19 research outputs found

    Sistemski procesi u obiteljima adolescenata ovisnika

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    Experimenting with drugs in the period of adolescence is today spread world widely. The linear, single-factor, or the deterministic method offer explanations of the nascence of the abuse of psychoactive substances (PAS) that include the effects of these factors: biological processes, inter-psychological processes or various characteristics of the very children, their parents, peer groups or the social environment. This method is therefore largely substituted with circular, interactive ā€“ multisystem models. The use and abuse of PAS usually appears as an essential part of the wider picture of life conditions and circumstances, therefore a systematic conceptualization of the issue and its therapeutic solution is indeed called for. Working on this issue, we are considering systematic characteristics of the family of adolescent addict, analyzing their influences on the process development of the treatment in general, and pointing out the implementation of family therapy.Eksperimentiranje s drogama u periodu adolescencije je danas raÅ”ireno u svijetu. Jedan linearni faktor ili deterministička metoda nudi objaÅ”njenje početak stvaranja zlouporabe psiho-aktivnih supstanci (PAS) koje uključuje efekte sljedećih faktora: bioloÅ”ki procesi, inter-psiholoÅ”ki procesi, ili razne karakteristike spomenute djece, njihovi roditelji, grupe vrÅ”njaka ili druÅ”tvena okolina. Ova metoda je većinom zamijenjena kružnom, interaktivnom-multi-sistemskom metodom. KoriÅ”tenje i zlouporaba PAS-a se uglavnom pojavljuje kao nužni dio Å”ire slike životnih uvjeta i okolnosti, zato su sistemska konceptualizacija problema i njegova terapeutska rjeÅ”enja potrebna. Radeći na ovom problemu, razmatramo sistematsku karakterizaciju obitelji adolescenata ovisnika, analiziramo utjecaje na proces razvoja tretmana uopće, i ističemo implementaciju obiteljske terapije

    Development of the Family System-therapeutic Approach in the Addiction Treatment in Serbia

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    The roots of system-group family therapy in alcoholism, from which the Belgrade School, originated in the socio-psychiatric paradigm (medical model of addiction, psychodynamic orientation and socialization of psychiatry), Led by these socio-psychiatric paradigm was in 1963. formed the Institute for Mental Health and on the same day formed Socio-Therapeuttic-Club of treated alcoholics.Involvement of addictā€™s wife and other family members, and later the professional environment in treatment began in the late 1970s, when The Day Hospital for Family Alcohol Therapy (1978) has been formed. A general system theory was introduced very consistently into this therapeutic model, which included emphasizing the psychoeducation of the identified patient and family members as well as the formation of therapeutic groups of multiple families as a form of prolonged treatment (stabilization phase), while, in the same time, preserving the concept of the therapeutic community and socio-therapeutic clubs as a form of prolonged treatment or recovery. The basis of the family-system therapy concept of the ā€œBelgrade School of Addictologyā€ is related to understanding the process of systemic equilibrium, through the processes of morphogenesis and homeostasis, namely through the understanding of pathological aspects of homeostasis called ā€œprocesses of adjustment of the alcoholic family or systemā€. Eco-system processes significantly determine the characteristics of individuals, families, social institutions, as well as the characteristics of health and specificity of the disease. With that on mind, it is necessary to understand the transformation of therapeutic models that obviously cannot be purely medical, not as purely psychiatric. It has to be understood as a variable and individualized living processes

    Principi socijalno-psiholoŔkog dijagnostikovanja alkoholizma u socijalnom radu

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    The paper analyses the ecosystemic concept of emergence and duration of alcoholism according to which the emergence and duration of alcoholism (and other addictions) is considered an illness of individual, family and society. It also implies a practical attitude that revealing and diagnostics of alcoholism can first start through analysis of disturbed family and social interactions and only after be searched for in medical/biological symptoms. According to this concept, identification of addiction to alcohol followed by diagnostic and therapeutic procedures make an unbreakable and continual process. It also emphasizes the fact that medical criteria for diagnostics of alcoholism are the most clear and scientifically most objective, however without providing timely diagnosis and efficient treatment. It particularly points to difficulties in process of identification of addiction to alcohol outside health institutions due to reduction of 'social visibility' (mimicry of alcoholism) i.e. due to reduction of recognizability of pathological forms of behavior and alcohol drinking in family and social relations. The conclusion emphasizes key principles of diagnostics, motivating and treatment in social work in relation to alcoholism and drinking problems.U radu se razmatra ekosistemski koncept o nastajanju i trajanju alkoholizma, po kojem se nastanak i trajanje alkoholizma (i drugih bolesti zavisnosti) razmatra kao bolest pojedinca, porodice i druÅ”tva. On sadrži i praktičan stav da se otkrivanje i dijagnostikovanje alkoholizma najpre mogu započeti kroz analizu poremećenih porodičnih i socijalnih interakcija, pa tek potom tražiti u medicinskim/bioloÅ”kim simptomima. Prema tom konceptu, identifikacija zavisnosti od alkohola, zatim dijagnostički i terapijski postupci predstavljaju nerazdvojiv i kontinuiran proces. Ističe se i podatak da su medicinski kriterijumi za dijagnostikovanje alkoholizma najjasniji i naučno najobjektivniji, ali da oni ne obezbeđuju pravovremenu dijagnozu i efikasno lečenje. Posebno se ukazuje na teÅ”koće u procesu identifikacije zavisnosti od alkohola izvan zdravstvenih ustanova zbog smanjenja 'socijalne vidljivosti' (mimikrija alkoholizma), odnosno zbog smanjenja prepoznatljivosti patoloÅ”kih oblika ponaÅ”anja i pijenja alkoholnih pića u porodičnim i socijalnim odnosima. U zaključku se ističu ključni principi dijagnostikovanja, motivisanja i postupanja u socijalnom radu u vezi sa alkoholizmom i problemima pijenja

