137 research outputs found

    Theory of Single Electron Spin Relaxation in Si/SiGe Lateral Coupled Quantum Dots

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    We investigate the spin relaxation induced by acoustic phonons in the presence of spin-orbit interactions in single electron Si/SiGe lateral coupled quantum dots. The relaxation rates are computed numerically in single and double quantum dots, in in-plane and perpendicular magnetic fields. The deformation potential of acoustic phonons is taken into account for both transverse and longitudinal polarizations and their contributions to the total relaxation rate are discussed with respect to the dilatation and shear potential constants. We find that in single dots the spin relaxation rate scales approximately with the seventh power of the magnetic field, in line with a recent experiment. In double dots the relaxation rate is much more sensitive to the dot spectrum structure, as it is often dominated by a spin hot spot. The anisotropy of the spin-orbit interactions gives rise to easy passages, special directions of the magnetic field for which the relaxation is strongly suppressed. Quantitatively, the spin relaxation rates in Si are typically 2 orders of magnitude smaller than in GaAs due to the absence of the piezoelectric phonon potential and generally weaker spin-orbit interactions.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Theory of anisotropic exchange in laterally coupled quantum dots

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    The effects of spin-orbit coupling on the two-electron spectra in lateral coupled quantum dots are investigated analytically and numerically. It is demonstrated that in the absence of magnetic field the exchange interaction is practically unaffected by spin-orbit coupling, for any interdot coupling, boosting prospects for spin-based quantum computing. The anisotropic exchange appears at finite magnetic fields. A numerically accurate effective spin Hamiltonian for modeling spin-orbit-induced two-electron spin dynamics in the presence of magnetic field is proposed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; paper rewritte

    Helical nuclear spin order in a strip of stripes in the Quantum Hall regime

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    We investigate nuclear spin effects in a two-dimensional electron gas in the quantum Hall regime modeled by a weakly coupled array of interacting quantum wires. We show that the presence of hyperfine interaction between electron and nuclear spins in such wires can induce a phase transition, ordering electrons and nuclear spins into a helix in each wire. Electron-electron interaction effects, pronounced within the one-dimensional stripes, boost the transition temperature up to tens to hundreds of millikelvins in GaAs. We predict specific experimental signatures of the existence of nuclear spin order, for instance for the resistivity of the system at transitions between different quantum Hall plateaus.Comment: 16+ pages, 6 figures, updated reference

    Circuit QED with Hole-Spin Qubits in Ge/Si Nanowire Quantum Dots

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    We propose a setup for universal and electrically controlled quantum information processing with hole spins in Ge/Si core/shell nanowire quantum dots (NW QDs). Single-qubit gates can be driven through electric-dipole-induced spin resonance, with spin-flip times shorter than 100 ps. Long-distance qubit-qubit coupling can be mediated by the cavity electric field of a superconducting transmission line resonator, where we show that operation times below 20 ns seem feasible for the entangling square-root-of-iSWAP gate. The absence of Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction (SOI) and the presence of an unusually strong Rashba-type SOI enable precise control over the transverse qubit coupling via an externally applied, perpendicular electric field. The latter serves as an on-off switch for quantum gates and also provides control over the g factor, so single- and two-qubit gates can be operated independently. Remarkably, we find that idle qubits are insensitive to charge noise and phonons, and we discuss strategies for enhancing noise-limited gate fidelities.Comment: 6 pages main article + 12 pages supplement, 4 figure

    Majorana bound states in magnetic skyrmions

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    Magnetic skyrmions are highly mobile nanoscale topological spin textures. We show, both analytically and numerically, that a magnetic skyrmion of an even azimuthal winding number placed in proximity to an s-wave superconductor hosts a zero-energy Majorana bound state in its core, when the exchange coupling between the itinerant electrons and the skyrmion is strong. This Majorana bound state is stabilized by the presence of a spin-orbit interaction. We propose the use of a superconducting tri-junction to realize non-Abelian statistics of such Majorana bound states.Comment: published versio

    Theory of Spin Relaxation in Two-Electron Lateral Coupled Quantum Dots

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    A global quantitative picture of the phonon-induced two-electron spin relaxation in GaAs double quantum dots is presented using highly accurate numerical calculations. Wide regimes of interdot coupling, magnetic field magnitude and orientation, and detuning are explored in the presence of a nuclear bath. Most important, the unusually strong magnetic anisotropy of the singlet-triplet relaxation can be controlled by detuning switching the principal anisotropy axes: a protected state becomes unprotected upon detuning, and vice versa. It is also established that nuclear spins can dominate spin relaxation for unpolarized triplets even at high magnetic fields, contrary to common belief. These findings are central to designing quantum dots geometries for spin-based quantum information processing with minimal environmental impact.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Local Spin Susceptibilities of Low-Dimensional Electron Systems

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    We investigate, assess, and suggest possibilities for a measurement of the local spin susceptibility of a conducting low-dimensional electron system. The basic setup of the experiment we envisage is a source-probe one. Locally induced spin density (e.g. by a magnetized atomic force microscope tip) extends in the medium according to its spin susceptibility. The induced magnetization can be detected as a dipolar magnetic field, for instance, by an ultra-sensitive nitrogen-vacancy center based detector, from which the spatial structure of the spin susceptibility can be deduced. We find that one-dimensional systems, such as semiconducting nanowires or carbon nanotubes, are expected to yield a measurable signal. The signal in a two-dimensional electron gas is weaker, though materials with high enough gg-factor (such as InGaAs) seem promising for successful measurements.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure
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