8 research outputs found

    Brains and psyches : Child psychological and psychiatric expertise in a Swedish newspaper, 1980–2008

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    Most children and families have not had direct contact with child psychological and psychiatric experts. Instead they encounter developmental theories, etiological explanations and depictions of childhood disorders through indirect channels such as newspapers. Drawing on actor–network theory, this article explores two child psychological and psychiatric modes of ordering children’s mental health discernible in Sweden’s largest morning newspaper, Dagens Nyheter, during the years 1980 to 2008: a psychodynamic mode and a neuro-centered mode. In the article I show how these two relatively contemporaneous modes greatly differed in how they enacted children’s mental health. The psychodynamic mode stressed the parents’ role in structuring and affecting the child’s unconscious and saw them as the primary cause of any mental illness. In contrast, the neuro-centered mode highlighted that mental issues were related to the child’s brain and proposed different solutions depending on whether the child’s brain functioned in a ‘normal’ or ‘atypical’ manner. Each mode moreover suggested differing contexts to their discussions, with the psychodynamic mode solely discussing the parental milieu while the neuro-centered mode mainly focused on how society affected children with ‘atypical’ brains. The two modes thus had significantly diverging implications for the reader on how to understand and manage children and their psychological well-being. I further argue in the article for the relevance of actor–network theory in historical studies of psychology and psychiatry.Funding agencies: Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare [Forte 2014-0925]</p

    Den offentliga ohÀlsan : En historisk studie av barnpsykologi och -psykiatri i svensk media 1968-2008

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    Svenska barns och ungas psykiska ohĂ€lsa har blivit en omdiskuterad frĂ„ga i den svenska offentligheten med rapporter och studier som visat pĂ„ en tilltagande ohĂ€lsa. Samtidigt har kritiska röster i media menat att den uppfattade ökningen bland annat berott pĂ„ förĂ€ndrade diagnostiska kriterier och normer gĂ€llande hĂ€lsa och ohĂ€lsa. Media har dĂ€rmed utgjort en viktig arena för pĂ„stĂ„enden om, förklaringar av och argumentationer kring barns och ungas psykiska ohĂ€lsa. I den hĂ€r avhandlingen granskas diskussionerna i svensk media om barns och ungas psykiska ohĂ€lsa ur ett historiskt perspektiv genom att belysa hur barnpsy-experter och -professionella sĂ„som psykologer, psykiatrer och terapeuter har diskuterat, definierat och förklarat barns och ungas psykiska ohĂ€lsa. Materialet som undersöks Ă€r utgĂ„vor publicerade under olika delar av tidsperioden 1968–2008 av svensk dagspress samt den svenska förĂ€ldratidningen Vi FörĂ€ldrar. Avhandlingens teoretiska och analytiska ramverk har utformats utifrĂ„n Aktör-nĂ€tverksteori. Analysen visar att mediediskussionerna om barns och ungas psykiska ohĂ€lsa inbegripit flera former av barnpsy-expertis, med skilda definitioner, förklaringar och uppfattningar gĂ€llande psykisk ohĂ€lsa, och som dĂ€rtill skiftat över tid och mellan medieformat. Dessa har omfattat allt frĂ„n en alarmistisk inramning av barns och ungas psykiska ohĂ€lsa till en hĂ„llning dĂ€r nĂ€stan alla uppfattade problem framstĂ€lldes som normala och övergĂ„ende inslag i barns utveckling. Snarare Ă€n att se psykisk ohĂ€lsa bland barn och unga som ett över olika kontexter enhetligt och sammanhĂ€ngande fenomen illustrerar avhandlingens resultat nödvĂ€ndigheten att förstĂ„ mediediskussionerna om, och oron över, barns och ungas psykiska ohĂ€lsa mot bakgrund av specifika, och historiskt skiftande, former av barnpsy-expertis. Inte minst eftersom olika former av barnpsy-expertis kan ha viktiga konsekvenser för hur sĂ„vĂ€l förĂ€ldrar som barn och unga sjĂ€lva begripliggör psykisk ohĂ€lsa.The mental ill-health of Swedish children and young people has become a hotly debated issue in the Swedish public sphere, with reports and studies showing an increase in ill-health. At the same time, critical voices have argued that the perceived increase is, among other things, due to changing diagnostic criteria and health norms. Media has thereby been an important arena for explanations of and arguments about the mental ill-health of children and young people. In this dissertation, the media discussions on the mental ill-health of Swedish children and young people are examined from an historical perspective, with a focus on how “child psy” experts and professionals such as psychologists and therapists discussed, defined and explained children’s and young people’s mental ill-health. The material consists of issues published during the years 1968–2008 of Swedish daily newspapers as well as of the Swedish parenting magazine Vi FörĂ€ldrar [Us Parents]. The thesis's theoretical framework and analytical orientation draw primarily on Actor-network theory. The analyses show that the media discussions on the mental ill-health of children and young people encompassed several forms of “child psy” expertise. These included different definitions, explanations and notions regarding mental ill-health and ranged from an alarmist framing of children's and young people's mental health to an attitude where almost all perceived problems were interpreted as normal, healthy and transient aspects of children's development. Rather than seeing mental ill-health among children and young people as a coherent phenomenon that is stable across contexts, the dissertation illustrates the need to understand the media discussions, and the concerns about, the mental ill-health of children and young people in the light of specific, and historically changing, forms of “child psy” expertise. Especially as different forms of “child psy” expertise can have important consequences for how parents, children and young people themselves understand mental ill-health

    “Don't worry” : Figurations of the child in a Swedish parenting advice column.

