132 research outputs found

    Interfacing to Time-Triggered Communication Systems

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    Time-triggered communication facilitates the construction of multi-component real-time systems whose components are in control of their temporal behavior. However, the interface of a time-triggered communication system has to be accessed with care, to avoid that the temporal independence of components gets lost. This paper shows two interfacing strategies, one for asynchronous interface access (in two variants, one being the new Rate-Bounded Non-Blocking Communication protocol) and one for time-aware, synchronized interface access, that allow components to maintain temporal independence. The paper describes and compares the interfacing strategies.Final Accepted Versio

    A Code Policy Guaranteeing Fully Automated Path Analysis

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    Calculating the worst-case execution time (WCET) of real-time tasks is still a tedious job. Programmers are required to provide additional information on the program flow, analyzing subtle, context dependent loop bounds manually. In this paper, we propose to restrict written and generated code to the class of programs with input-data independent loop counters. The proposed policy builds on the ideas of single-path code, but only requires partial input-data independence. It is always possible to find precise loop bounds for these programs, using an efficient variant of abstract execution. The systematic construction of tasks following the policy is facilitated by embedding knowledge on input-data dependence in function interfaces and types. Several algorithms and benchmarks are analyzed to show that this restriction is indeed a good candidate for removing the need for manual annotations

    Classification of Code Annotations and Discussion of Compiler-Support for Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis

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    Tools for worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis request several code annotations from the user. However, most of them could be avoided or being annotated more comfortably if the compilers would support WCET analysis. This paper provides a clear categorization of code annotations for WCET analysis and discusses the positive impact on code annotations a compiler-support on WCET analysis would have

    Vicuna: A Timing-Predictable RISC-V Vector Coprocessor for Scalable Parallel Computation

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    A Quantitative Analysis of Interfaces to Time-Triggered Communication Buses

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    @ 2021 IEEE. The is the version of record of an article which will be published in final form at https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TNET.2021.3073460. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Nodes connected to a time-triggered (TT) network can access the network interface in two different ways, synchronously or asynchronously, which greatly impacts communication timing and message lifespans (i.e., the time from writing a message to its send buffer till the time when the message is read by the receiver). In this paper we present a clear timing model to reason about the timing variation possible with TT interfaces. This model facilitates the quantitative analysis of the message lifespans of synchronous and asynchronous TT interfaces. Further, we develop a tool to search for node and network configurations that minimise or maximise message lifespans. We show that choosing the right configuration for synchronous interface access can reduce message lifespan significantly (we observed a factor of 9 even for small scenarios). While industrial practice typically is to choose a slot allocation a priory, we show that optimising the slot allocation in coordination with task scheduling gives an extra edge in obtaining minimal message lifespans. For nodes with synchronous interface access, the tool determines the parameters needed to obtain minimal message lifespan and jitter.Peer reviewe

    Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Interfacing to Time-Triggered Communication Systems

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    © 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V. This manuscript is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International licence (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). For further details please see: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Time-triggered communication facilitates the construction of multi-component real-time systems whose components are in control of their temporal behaviour. However, the interface of a time-triggered communication system has to be accessed with care, to avoid that the temporal independence of components gets lost. This paper shows two interfacing strategies, one for asynchronous interface access (in two variants, one being the new Rate-bounded Non-Blocking Communication protocol) and one for time-aware, synchronized interface access, that allow components to maintain temporal independence. The paper describes and compares these interfacing strategies.Peer reviewe

    A qualitative cybersecurity analysis of time-triggered communication networks in automotive systems

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    © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Security is gaining increasing importance in automotive systems, driven by technical innovations. For example, automotive vehicles become more open systems, allowing the communication with other traffic participants and road infrastructure. Also, automotive vehicles are provided with increased autonomy which raises severe safety concerns, and consequently also security concerns – both concerns that interweave in such systems. In this paper we present a qualitative cybersecurity analysis by comparing different time-triggered (TT) communication networks. While TT communication networks have been analysed extensively for dependability, the contribution of this work is to identify security-related benefits that TT communication networks can provide. In particular, their mechanisms for spacial and temporal encapsulation of network traffic are instrumental to improve network security. The security arguments can be used as a design guide for implementing critical communication in flexible network standards like TSN.Peer reviewe

    Towards Automated Generation of Time-Predictable Code

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    Knowledge of the worst-case execution time of software components is essential in safety-critical hard real-time systems. The analysis thereof is not trivial as the execution time depends on many factors, including the underlying hardware platform, the program structure, and the code produced by the compiler. Often, the execution time is variable and highly sensitive to the input data the program has to process. This paper presents a code transformation applicable in a compiler backend that produces time-predictable code. The resulting code contains a single input-data independent execution path, in order to obtain programs of stable timing behaviour. The transformation technique has been validated by applying it on a number of benchmarks. Experiments show a reduction of execution time variability, at acceptable costs for the single execution path

    A Formal Framework for Precise Parametric WCET Formulas

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    Parametric worst-case execution time (WCET) formulas are a valuable tool to estimate the impact of input data properties on the WCET at design time, or to guide scheduling decisions at runtime. Previous approaches to parametric WCET analysis either provide only informal ad-hoc solutions or tend to be rather pessimistic, as they do not take flow constraints other than simple loop bounds into account. We develop a formal framework around path- and frequency expressions, which allow us to reason about execution frequencies of program parts. Starting from a reducible control flow graph and a set of (parametric) constraints, we show how to obtain frequency expressions and refine them by means of sound approximations, which account for more sophisticated flow constraints. Finally, we obtain closed-form parametric WCET formulas by means of partial evaluation. We developed a prototype, implementing our solution to parametric WCET analysis, and compared existing approaches within our setting. As our framework supports fine-grained transformations to improve the precision of parametric formulas, it allows to focus on important flow relations in order to avoid intractably large formulas

    Improving System-Level Verification of SystemC Models with SPIN

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    SystemC is a de-facto industry standard for developing, modelling, and simulating embedded systems. As embedded systems become more and more integrated into many aspects of human lives (e.g., transportation, surveillance systems, ...), failures of embedded systems might cause dangerous hazards to individuals or groups. Guaranteeing safety of such systems makes formal verification crucial. In this paper we present a novel approach for verifying SystemC models with SPIN. Focusing on system-level verification we reuse compiled and executable code from the original model and embed it into the verifier generated by SPIN. In contrast to most other approaches, which require a complete model transformation, in our approach the transformation focuses only on the relevant parts of the model while leaving functional blocks untransformed. Our technique aims at reducing the state vector size managed by the verifier of SPIN, at improving state exploration performance by avoiding unnecessary model transformation steps, and at concentrating on verifying properties that emerge from the composition of multiple functional units
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