3 research outputs found

    Latá-Latá: buscamos paz en las raíces

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    Latá-Latá es una experiencia que ha crecido con el tiempo, mediante la conversa informal, tejiendo saberes, sueños e historias de vida de los jóvenes que han participado en la experiencia, hasta encontrar su esencia en los saberes de nuestros hermanos mayores, en las raíces. Es ahí, en el encuentro con sabedores de culturas ancestrales propias, donde Latá-Latá se nutre de sentido, entendiendo que más allá de los aprendizajes importantes y necesarios de la escuela, es vital explorar en los saberes propios que nos ofrecen la posibilidad de una praxis de la convivencia, fundamentada en la buena relación con la naturaleza, con el otro y con el espacio; se trata de integrar mente, cuerpo y espíritu creador

    Decentralized Secondary Frequency Controlin an Optimized Diesel PV Hybrid System

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    This research aims at investigating if a diesel-based isolated electrical system can be optimized by integratinga high share of solar photovoltaic (PV) generation and if thefrequency stability of such system can be improved by includingthe PV participation in frequency regulation. A case studyis developed in order to explore an island’s expansion of theinstalled generating capacity and its optimization. This studyuses the tool HOMER Energy Pro to solve the optimizationproblem and PowerFactory to verify the frequency stability ofthe proposed system. The PV integration allows for a reductionof diesel fuel consumption, emissions and generation costs.Additionally, in high PV penetration scenarios, the reducedinertia in such systems can lead to high frequency deviationsthat may trip the system protection. The study demonstratesthat the instantaneous frequency deviation after a load andgeneration imbalance can be reduced by designing the PVsto operate with an allocated reserve and a decentralizedtime-based secondary frequency control. The system remainedstable under different disturbance scenarios with high PVpenetration and reduced available inertia, indicating that highPV integration is economically and technically feasible in asmall island system.QC 20181106</p