    Studentsā€™ attitudes on persons suffering from psychological malfunctions: addition to stereotype research

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    Introduction: This paper deals with studentā€™s attitudes towards the persons suffering from mental disorders and addicts to PAS ā€“ alcohol and drugs. It was our desire to introduce changes to the Mental Disorders Sociology Course based on the given answers. The main aim of the research was to study so-called social representation that future professionals have on those categories of the mentally ill. We also tried to establish the link between attitude direction and some socio-demographic characteristics of the researched families. We used questionnaires about socio-demographic characteristics of the responders, the typical perception of the mentally ill, drug addicts and alcoholics, and, using the Lickert type scale, the attitudes towards the mentally ill. The study included 63 responders. The mentally ill are seen as: aggressive, unpredictable and secluded. 60% of responders agreed that the mentally ill need to be intellectually active, 1/3 were undecided, while less than 10% believe that such activity is unnecessary. About 70% stated that they would accept a person who is seeking treatment for mental disorder as a co-worker, less than Ā¼, were undecided, and about 8% stated that they would not be able to work with a mentally ill person. It appears that tolerance for the mentally ill has increased, while on the other hand the stereotype of a drug addict and a alcoholic is still connected with appearance, aggressiveness and psychological features more than with social and moral failing as research by Popovic et al. has shown in the 80ā€™s

    Rodna perspektiva u sistemskoj porodičnoj terapiji

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    The article presents a development of the systemic family approach as theoretical and therapeutic frame that considers client in relations to gender roles. Structural and strategic family therapy, symbolic-experimental and contextual model developed within systemic family approach are discussed in the view of gender perspective, through its theoretical concepts as well as through therapeutic interventions. Feminist ideas had considerable influence on further development of family therapy. Postgender approach tends to consider as well as balance place of gender perspective in personal and relational development. Modern therapist faces demands to reconsider his own values and beliefs in relation to patriarchal system as well as to values and beliefs of his client and his family.Rad prikazuje razvoj sistemskog porodičnog pristupa kao teorijskog i terapijskog okvira koji razmatra klijenta u njegovom odnosu prema rodnim ulogama. Strukturalna i strateŔka porodična terapija, simboličko-iskustveni i kontekstualni model, koji su razvijeni u okviru ovog pristupa, razmatraju se u svetlu rodne perspektive, kako kroz teorijske koncepte tako i kroz terapijske intervencije. Feminističke ideje znatno utiču na dalji razvoj porodične terapije. Postrodni pristup teži uvažavanju ali i balansiranju mesta rodne perspektive u odnosu na lični i relacijski razvoj. Savremenom porodičnom terapeutu se postavlja zahtev za preispitivanjem sopstvene vrednosti i uverenja u odnosu na patrijarhalni sistem, kao i u odnosu na vrednosti i uverenja klijenta i njegove porodice

    Parametri klijanja i rani porast ponika kukuruza u različitim nivoima sonog stresa

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    Increased salt concentration has a negative effect on germination parameters and early seedling growth. The objective of this study was to evaluate germination parameters and early seedlings growth of maize under different salinity conditions (0, -0.3, -0.6, -0.9 and -1.2 MPa). Germination was tested in double rolled filter paper, moistened with different NaCl solution, in the dark at 25Ā°C. Osmotic stress had significant effects on all examined characteristics, except on final germination. Under the highest osmotic stress, mean germination time and time to 50% germination were 14 h and 30 h longer than at control. Root and shoot length under those conditions (-1.2 MPa) were 76% and 87% shorter compared to control, while root and shoot weight were reduced (81% and 87%). Minor reduction in germination energy was recorded under stress. These results showed different responses of germination parameters and early seedling growth in the observed genotype under different salinity conditions.Povećane koncentracije soli imaju negativan efekat na parametar klijanja i rani porast klijanaca. Cilj istraživanja bio je ocena parametara klijanja i ranog porasta klijanaca kukuruza u uslovima različite zaslanjenosti (0, -0,3, -0,6, -0,9 i -1,2 MPa). Klijanje je testirano na filter papiru, nakvaÅ”enom rastvorom NaCl različitog osmotskog potencijala, u mraku na 25Ā°C. Osmotski stres je imao značajan uticaj na sve ispitivane parametre, osim na klijavost. U uslovima najviÅ”eg osmotskog stresa, srednje vreme klijanja i vreme dostizanja 50% klijavosti, bili su 14 h i 30 h duži u odnosu na kontrolu. Dužina korenka i izdanka u navedenim uslovima (-1,2 MPa) je bila za 76% i 87% kraća spram kontrole, dok je masa korena i stabla bila manja za 81% i 87%. Energija klijanja je smanjena u manjoj meri u uslovima stresa. Rezultati pokazuju razliku u reakciji parametara klijanja i ranog porasta ponika posmatranog genotipa u uslovima različitog nivoa osmotskog stresa

