129 research outputs found

    A very fast implementation of 2D iterative reconstruction algorithms

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    Controlling stormwater quality with filter soil-event and dry weather testing

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    The use of filter soil is increasing for control of quality of stormwater runoff prior to infiltration or discharge. This study aimed to gain knowledge about treatment efficacy of filter soils at field scale. Percolate samples from swale-trench systems with filter soil based on agricultural till with/without limestone were monitored for 15 and 9 rain events respectively. Further, two curb extensions with filter soil based on landfill soil were monitored for 10 and 8 events. Pollutant concentrations in percolate were compared to influent samples from the catchment area. Additionally one of the curb extensions was tested twice by adding high-dose synthetic influent containing runoff pollutants of concern. Despite generally low influent pollutant levels, phosphorus, copper, zinc, lead and some polyaromatic hydrocarbons exceeded guiding criteria for protection of groundwater and freshwater. Concentrations in the percolate were in most cases reduced, but phosphorus increased and despite reduced concentrations copper, lead and benzo(a)pyrene still exceeded guiding criteria. Pollutants from the synthetic influent were efficiently retained, except the pesticide MCPA. Filter soil based on landfill soil tended to perform better than agricultural till. No impact of limestone was observed. Overall the filter soils performed well in retaining pollutants, despite simultaneous processes of mobilization and immobilization

    Association between Pregnancy Loss and Urinary Phthalate Levels around the Time of Conception

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    Background: Animal studies indicate that some phthalate metabolites may harm female reproductive function

    Danske CEO's på sporet af kunder og innovation

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    For 6. år i træk udgiver CBS/Institut for Afsætningsøkonomi og Rambøll Management Consulting rapporten CEMindex. Analysen afdækker danske virksomheders fokus på kundeoplevelser, og den ser på den forretningsmæssige betydning af at investere i kunderne. Ca. 600 virksomheder er repræsenteret i analysen, som har henvendt sig til CXO’s samt ledere inden for Salg & Marketing, Forretningsudvikling & Strategi, HR og andre relevante ledere. I forhold til de foregående år er analysemodellen i år ændret. Det har betydet, at der er indført nye dimensioner og spørgsmål. Ændringerne er foretaget ud fra en forskningsmæssig synsvinkel samt ud fra Rambølls erfaringer fra løsningen af mere end 100 projekter inden for området. Den ændrede model og de ændrede spørgsmål har betydet, at der er færre muligheder for sammenligning fra tidligere års CEMindex