particles with opposite charges are presented. New threshold exponents for these systems are predicted, while some previously suggested threshold laws are revised.Comment: 40 pages, Revtex, scheduled for the July issue of Phys.Rev.A (1998

    Adiabatic theory of Wannier threshold laws and ionization cross sections

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    The Wannier threshold law for three-particle fragmentation is reviewed. By integrating the Schroedinger equation along a path where the reaction coordinate R is complex, anharmonic corrections to the simple power law are obtained. These corrections are found to be non-analytic in the energy E, in contrast to the expected analytic dependence upon E