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    Materials such as popular books, magazines, and newspapers have historically been important for the circulation of psychologists’ and psychiatrists’ expertise in the public sphere. In this article, I analyze an advice column published in the Swedish parenting magazine Vi FörĂ€ldrar [Us Parents], featuring the child psychologist Malin AlfvĂ©n. Drawing on the concept of figurations (Castañeda, 2002), denoting the process of outlining and defining an entity, I show how the expert framed the child-related problems brought up in the submitted letters as transient and a normal part of children’s development. In fact, most problems were considered beneficial for both parents and the child. Instead of interpreting children’s behavior through a medical framework, AlfvĂ©n’s explanations drew on 3 naturalizing figurations of the child: as being one of several kinds of children; as going through phases and ages; and as being a unique individual. For instance, a child could be rowdy and temperamental because he was a willful kind of child, not because, as suggested by some parents, he suffered from a neuropsychiatric disorder. I conclude by contrasting these findings to the claims made by some scholars that “psy” experts have contributed to an increasing medicalization of childhood as well as to a framing of children’s development as overwhelmingly determined by parents’ care. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved

    Den offentliga ohÀlsan: En historisk studie av barnpsykologi och -psykiatri i svensk media 1968-2008, Linköpings universitet 2020

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    Svenska barns och ungas psykiska ohĂ€lsa har blivit en omdiskuterad frĂ„ga i den svenska offentligheten med rapporter och studier som visat pĂ„ en tilltagande ohĂ€lsa. Samtidigt har kritiska röster hĂ€vdat att den uppfattade ökningen bland annat berott pĂ„ förĂ€ndrade diagnostiska kriterier och normer gĂ€llande hĂ€lsa och ohĂ€lsa. Media har dĂ€rmed utgjort en viktig arena för pĂ„stĂ„enden om, förklaringar av och argumentationer kring barns och ungas psykiska ohĂ€lsa som dĂ€rtill möjliggjort att sĂ„dana diskussioner nĂ„tt den svenska allmĂ€nheten.I avhandlingen granskas de svenska mediediskussionerna om barns och ungas psykiska ohĂ€lsa ur ett historiskt perspektiv för att belysa hur ”barnpsy”-experter och -professionella sĂ„som barnpsykologer, -psykiatrer och -terapeuter diskuterat, definierat och förklarat barns och ungas psykiska ohĂ€lsa. Avhandlingen bestĂ„r av tre studier. I den första undersöks alarmistiska diskussioner om svenska barns och ungas psykiska ohĂ€lsa i svensk dagspress under Ă„ren 1968–2008. Studien visar att sĂ„dana diskussioner försiggĂ„tt Ă€nda sedan undersökningsperiodens början och att de huvudsakligen byggt pĂ„ en statistisk, folkhĂ€lsoinriktad expertisform. Oberoende Ă„r presenterade de Ă€ven snarlika kvantitativa uppskattningar av hur mĂ„nga barn och unga som led av psykisk ohĂ€lsa. En medial oro över hur svenska barn och unga mĂ„r psykiskt Ă€r sĂ„ledes inget helt nytt fenomen. Avhandlingens andra studie fokuserar mer specifikt pĂ„ hur barns och ungas psykiska hĂ€lsa och utveckling diskuterades och teoretiserades i Dagens Nyheter under Ă„ren 1980–2008. Undersökningen belyser att presumtiva lĂ€saren kunde under dessa Ă„r trĂ€ffa pĂ„ sĂ„vĂ€l psykodynamiska som neuropsykologiska förklaringar av barns och ungas psykiska ohĂ€lsa, med skilda implikationer för ohĂ€lsa utvecklas och bör behandlas. I den tredje studien analyseras en frĂ„gespalt i utgĂ„vor av förĂ€ldratidningen Vi FörĂ€ldrar publicerade under 2003–2008. Analysen ger vid handen att nĂ€stan alla de uppfattade problem som lĂ€sare skickade in framstĂ€lldes i frĂ„gespalten som normala och övergĂ„ende inslag i barns utveckling som förĂ€ldrar inte behövde oroa sig för.Avhandlingen visar att mediediskussionerna om barns och ungas psykiska ohĂ€lsa inbegripit flera former av ”barnpsy”-expertis, med skilda definitioner, förklaringar och uppfattningar gĂ€llande psykisk ohĂ€lsa. Dessa har Ă€ven skiftat över tid och mellan medieformat. Snarare Ă€n att se psykisk ohĂ€lsa bland barn och unga som ett över olika kontexter enhetligt och sammanhĂ€ngande fenomen illustrerar avhandlingen nödvĂ€ndigheten att förstĂ„ mediediskussionerna om, och oron över, barns och ungas psykiska ohĂ€lsa mot bakgrund av specifika, och historiskt skiftande, former av ”barnpsy”-expertis.Avhandlingen kan hĂ€mtas pĂ„ http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-16309

