8 research outputs found

    Management of soil as a natural resource in the Savinjska statistical region in Slovenia

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    Animals, plants and microorganisms could not exist without soil, because without it life on Earth would not be possible. Thus we should always be concerned with preserving the soil condition. This should be a personal, a municipal, as well as a national concern. Nevertheless, the role of soil is not sufficiently incorporated into the planning of sustainable development of the Savinjska statistical region, therefore more active approaches are needed in the field of soil management and protection (education, research, raising public awareness, soil protection programs, soil related educational excursions, etc.)

    avtorja fotografij Irma Potočnik Slavič, Blaž Repe

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    Prst kot učna snov v šolski geografiji še vedno spada med zahtevnejše in manj priljubljene učne vsebine. Zato bi bilo potrebno prenoviti učne načrte tako za osnovno šolo kakor za gimnazije, kjer bi morali upoštevati boljšo vertikalnoin horizontalno povezanost vsebin. Prenova učnih načrtov bi prinesla tudi potrebo po novih učbenikih in delovnih zvezkih.The soil as a learning matter in school geography is evaluated as more demanding and less popular subject. Therefore it would be necessary to modernize the syllabuses both at the primary and secondary schools, where a better vertical and horizontal interaction of subject matters should be considered. A modernization of syllabuses would require the need of new student s books

    Organic substance in the soil of the Celje basin area

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    Količina organske snovi predstavlja pomemben kazalec kakovosti prsti. Pomembno vpliva na številne fizikalne in kemijske lastnosti prsti, posledično na rodovitnost prsti ter določa vlogo prsti v ekosistemu. Količina organske snovi v prsti je odvisna odkoličine odmrlih organskih snovi, njihove sestave, procesa humifikacije, od naravnih dejavnikov, kot so podnebje, relief, matična podlaga, voda ter seveda od živih rastlin, živali in mikroorganizmov, ki živijo v prsti ter tudi od rabe tal. V prispevku je predstavljena količina organske snovi v zgornjem sloju kmetijskih zemljišč v Sloveniji ter količina organske snovi v horizontih v prevladujočih tipih prsti v celjski kotlini. Podatki kažejo, da je količina organske snovi v prsti v Sloveniji zadovoljiva. Prsti v Celjski kotlini imajo manj kot 6 % organske snovi, razlike v vsebnosti se največ kažejo v rabi tal, saj imajo prsti porasle z gozdom tudi do 35 % organske snovi v zgornjem horizontu.The quantity of the organic substance is an important indicator of the soil quality. It has a significant influence on numerous physical and chemical soil propertiesand consequently also on the fertility of the soil and it determines the function of the soil in the ecosystem. The quantity of the organic substance in the soil depends upon the quantity the organic substances which died away, their composition, process of humification, natural factors such as the climate, relief, parent foundation, and water and of course live plants, animals and microorganisms which live in the soil and also upon the use of the soil. In the contribution is represented the quantity of the organic substances in the upper layer of rural surfaces in Slovenia and the quantity of organic substances in the horizon of the prevailing types of soil in the Celje Basin. The data show that the quantity of the organic substance in the soil in Slovenia is satisfactory. The soil in the Celje Basin have less than 6% of organic substancethe references in the content are mostly shown in the use of the soil because the soils covered with wood have also to 35% of the organic substance in the upper horizon

    Some characteristics of primary and secondary school geographical education in Maribor

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    V raziskavi smo obravnavali položaj geografskega izobraževanja na mariborskih osnovnih in srednjih šolah. Pozornost je posvečena položaju geografije v predmetnikih osnovnih in srednjih šol na območju Maribora. Posebnost predmeta geografija na aktualnem območju je opisana na podlagi analize udeleževanja mariborskih šol na geografskih tekmovanjih, s pomočjo ugotavljanja raziskovalne orientacije terenskega dela in ekskurzij ter s pomočjo analize sodelovanja mariborskih osnovnih in srednjih šol z Oddelkom za geografijo Pedagoške fakultete Univerze v Mariboru.Our research deals with the situation of geographical education in primary and secondary schools in Maribor. Special attention has been paid to the situation of geography in the syllabuses of primary and secondary schools in the region of Maribor. The specificity of the subject geography in the stated region is described on the basis of the analysis of participating in geographic competitions, by means of establishing the research orientation of field work and excursions, and by means of the analysis of the co-operation of primary and secondary schools of Maribor with the Department of Geography at the Pedagogic Faculty of the University of Maribor