14,837 research outputs found

    Quantum causal models, faithfulness and retrocausality

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    Wood and Spekkens (2015) argue that any causal model explaining the EPRB correlations and satisfying no-signalling must also violate the assumption that the model faithfully reproduces the statistical dependences and independences---a so-called "fine-tuning" of the causal parameters; this includes, in particular, retrocausal explanations of the EPRB correlations. I consider this analysis with a view to enumerating the possible responses an advocate of retrocausal explanations might propose. I focus on the response of N\"{a}ger (2015), who argues that the central ideas of causal explanations can be saved if one accepts the possibility of a stable fine-tuning of the causal parameters. I argue that, in light of this view, a violation of faithfulness does not necessarily rule out retrocausal explanations of the EPRB correlations, although it certainly constrains such explanations. I conclude by considering some possible consequences of this type of response for retrocausal explanations

    Relativistic Constraints for a Naturalistic Metaphysics of Time

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    The traditional metaphysical debate between static and dynamic views in the philosophy of time is examined in light of considerations concerning the nature of time in physical theory. Adapting the formalism of Rovelli (1995, 2004), I set out a precise framework in which to characterise the formal structure of time that we find in physical theory. This framework is used to provide a new perspective on the relationship between the metaphysics of time and the special theory of relativity by emphasising the dual representations of time that we find in special relativity. I extend this analysis to the general theory of relativity with a view to prescribing the constraints that must be heeded for a metaphysical theory of time to remain within the bounds of a naturalistic metaphysics

    Retrocausality at no extra cost

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    One obstacle faced by proposals of retrocausal influences in quantum mechanics is the perceived high conceptual cost of making such a proposal. I assemble here a metaphysical picture consistent with the possibility of retrocausality and not precluded by the known physical structure of our reality. I conclude that given the right mix of some reasonable metaphysical and epistemological ingredients there is no conceptual cost to such a picture

    Extending the 'Institutional' Turn: Property, Politics and Development Trajectories

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    development, institutions, comparative political economy

    Unspeakable Suspicions: Challenging the Racist Consensual Encounter

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    [Excerpt] In recent years, law enforcement officials have honed a new technique for fighting the War on Drugs: the suspicionless police sweep of stations and vehicles involved in interstate mass transportation. Single officers or groups of officers approach unfortunate individuals in busses, trains, stations and airline terminals. A targeted traveller is requested to show identification and tickets, explain the purpose of his or her travels, and finally, at times, to consent to a luggage search. As long as a reasonable person would understand that he or she could refuse to cooperate, the encounter between the law-enforcement official and the traveller is deemed consensual, not subject to the constraints of the Fourth Amendment

    Diffusion and Velocity Auto-Correlation in Shearing Granular Media

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    We perform numerical simulations to examine particle diffusion at steady shear in a model granular material in two dimensions at the jamming density and zero temperature. We confirm findings by others that the diffusion constant depends on shear rate as D∼γ˙qDD\sim\dot\gamma^{q_D} with qD<1q_D<1, and set out to determine a relation between qDq_D and other exponents that characterize the jamming transition. We then examine the the velocity auto-correlation function, note that it is governed by two processes with different time scales, and identify a new fundamental exponent, λ\lambda, that characterizes an algebraic decay of correlations with time

    Asymmetric velocity correlations in shearing media

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    A model of soft frictionless disks in two dimensions at zero temperature is simulated with a shearing dynamics to study various kinds of asymmetries in sheared systems. We examine both single particle properties, the spatial velocity correlation function, and a correlation function designed to separate clockwise and counter-clockwise rotational fields from one another. Among the rich and interesting behaviors we find that the velocity correlation along the two different diagonals corresponding to compression and dilation, respectively, are almost identical and, furthermore, that a feature in one of the correlation functions is directly related to irreversible plastic events

    Holographic graphene in a cavity

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    The effective strength of EM interactions can be controlled by confining the fields to a cavity and these effects might be used to push graphene into a strongly coupled regime. We study the similar D3/probe D5 system on a compact space and discuss the gravity dual for a cavity between two mirrors. We show that the introduction of a conformal symmetry breaking length scale introduces a mass gap on a single D5 sheet. Bilayer configurations display exciton condensation between the sheets. There is a first order phase transition away from the exciton condensate if a strong enough magnetic field is applied. We finally map out the phase structure of these systems in a cavity with the presence of mirror reflections of the probes - a mass gap may form through exciton condensation with the mirror image
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