114 research outputs found

    Frequency of self-reported reasons for prescribing non-recommended antimalarial medication.

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    <p>Frequency of self-reported reasons for prescribing non-recommended antimalarial medication.</p

    Percentage of health workers self-reporting at least one instance of non-compliance in the two weeks prior to survey.

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    <p>Percentage of health workers self-reporting at least one instance of non-compliance in the two weeks prior to survey.</p

    Frequency of self-reported reasons for not using a RDT.

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    <p>Frequency of self-reported reasons for not using a RDT.</p

    Frequency of antimalarial prescription by diagnostic test result.

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    <p>Frequency of antimalarial prescription by diagnostic test result.</p

    Health worker responses to nine attitudinal statements.

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    <p>Health worker responses to nine attitudinal statements.</p

    Location and selected characteristics of the febrile patient sample.

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    <p>Location and selected characteristics of the febrile patient sample.</p

    Anopheles punctulatus SNP information

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    This file contains all the SNPs we identified from our genome assembly of Anopheles punctulatus, including information about the location, reference allele frequency, and coverage of each SNP

    Anopheles farauti 4 SNP information

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    This file contains all the SNPs we identified from our genome assembly of Anopheles farauti 4, including information about the location, reference allele frequency, and coverage of each SNP

    Population genetics of the genes encoding the <i>Pv</i>AMA1 ectodomain.

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    <p>A) Polymorphism. Schematic of the <i>Pvama1</i> region analysed indicating the locations of all nonsynonymous (NS, red lines), synonymous (SP, blue lines) and NS and SP singleton (black and grey lines, respectively) SNPs. Black arrows indicate the positions of PCR primers. B) Diversity. Sliding window analysis showing nucleotide diversity (Π; Pi) values in <i>Pvama1</i> for the 372 sequences analysed. A window size of 100 bp and a step size of 3 bp were used. C) Natural selection. Sliding window calculation of Tajima's D statistic was performed for the two PNG populations (blue = Madang, n = 61; red = East Sepik, n = 41). A window size of 100 and a step size of 3 were used. Horizontal dashed lines indicates the significance threshold of p = 0.05; A single asterisk indicates significance values for which p&lt;0.05; and double asterisk indicates p&lt;0.01. D) Amino acid allele frequencies. The frequencies of 40 non-singleton NS amino acid polymorphisms are indicated by the proportion of each bar shaded. Polymorphisms with minor allele frequencies (MAF)≥10% as indicated by an asterisk, were used for further analyses. E) Interpopulation differentiation. Pairwise <i>F</i><sub>ST</sub> values were calculated for the two PNG populations at each of the 40 non-singleton NS amino acid polymorphisms. Those with a MAF≥10% are indicated by an asterisk.</p
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