    Professional reinventions : Swedish psychologists, 1990-2010

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    Since the early 20th century, the Swedish psychology profession has undergone several changes in its essential tasks, epistemological foundations, and social roles. These changes occurred through an ongoing “tuning” with Swedish society, in which the profession strove to appear relevant to society’s concerns and problems as well as enroll others to share the profession’s goals and aims. Studying the history of the profession can thus shed light on the changing definitions and contours of the psychology profession itself as well as on the organization of the society in which it acts. This article examines the history of the Swedish psychology profession from 1990 to 2010, through an analysis of the discussions and debates taking place in the Swedish Psychological Association’s journal. The analytical framework used draws on work done within actor–network theory and science studies. We argue that the profession’s institutional connections, defining tasks, epistemological underpinnings, and social position have changed in major ways during these 2 decades. Overall, as a result of an increasingly felt insecurity, the profession has turned outward and tried to find new ways to legitimize itself to politicians, the media, patients, and customers through means such as a more economized vocabulary and novel forms of empirical research. These changes have led to a more socialized profession, now more closely tuned to other actors in Swedish society, leading to conflicts within the profession over whether this is an opportunity to better control their own destiny or if it will lead to a loss of autonomy

    Den konstanta oron [The constant anxiety] : Barns och ungas psykiska ohĂ€lsa i svensk dagspress 1968–2008 [Child and young peoples mental illness in the Swedish daily press 1968-2008]

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    In the last decade, poor mental health among children and young people has been a recurrent topic of discussion in Swedish media. These discus­sions have predominately been characterized by both a dystopic tone and a presentism that, combined, has led to a framing of the situation as worse than ever and in need of immediate solutions. Based on an analysis of articles in Swedish daily newspapers from 1968 to 2008, we show in this article that alarming articles on the mental health of Swedish children and young people have, in fact, appeared frequently throughout these four decades and that these articles, regardless of year of publication, presented similar statistics over how many children and young people suffered from poor mental health. Alarms and concerns about the poor mental health of children and young people thus have a longer history than what is often claimed by contemporary actors. Nevertheless, we could also discern several important shifts over the years. In the early decades, the discussions revolved around the concepts of psychological disorders and psychological problems, while poor mental health became central during the latter part of the time period. However, more specific psychological and psychiatric terms, such as anxiety and psychosomatic symptoms, were more stable and did not really change to any significant extent over the years. Moreover, the set of actors involved in the discussion expanded and diversified over time, with civil society organizations in particular taking a more prominent place. To conclude, we argue that the consensus and consistency among the actors over time may be due to how the issue was framed in quantitative, descriptive and epide­miological terms, as this avoided any theoretically charged debates over the etiology and categorization of disorders, a question that has otherwise had a quite turbulent history in child psychiatry and psychology and which has divided experts and professionals. The discussions have also offered certain self-understandings to the public, including a normalizing conception of poor mental health presenting such problems as a transient condition that could possibly afflict any child or young person

    Den konstanta oron [The constant anxiety] : Barns och ungas psykiska ohĂ€lsa i svensk dagspress 1968–2008 [Child and young peoples mental illness in the Swedish daily press 1968-2008]

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    In the last decade, poor mental health among children and young people has been a recurrent topic of discussion in Swedish media. These discus­sions have predominately been characterized by both a dystopic tone and a presentism that, combined, has led to a framing of the situation as worse than ever and in need of immediate solutions. Based on an analysis of articles in Swedish daily newspapers from 1968 to 2008, we show in this article that alarming articles on the mental health of Swedish children and young people have, in fact, appeared frequently throughout these four decades and that these articles, regardless of year of publication, presented similar statistics over how many children and young people suffered from poor mental health. Alarms and concerns about the poor mental health of children and young people thus have a longer history than what is often claimed by contemporary actors. Nevertheless, we could also discern several important shifts over the years. In the early decades, the discussions revolved around the concepts of psychological disorders and psychological problems, while poor mental health became central during the latter part of the time period. However, more specific psychological and psychiatric terms, such as anxiety and psychosomatic symptoms, were more stable and did not really change to any significant extent over the years. Moreover, the set of actors involved in the discussion expanded and diversified over time, with civil society organizations in particular taking a more prominent place. To conclude, we argue that the consensus and consistency among the actors over time may be due to how the issue was framed in quantitative, descriptive and epide­miological terms, as this avoided any theoretically charged debates over the etiology and categorization of disorders, a question that has otherwise had a quite turbulent history in child psychiatry and psychology and which has divided experts and professionals. The discussions have also offered certain self-understandings to the public, including a normalizing conception of poor mental health presenting such problems as a transient condition that could possibly afflict any child or young person