14 research outputs found

    Chthonius hungaricus and Larca lata new to the fauna of Slovakia (Pseudoscorpiones: Chthoniidae, Larcidae)

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    Chthonius (Chthonius) hungaricus Mahnert, 1980 and Larca lata (Hansen, 1884) were recorded for the first time from Slovakia. The finding of C. hungaricus in Slovakia is the second known record since its description and the finding of L. lata is the first record of the family of Larcidae in Slovakia. The descriptions of the species offer an update on the variability of morphologic and morphometric characters. Indications about the habitats of C. hungaricus are also given for the first time

    Neocoprozercon Fenďa & Mašán, 2012, gen. nov.

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    <i>Neocoprozercon</i> gen. nov. <p>(Figs 1–9)</p> <p> Type species: <i>Neocoprozercon europaeus</i> <b>sp. nov.</b></p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> Both sexes with idiosomal shields weakly sclerotised, without well-defined outlines. Dorsal idiosoma with podonotal shield in female or podonotal and opisthonotal shields in male and deutonymph, hypertrichous (more than 100 pairs of setae present), bearing two pairs of hypertrophied gland pores gdZ3 and gdZ 5 in the opisthonotal region. All stages lacking sternal gland pores gv1, adgenital pores gv2 and anal pores gv3. Podal plates absent. Male ventrianal shield fused to posterior margin of opisthonotal shield and expanded ventrally.</p> <p> <b>Description.</b> <i>Idiosoma</i> dorso-ventrally flattened, suboval and small, not exceeding 300 μm in length. Integument pale in colour, very weakly sclerotised; soft cuticle without striation on surface and scutal area smooth, unornamented, with their margins not well indicated and detectable.</p> <p> <i>Dorsal idiosoma</i>. Sexual dimorphism in dorsal shielding present: female with only podonotal shield developed, opisthonotal portion not armed, with soft cuticular integument on surface (except small irregular area close to medial posterior margin); male and deutonymph with dorsum entirely covered by two shields abutting each other. Female opisthonotum with small and irregular posteromedial area well sclerotised and dark in colour. Almost whole dorsum regularly polytrichous in all known stages, with more than 200 setae. Dorsal setae simple, smooth, needle-like, relatively short and generally subequal in length. Two pairs of gland pores (gdZ3 and gdZ5) on opisthonotum prominent, situated on circular platelets in female or on flat tubercles in male and deutonymph.</p> <p> <i>Ventral idiosoma</i>. Tritosternum present, bifurcate. Sternal or sternogenital shield usually slightly asymmetric in shape, with lateral margins irregularly sinuated, lacking poroids and gland pores. Sternogenital shield of deutonymph divided into sternal and genital portions. Female with well separated anal and genital shields, with no ventral plates on opisthogastric region; anal shield of male anteriorly connected with ventral shield and posteriorly fused to ventral expansion of opisthonotal shield; deutonymph with separate anal and ventral shields adjacent to each other, and anal shield free. Metasternal and metapodal shields present, exopodal, parapodal and endopodal shields absent. Peritremes and peritrematal shields strongly reduced and very short in adults, normal and extending to the level of coxae I in deutonymphs.</p> <p> <i>Gnathosoma</i>. Epistome a single, subtriangular smooth projection. Chelicera with dentate digits and well developed dorsal seta. Ventral surface of hypostome with four pairs of smooth simple setae. Deutosternum with smooth anterior margin and five transverse rows of denticles.