27 research outputs found

    Mean <i>d’</i> scores.

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    <p>British and Mediterranean perceivers made judgments on whether British and Mediterranean targets were thinking of something positive or something negative. Standard errors of the mean are represented by the error bars.</p

    Cue words presented to targets.

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    <p>Only one word, framed as shown in the figure, appeared (in the centre of the laptop screen) at any one time.</p

    Network performance, for seven scale (left/top) and dichotomised mRS models (right/bottom).

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    <p>Legend: Blue-Training, Green-Validation, Red-Test, Dashed Lines-Best, Vertical Axis-MSE, Horizontal Axis-Epochs.</p

    Ultimate goal is to design a system capable of proposing a dichotomised outcome for each patient with and without endovascular intervention.

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    <p>Ultimate goal is to design a system capable of proposing a dichotomised outcome for each patient with and without endovascular intervention.</p