55 research outputs found

    Deterring Holdout Creditors in a Restructuring of PDVSA Bonds and Promissory Notes (¿Cómo disuadir a acreedores \u27holdout\u27 en una restructuración de bonos y pagarés de PDVSA?)

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    The prospect of the potential mischief that may be caused by holdout creditors in a Venezuelan sovereign debt restructuring is probably the main reason why the Maduro administration has not attempted such an exercise. The next administration in Venezuela — whenever and however it may arrive — will not want for suggestions about how to minimize or neutralize this holdout creditor threat. This short article is another contribution to that growing literature. Were the Republic of Venezuela to acknowledge that there really is only one public sector credit risk in the country, and that the distinction between Republic bonds and PDVSA bonds is an artificial construct, the Republic could offer to exchange PDVSA bonds for new Republic bonds at par. This would be the preliminary to a generalized debt restructuring of some kind affecting all outstanding bonds. The question will be, as it always is, how to discourage PDVSA creditors from declining to participate in such an exchange offer. One method might be for PDVSA to pledge all of its assets to the Republic in consideration for the Republic\u27s assumption of PDVSA\u27s indebtedness under its outstanding bonds and promissory notes. This is a step expressly permitted by PDVSA\u27s bonds and promissory notes. Existing PDVSA creditors would be perfectly free to decline to exchange their exposure for new Republic bonds, but they would face the prospect that a senior lienholder (the Republic) would have a first priority claim over any PDVSA assets that the holdout may attempt to attach to satisfy a judgment against PDVSA. That realization should make them think twice about the wisdom of holding out. Los cĂĄlculos sobre el potencial daño que los acreedores “holdout” podrĂ­an ocasionar en una restructuraciĂłn de la deuda soberana de Venezuela son probablemente las razones mĂĄs importantes por las cuales el gobierno de Maduro no ha intentado aĂșn este ejercicio. Al prĂłximo gobierno venezolano – cuando quiera y como quiera que esto ocurra — no le faltarĂĄ asesorĂ­a sobre las distintas opciones para poder minimizar o neutralizar la amenaza que representan estos acreedores “holdout”. Este breve artĂ­culo pretende ser una contribuciĂłn mĂĄs a la literatura creciente sobre el tema. En el supuesto que la RepĂșblica de Venezuela reconozca que en el paĂ­s existe, en realidad, un Ășnico riesgo crediticio del sector pĂșblico y que la distinciĂłn entre los bonos de la RepĂșblica y los bonos de PDVSA es una construcciĂłn artificial, la RepĂșblica podrĂ­a ofrecer un intercambio de los bonos existentes de PDVSA por bonos nuevos de la RepĂșblica a valor nominal. Esta oferta de intercambio, de hacerla, serĂ­a de alguna manera el preĂĄmbulo a una restructuraciĂłn general de la deuda que incluirĂ­a todos los bonos vigentes pendientes. La pregunta serĂĄ, como siempre, ÂżcĂłmo persuadir a los acreedores de PDVSA para que participen en una oferta de intercambio de este tipo? Un mĂ©todo para hacerlo podrĂ­a ser que PDVSA pignore todos sus activos a favor de la RepĂșblica en contraprestaciĂłn para que, a su vez, la RepĂșblica se subrogue en la totalidad de las obligaciones de PDVSA documentada en bonos y pagarĂ©s. Esta posibilidad estĂĄ expresamente permitida en la documentaciĂłn de los bonos y pagarĂ©s de PDVSA. Consecuentemente, los actuales acreedores tendrĂ­an la plena libertad de declinar intercambiar sus acreencias por bonos nuevos de la RepĂșblica. Sin embargo, de hacerlo, tendrĂ­an que asumir la posibilidad que un acreedor prendario preferente -- a saber, la RepĂșblica – serĂ­a el acreedor preferente sobre los activos de PDVSA. AsĂ­, la RepĂșblica tendrĂ­a el derecho preferente frente a cualquier acreedor “holdout” que pueda intentar embargar tales activos para satisfacer una sentencia a su favor en contra de PDVSA. Esta posibilidad deberĂ­a hacer pensar dos veces a cualquier acreedor sobre las ventajas de ser un “holdout”

    Hepatopulmonary syndrome in patients with chronic liver disease: role of pulse oximetry

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    BACKGROUND: Hepatopulmonary syndrome (HPS) is a rare complication of liver diseases of different etiologies and may indicate a poor prognosis. Therefore, a simple non-invasive screening method to detect HPS would be highly desirable. In this study pulse oximetry was evaluated to identify patients with HPS. METHODS: In 316 consecutive patients with liver cirrhosis (n = 245), chronic hepatitis (n = 69) or non-cirrhotic portal hypertension (n = 2) arterial oxygen saturation (SaO(2)) was determined using a pulse oximeter. In patients with SaO(2 )≀92% in supine position and/or a decrease of ≄4% after change from supine to upright position further diagnostic procedures were performed, including contrast-enhanced echocardiography and perfusion lung scan. RESULTS: Seventeen patients (5.4%) had a pathological SaO(2). Four patients (1.3%) had HPS. HPS patients had a significant lower mean SaO(2 )in supine (89.7%, SD 5.4 vs. 96.0%, SD 2.3; p = 0.003) and upright position (84.3%, SD 5.0 vs. 96.0%, SD 2.4; p = 0.001) and had a lower mean PaO(2 )(56.2 mm Hg, SD 15.2 vs. 71.2 mm Hg, SD 20.2; p = 0.02) as compared to patients without HPS. The mean ΔSaO(2 )(difference between supine and upright position) was 5.50 (SD 7) in HPS patients compared to non-HPS patients who showed no change (p = 0.001). There was a strong correlation between shunt volume and the SaO(2 )values (R = -0.94). CONCLUSION: Arterial SaO(2 )determination in supine and upright position is a useful non-invasive screening test for HPS and correlates well with the intrapulmonary shunt volume

    NÀr natt blir dag : Belysning av av kyrkor och brunlÄngörats försvinnande - kunskapsunderlag för handlÀggning av artskydd

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    Äldre kulturbyggnader har nĂ€stan alltid inneboende fladdermöss. Ibland finns flera arter i olika delar av byggnaden. De kan finnas i tak, pĂ„ vindar och i torn, i kĂ€llarvalv eller i springor i fasaden, allt beroende pĂ„ art och Ă„rstid. Den i sĂ€rklass vanligaste arten i svenska kyrkor Ă€r brunlĂ„ngöra Plecotus auritus. Sommartid bor de antingen enstaka (hanar) eller i kolonier med honor och ungar (yngelkolonier). Fladdermöss och deras boplatser har ett strikt skydd i EU, inklusive Sverige. Estetisk belysning (fasadbelysning) av kyrkor innebĂ€r en konflikt med artskyddsförordningen, eftersom den gör kyrkan obeboelig för fladdermöss. Den hĂ€r skriften förklarar hur problemet uppstĂ„r och vad man ska göra Ă„t det. Den Ă€r tĂ€nkt att vara en handledning för dem som pĂ„ nĂ„got sĂ€tt har att hantera fladdermöss i kyrkor och andra kulturbyggnad

    Comments on Richard Muth's paper “Is the housing bubble about to burst?”

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