</p> <p> <i>Legs</i>. Setation of legs I-II-III-IV: coxae 2-2-2-1, trochanters 6-5-5-5, femora 13-11-6-6, genua 13-11-10-10, tibiae 14-10-9-10; tarsi II–IV with 16 setae.</p> <p> <b>Notes on the genus.</b> The new genus <i>Neocoprozercon</i> is characterised by some exceptional characters that do not occur in <i>Coprozercon</i>, the only other genus of the family Coprozerconidae. This requires some amendments to the family diagnosis for Coprozerconidae introduced by Moraza & Lindquist (1998). Both genera are presently monotypic and may be distinguished from one another by the following characters. In <i>Neocoprozercon</i>, (1) dorsal surface is polytrichous, bearing 100–170 pairs of dorsal setae; the podonotal region has 70–80 pairs of setae in females, 65–75 pairs in males and 55–65 pairs in deutonymphs; the opisthonotal region has 80–90 pairs of setae in females, 65–80 pairs in males and 45–55 pairs in deutonymphs; (2) in the female, there is a small, irregularly formed, dark and well sclerotised plate on the medial posteriormost part of the opisthonotum; (3) in the male, the ventrianal shield and ventral expansion of the opisthonotal shield are connected with their posteriormost margins, a character shared with members of the family Zerconidae; (4) the lateral margins of the ventrianal shield of male are irregularly sinuate, bearing 1–3 pairs of ventral setae; the inner surface of the shield is has two pairs of ventral setae; (5) gland pores gv1-gv3 are absent; (6) parapodal shields are absent; (7) the epistome is subtriangular in shape, with smooth anterolateral margins; (8) the dorsal shields are smooth, with no sculptural pattern on the surface; (9) it is larger species, with idiosoma 220–300 μm in length. In <i>Coprozercon</i>, (1) the dorsal surface is holotrichous, bearing at most 45 pairs of dorsal setae; the podonotal region has 23 pairs of setae in the adults and deutonymph, the opisthonotal region has 22 pairs of dorsal setae in adults and 20 pairs in the deutonymphs (excluding two unpaired setae); (2) in the female, the posterior dorsal region is completely covered by soft cuticle, with no remnants of the opisthonotal shield; (3) in the male, the ventrianal shield is separate and free from the ventral expansion of the opisthonotal shield; (4) the lateral margins of the ventrianal shield of the male are almost regularly rounded, with no insertion of ventral setae; the inner surface of the shield has three pairs of ventral setae; (5) gland pores gv3 are present, gv1 and gv2 present in females; (6) the parapodal shields are present in the male; (7) the epistome has a flat base and slender, coarsely denticulate central projection; (8) the dorsal shields are lightly reticulated in the female, but more strongly reticulated in the male and deutonymph; (9) it is a smaller species, with idiosoma 190–270 μm in length.</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> The genus name <i>Neocoprozercon</i> <b>gen. nov.</b> refers to the similarity of the new genus to the related genus <i>Coprozercon</i>. The name is masculine in gender.</p>Published as part of <i>Fenďa, Peter & Mašán, Peter, 2012, Neocoprozercon europaeus gen. nov., sp. nov., the first member of the family Coprozerconidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) in the Palaearctic Region, pp. 40-46 in Zootaxa 3204</i> on pages 40-43, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/212533">10.5281/zenodo.212533</a&gt


