2,977 research outputs found

    Cracks and fingers: dynamics of ductile fracture in an aqueous foam

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    Fracture of a quasi-two-dimensional aqueous foam by injection of air can occur via two distinct mechanisms, termed brittle and ductile, which are analogous to crack modes observed for crystalline atomic solids such as metals. In the present work we focus on the dynamics and morphology of the ductile process, in which no films between bubbles are broken. A network modeling approach allows detailed analysis of the foam morphology from individual bubbles to the shape of the propagating crack. This crack develops similarly to fingering instabilities in Hele–Shaw cells filled with homogeneous fluids. We show that the observed width and shape of the crack are compatible this interpretation, and that the discreteness of the bubble structure provides symmetry perturbations and limiting scales characteristic of anomalous fingering. The model thus bridges the gap between fracture of the solid foam lattice and instability growth of interfaces in a fluid system

    Local and global instabilities of flow in a flexible-walled channel

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    We consider laminar high-Reynolds-number flow through a long finite-length planar channel, where a segment of one wall is replaced by a massless membrane held under longitudinal tension. The flow is driven by a fixed pressure difference across the channel and is described using an integral form of the unsteady boundary-layer equations. The basic flow state, for which the channel has uniform width, exhibits static and oscillatory global instabilities, having distinct modal forms. In contrast, the corresponding local problem (neglecting boundary conditions associated with the rigid parts of the system) is found to be convectively, but not absolutely, unstable to small-amplitude disturbances in the absence of wall damping. We show how amplification of the primary global oscillatory instability can arise entirely from wave reflections with the rigid parts of the system, involving interacting travelling wave flutter and static-divergence modes that are convectively stable; alteration of the mean flow by oscillations makes the onset of this primary instability subcritical. We also show how distinct mechanisms of energy transfer differentiate the primary global mode from other modes of oscillatory instability

    Stability of a bi-layer free film: simultaneous or individual rupture events?

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    We consider the stability of a long free film of liquid composed of two immiscible layers of differing viscosities, where each layer experiences a van der Waals force between its interfaces. We analyse the different ways the system can exhibit interfacial instability when the liquid layers are sufficiently thin. For an excess of surfactant on one gas–liquid interface the coupling between the layers is relatively weak and the instability manifests as temporally separated rupture events in each layer. Conversely, in the absence of surfactant the coupling between the layers is much stronger and the instability manifests as rupture of both layers simultaneously. These features are consistent with recent experimental observations

    Is the Donnan effect sufficient to explain swelling in brain tissue slices?

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    Brain tissue swelling is a dangerous consequence of traumatic injury and is associated with raised intracranial pressure and restricted blood flow. We consider the mechanical effects that drive swelling of brain tissue slices in an ionic solution bath, motivated by recent experimental results that showed that the volume change of tissue slices depends on the ionic concentration of the bathing solution. This result was attributed to the presence of large charged molecules that induce ion concentration gradients to ensure electroneutrality (the Donnan effect), leading to osmotic pressures and water accumulation. We use a mathematical triphasic model for soft tissue to characterize the underlying processes that could lead to the volume changes observed experimentally. We suggest that swelling is caused by an osmotic pressure increase driven by both non-permeating solutes released by necrotic cells, in addition to the Donnan effect. Both effects are necessary to explain the dependence of the tissue slice volume on the ionic bath concentration that was observed experimentally

    Wrinkling, creasing, and folding in fiber-reinforced soft tissues

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    Many biological tissues develop elaborate folds during growth and development. The onset of this folding is often understood in relation to the creasing and wrinkling of a thin elastic layer that grows whilst attached to a large elastic foundation. In reality, many biological tissues are reinforced by fibres and so are intrinsically anisotropic. However, the correlation between the fiber directions and the pattern formed during growth is not well understood. Here, we consider the stability of a two-layer tissue composed of a thin hyperelastic strip adhered to an elastic half-space in which are embedded elastic fibers. The combined object is subject to a uniform compression and, at a critical value of this compression, buckles out of the plane — it wrinkles. We characterize the wrinkle wavelength at onset as a function of the fiber orientation both computationally and analytically and show that the onset of surface instability can be either promoted or inhibited as the fiber stiffness increases, depending on the fibre angle. However, we find that the structure of the resulting folds is approximately independent of the fiber orientation. We also explore numerically the formation of large creases in fiber-reinforced tissue in the post-buckling regime

    Self-excited oscillations in a collapsible channel with applications to retinal venous pulsation

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    We consider a theoretical model for the flow of Newtonian fluid through a long flexible-walled channel which is formed from four compliant and rigid compartments arranged alternately in series. We drive the flow using a fixed upstream flux and derive a spatially one-dimensional model using a flow profile assumption. The compliant compartments of the channel are assumed subject to a large external pressure, so the system admits a highly collapsed steady state. Using both a global (linear) stability eigensolver and fully nonlinear simulations, we show that these highly collapsed steady states admit a primary global oscillatory instability similar to observations in a single channel. We also show that in some regions of the parameter space the system admits a secondary mode of instability which can interact with the primary mode and lead to significant changes in the structure of the neutral stability curves. Finally, we apply the predictions of this model to the flow of blood through the central retinal vein and examine the conditions required for the onset of self-excited oscillation. We show that the neutral stability curve of the primary mode of instability discussed above agrees well with canine experimental measurements of the onset of retinal venous pulsation, although there is a large discrepancy in the oscillation frequency

    Patterns of recruitment and injury in a heterogeneous airway network model

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    In respiratory distress, lung airways become flooded with liquid and may collapse due to surface-tension forces acting on air-liquid interfaces, inhibiting gas exchange. This pa- per proposes a mathematical multiscale model for the mechanical ventilation of a network of occluded airways, where air is forced into the network at a fixed tidal volume, allowing investigation of optimal recruitment strategies. The temporal response is derived from mechanistic models of individual airway reopening, incorporating feedback on the airway pressure due to recruitment. The model accounts for stochastic variability in airway di- ameter and stiffness across and between generations. For weak heterogeneity, the network is completely ventilated via one or more avalanches of recruitment (with airways recruited in quick succession), each characterised by a transient decrease in the airway pressure; avalanches become more erratic for airways that are initially more flooded. However, the time taken for complete ventilation of the network increases significantly as the network becomes more heterogeneous, leading to increased stresses on airway walls. The model predicts that the most peripheral airways are most at risk of ventilation-induced damage. A positive-end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) reduces the total recruitment time but at the cost of larger stresses exerted on airway walls

    Elastic jump propagation across a blood vessel junction

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    The theory of small-amplitude waves propagating across a blood vessel junction has been well established with linear analysis. In this study we consider the propagation of large-amplitude, nonlinear waves (i.e. shocks and rarefactions) through a junction from a parent vessel into two (identical) daughter vessels using a combination of three approaches: numerical computations using a Godunov method with patching across the junction, analysis of a nonlinear Riemann problem in the neighbourhood of the junction and an analytical theory which extends the linear analysis to the following order in amplitude. A unified picture emerges: an abrupt (prescribed) increase in pressure at the inlet to the parent vessel generates a propagating shock wave along the parent vessel which interacts with the junction. For modest driving, this shock wave divides into propagating shock waves along the two daughter vessels and reflects a rarefaction wave back towards the inlet. However, for larger driving the reflected rarefaction wave becomes transcritical, generating an additional shock wave. Just beyond criticality this new shock wave has zero speed, pinned to the junction, but for further increases in driving this additional shock divides into two new propagating shock waves in the daughter vessels
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