5,134 research outputs found

    Experimental Test of Decoherence Theory using Electron Matter Waves

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    A controlled decoherence environment is studied experimentally by free electron interaction with semiconducting and metallic plates. The results are compared with physical models based on decoherence theory to investigate the quantum-classical transition. The experiment is consistent with decoherence theory and rules out established Coulomb interaction models in favor of plasmonic excitation models. In contrast to previous decoherence experiments, the present experiment is sensitive to the onset of decoherence.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review Letters. Main Text: 6 pages, 3 figures. Supplemental Material: 3 pages, 5 figure

    Low-temperature thermochronology and thermokinematic modeling of deformation, exhumation, and development of topography in the central Southern Alps, New Zealand

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    Apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He and fission track ages were obtained from ridge transects across the central Southern Alps, New Zealand. Interpretation of local profiles is difficult because relationships between ages and topography or local faults are complex and the data contain large uncertainties, with poor reproducibility between sample duplicates. Data do form regional patterns, however, consistent with theoretical systematics and corroborating previous observations: young Neogene ages occur immediately southeast of the Alpine Fault (the main plate boundary structure on which rocks are exhumed); partially reset ages occur in the central Southern Alps; and older Mesozoic ages occur further toward the southeast. Zircon apparent ages are older than apatite apparent ages for the equivalent method. Three-dimensional thermokinematic modeling of plate convergence incorporates advection of the upper Pacific plate along a low-angle detachment then up an Alpine Fault ramp, adopting a generally accepted tectonic scenario for the Southern Alps. The modeling incorporates heat flow, evolving topography, and the detailed kinetics of different thermochronometric systems and explains both complex local variations and regional patterns. Inclusion of the effects of radiation damage on He diffusion in detrital apatite is shown to have dramatic effects on results. Geometric and velocity parameters are tuned to fit model ages to observed data. Best fit is achieved at 9 mm a−1 plate convergence, with Pacific plate delamination on a gentle 10°SE dipping detachment and more rapid uplift on a 45–60° dipping Alpine Fault ramp from 15 km depth. Thermokinematic modeling suggests dip-slip motion on reverse faults within the Southern Alps should be highest ∼22 km from the Alpine Fault and much lower toward the southeast

    The user structure in Brazil's tropical rain forest

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    This paper presents quantitative evidence on the relationship between forest conversion and the productivity of agropastoral activities in the Legal Amazon. The extraction of timber products such as wood, fuelwood and charcoal is related to the process of agropastoral expansion in this region with the aim of providing physical coefficients to define intersectoral connections in Brazil's economy. The paper is organized as follows. Section I makes a geographical characterization of the original vegetation types of the region according to its principal geopolitical subdivisions. Section II presents evidence on deforestation rates and gross areas affected. Section III describes the principal sources of deforestation. Section IV describes sectoral activities and land occupation patterns distinguishing between forested and non-forested areas. Section V analyses major determinants of productivity in agropastoral activities following this broad vegetation distinction. Section VI provides gross estimates of wood removal associated with agropastoral expansion, and compares this with wood and fuel production figures. Conclusions are presented in Section VII.

    Tailoring a coherent control solution landscape by linear transforms of spectral phase basis

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    Finding an optimal phase pattern in a multidimensional solution landscape becomes easier and faster if local optima are suppressed and contour lines are tailored towards closed convex patterns. Using wideband second harmonic generation as a coherent control test case, we show that a linear combination of spectral phase basis functions can result in such improvements and also in separable phase terms, each of which can be found independently. The improved shapes are attributed to a suppressed nonlinear shear, changing the relative orientation of contour lines. The first order approximation of the process shows a simple relation between input and output phase profiles, useful for pulse shaping at ultraviolet wavelengths

    Simulation of intrafascicular and extraneural nerve stimulation

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    A model of nerve stimulation for control of muscle contraction and ensuing isometrical muscle force has been developed and implemented in a simulation algorithm. A description of nerve fiber excitation was obtained using probability distributions of a number of excitation parameters. The volume conduction model of the stimulated nerve incorporates both inhomogeneities and anisotropy within the nerve. The nerve geometry was assumed to be cylindrically symmetric. The model of the nerve fiber excitation mechanism was based on that of D.R. McNeal (1976), using the Frankenhaeuser-Huxley equations. Simulations showed that the diameter dependence of nerve fiber recruitment is influenced by the electrode geometr

    Ways to Foster Creativity in the Classroom

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    Creativity in lesson planning has many positive impacts on student’s retention. Some of these include it challenges students to use upper level thought, increases motivation, and creativity has a trickledown effect on all aspects of the classroom, including the teacher. Current teachers were surveyed, with the majority valuing creativity. These teachers discovered roadblocks in bringing creativity into lesson plans because of time constraints due to curriculum shifts. These constraints and other hurdles can be overcome, and several benefits can be experienced by the teacher and the students. There is a need for training to solve problems in the classroom and increase creativity in lesson planning at the college level. With this training available, teachers will be prepared to overcome hurdles, eliminate dips in levels of creativity use, and prepare students with the skills needed in the ever-changing, globalized world