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    Key to the genera of the family Coprozerconidae (adults and deutonymphs) <p> 1. Dorsal surface holotrichous, podonotum with 23 pairs of dorsal setae (including 14–16 pairs on podonotal shield), opisthonotum with 20–22 pairs of dorsal setae (excluding two unpaired <i>Jx</i> -setae, and 3 pairs of ventral setae on posteroventral expansion of male).............................................................. <i>Coprozercon</i> Moraza & Lindquist, 1998</p> <p> - Dorsal surface hypertrichous, podonotum with at least 55 pairs of dorsal setae, opisthonotum with at least 45 pairs of dorsal setae............................................................................ <b> <i>Neocoprozercon</i> gen. nov.</b> </p>Published as part of <i>Fenďa, Peter & Mašán, Peter, 2012, Neocoprozercon europaeus gen. nov., sp. nov., the first member of the family Coprozerconidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) in the Palaearctic Region, pp. 40-46 in Zootaxa 3204</i> on page 44, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/212533">10.5281/zenodo.212533</a&gt

    FIGURES 6–14 in A revision of the genus Anadenosternum Athias-Henriot (Acari: Mesostigmata: Parasitidae)

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    FIGURES 6–14. Anadenosternum okalii sp. nov. 6. Female, leg I without tarsus, dorsal view; 7. Female, leg II, dorsal view; 8. Female, leg III, dorsal view; 9. Female, leg IV, dorsal view; 10. Male, leg II without tarsus, anterolateral view; 11. Female, endogynium; 12. Male, genital lamella; 13. Female, epistome; 14. Male, epistome. Scale bars 100 µm (Figs 6–10), 20 µm (Figs 11–14)

    Figure 1 A, B in The family Parasitidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) - history, current problems and challenges

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    Figure 1 A, B – female endogynium: A – Neogamasus unicornutus(Ewing, 1909), B – Dyneogamasus speculigerAthias-Henriot, 1979; C, D – male tritosternum and genital lamina: C – Neogamasus unicornutus, D – Porrhostaspis lunulataMüller, 1859; E, F – female gnathotectum: E – Neogamasus unicornutus, F – Dyneogamasus speculiger; G, H, I – ventral aspect of anterior part of female idiosoma: G – Trachygamasus pusillus (Berlese, 1892), H – Porrhostaspis lunulata, I – Rhabdocarpais consanguineus(Oudemans and Voigts, 1904); J – chelicera of deutonymph, lateral view: Poecilochirus carabiG. and R. Canestrini, 1882; K, L, M – male chelicera, lateral view: K – Porrhostaspis lunulata, L – Parasitus coleoptratorum(Linneaus, 1758); M – Phorytocarpais americanus(Berlese, 1906).Published as part of Hrúzová, Kamila & Fenďa, Peter, 2018, The family Parasitidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) - history, current problems and challenges, pp. 25-42 in Acarologia 58 (1) on page 35, DOI: 10.24349/acarologia/20184280, http://zenodo.org/record/450280

    The family Parasitidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) - history, current problems and challenges

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    Hrúzová, Kamila, Fenďa, Peter (2018): The family Parasitidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) - history, current problems and challenges. Acarologia 58 (1): 25-42, DOI: 10.24349/acarologia/20184280, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.24349/acarologia/2018428

    Ernogamasus aliitectatus

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    <i>Ernogamasus aliitectatus</i> (Athias-Henriot, 1967) <p>(Figures 18–34)</p> <p> <i>Pergamasus aliitectatus</i> Athias-Henriot, 1967: 176.</p> <p> <i>Leptogamasus</i> (<i>Ernogamasus</i>) <i>aliitectatus</i>. <i>—</i> Athias-Henriot 1971: 174.</p> <p> Athias-Henriot described a male of the new species <i>Pergamasus aliitectatus</i> (Athias-Henriot 1967), and shortly afterwards she augmented the species with a description of a female (Athias-Henriot 1970), provided additional data on the male (Athias-Henriot 1971), and transferred the species to <i>Leptogamasus</i> (<i>Ernogamasus</i>). Juvara-Bals (1974) also presented a complementary description of this species with drawings of leg II and Tr IV in the male, as well as the endogynium in the female.</p> <p> We now provide some additional description and drawings to facilitate the identification of the species. Our material has been compared with the original material by Dr. I. Juvara-Bals, who did not find substantial differences, thus confirming the species as <i>E</i>. <i>aliitectatus</i> (Athias-Henriot, 1967). Additional description is required because <i>E</i>. <i>aliitectatus</i> (Athias-Henriot) may be confused with the two other similar species, i.e. <i>Ernogamasus obesus</i> (Holzmann, 1969) and <i>Ernogamasus acutus</i> (Greim, 1969), both described in Holzmann’s PhD dissertation (1955), and validly published in 1969. <i>Ernogamasus obesus</i> (Holzmann), has been reported in several European localities: Poland — the Karkonosze Mts (Gwiazdowicz & Biernacik 2000; Gwiazdowicz 2004; Gabryś <i>et al</i>. 2008) and the Stołowe Mts (Kamczyc & Gwiazdowicz, 2009), Ireland (Arroyo <i>et al</i>. 2008), Germany (Karg 1993; Werner <i>et al</i>. 2012, 2018), Romania (Stanescu 2007), but at least the material collected in Poland, re-examined by the author (WW), is evidently the <i>E</i>. <i>aliitectatus</i> (Athias-Henriot) rather than <i>E</i>. <i>obesus</i> (Holzmann).</p>Published as part of <i>Witaliński, Wojciech & Fenďa, Peter, 2020, A new species of mite in the genus Ernogamasus Athias-Henriot, 1971 (Parasitiformes: Parasitidae), pp. 501-517 in Zootaxa 4742 (3)</i> on page 509, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4742.3.5, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3677981">http://zenodo.org/record/3677981</a&gt

    First record of Parasitus americanus (Berlese, 1905) and Cornigamasus ocliferius Skorupski & Witaliński, 1997 (Acari: Mesostigmata: Parasitidae) from Slovakia

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    Two species of Parasitidae, Parasitus americanus (Berlese, 1905) and Cornigamasus ocliferius Skorupski & Witaliński, 1997 were found for the first time in Slovakia. Parasitus americanus is a cosmopolitan species, which was found in several cemeteries and in a botanic garden in Bratislava. Almost all records of C. ocliferius are from Poland except for one record from Egypt. Cornigamasus ocliferius was found in decomposed plant material in Western and Central Slovakia and in bird nests in Western and Eastern Slovakia; part of the material was previously published as Cornigamasus lunaris (Berlese, 1882) and is revised here


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    29 Arthropods in the nests of the Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) Článkonožce Abstract: In 2008 we analyzed nest material from 25 nests of the Common Kestrel nesting in the residential and rural areas of Bratislava. 4486 arthropod individuals were determined, belonging to the orders Coleoptera, Mesostigmata, Prostigmata, Astigmata, Oribatida, Diptera and Siphonaptera. The arthropod fauna in the nests of the Common Kestrel can be classified into 4 groups: mites, dipteran larvae, adult beetles and dipterans. Three families of avian ectoparasites were present, comprising 26% of the total arthropod abundance. The remaining 74% of arthropod abundance in the nests comprised coprophagous and nidicolous species. Abstrakt: Počas roku 2008 sme analyzovali hniezdny materiál z 25 hniezd sokola myšiara hniezdiaceho v intraviláne a extraviláne Bratislavy. Determinovaných bolo 4486 jedincov článkonožcov z radov Coleoptera, Mesostigmata, Prostigmata, Astigmata, Oribatida, Diptera a Siphonaptera. Faunu článkonožcov v hniezdach sokola myšiara môžeme rozdeliť na 4 skupiny: roztoče, larvy dvojkrídlovcov, imága chrobákov a dvojkrídlovcov. Ektoparazity vtákov boli zastúpené 3 čeľaďami a predstavujú 26 % abundancie článkonožcov v hniezdach, zvyšných 74 % tvoria koprofágne a nidikolné druhy

    A new species of mite in the genus Ernogamasus Athias-Henriot, 1971 (Parasitiformes: Parasitidae)

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    FIGURE 1. Ernogamasus papilio sp. nov., female, holotype. Dorsal idiosoma with podonotal setae series (j, z, s and r), opisthonotal setae series (J, Z, S, R), idiosomal poroids (id) and gland pores (gd) marked. Note a weak reticulation of podonotum except area in front of j4 setae and behind j6 setae. A fragment of opisthonotal reticulation is only shown. Seta S5 in right side S series absent. a – location of gdz6 gland pore in paratype female.Published as part of Witaliński, Wojciech & Fenďa, Peter, 2020, A new species of mite in the genus Ernogamasus Athias-Henriot, 1971 (Parasitiformes: Parasitidae), pp. 501-517 in Zootaxa 4742 (3) on page 504, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4742.3.5, http://zenodo.org/record/367798