    Uloga psihijatrije u tretmanu nasilja u porodici

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    The aim of the paper is reassessment of the role of psychiatry in the treatment of family violence within the context of contemporary approaches and researches. There are prejudices in the general and professional public that perpetrators of family violence are usually persons with mental disorders and that psychiatry is primarily in charge of their treatment; it has been shown that severe mental disorders do not increase the risk of violence. Application of classical psychiatrics approach to family violence treatment is discussed, as well as the roles of psychiatry in current theoretical and therapeutic approaches to this issue, including systemic family therapy, social psychiatry primarily concerned with their treatment. Studies have shown that severe mental disorders do not increase ecology, unwillingness therapy and model of protection of family violence victims that is developed in Serbia.Cilj rada bio je preispitivanje uloge psihijatrije u tretmanu nasilja u porodici u svetlu savremenih nalaza i pristupa. Postoje predrasude u opÅ”toj i stručnoj javnosti da nasilne akte u porodici najvećim delom vrÅ”e mentalno poremećeni pojedinci, te da je psihijatrija primarno zadužena za njihov tretman. Istraživanja pokazuju da teÅ”ki mentalni poremećaji ne povećavaju rizik od nasilja. U radu se diskutuje primerenost klasičnog psihijatrijskog pristupa za tretman nasilja u porodici, kao i uloga koju psihijatrija ima u savremenim teorijskim i terapijskim pristupima ovom problemu, uključujući sistemsku porodičnu terapiju, socijalnu ekologiju, prisilnu terapiju i model zaÅ”tite žrtava porodičnog nasilja koji je razvijen u Srbiji

    NS hibridi kukuruza u 2017.

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    Stvaranje hibrida u Odeljenju za kukuruz, Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo iz Novog Sada je dugotrajan, zahtevan i kontinuiran proces. U cilju registracije, u sortnoj komisiji Republike Srbije svake godine se ispituje veći broj hibrida. Nakon registracije, novostvoreni hibridi prolaze dodatna testiranja u različitim kategorijama ogleda kako bi se za komercijalnu ponudu izdvojili oni sa najboljim karakteristikama. Imajući u vidu semiaridnu klimu, sve toplija i suÅ”nija leta, kao i sve značajnije Å”tete od insekata, za proizvodnju su odabrani hibridi sa naglaÅ”enom tolerantnoŔću prema abiotičkom / biotičkom stresu. Novi hibridi, NS 3023, NS 4024 i NS 5072, kao i NS 7020, pokazali su dobru stabilnost prinosa u svim regionima gajenja

    Rezultati ogleda i preporuka NS hibrida kukuruza za 2019. godinu

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    Prema podacima sajta www.worldtopexporters.com Srbija spada u grupu najbrze rastućih izvoznika zrna kukuruza u svetu od 2013. godine do danas. Prema istom izvoru, naÅ”a zemlja je svrstana u grupu od 15 država koje su ostvarile najveći prihod od izvoza ovog proizvoda u 2017. godini. Da je kukuruz naÅ”a najznačajnija ratarska kultura govore i povrÅ”ine na kojima se gaji u Srbiji (od 900.000 do 1.000.000 ha svake godine) kao i prosečna proizvodnja od oko 6 miliona tona zrna godiÅ”nje. Na ukupnu količinu proizvedenog zrna, pored povrÅ”ine koja je uglavnom konstantna, najveći uticaj imaju klimatski činioci, pre svega količina i raspored padavina i temperatura vazduha

    Abuse and neglect consequences in family of adolescents

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    Zlostavljanje i zanemarivanje dece i adolescenata predstavlja sve prisutniji fenomen u naÅ”oj populaciji. Do sada objavljeni radovi su se uglavnom bavili teorijskim proučavanjem ovog koncepta. U ovom radu proučavane su posledice zlostavljanja i zanemarivanja na grupi adolescenta (31) koji su tokom 2000-2002 godine dijagnostikovani i tretirani u okviru Odseka sa zaÅ”titu dece od zlostavljanja i zanemarivanja pri Institutu za mentalno zdravlje. Primenjena je baterija psiholoÅ”kih testova kojim je procenjivano mentalno funkcionisanje, karakteristike ličnosti kao i rezilijentnost adolescenata. Uočeno je da zlostavljani adolescenti pokazuju viÅ”e anksioznosti i depresivnosti, somatske teÅ”koće, socijalne probleme, probleme pažnje; oni imaju niže samopoÅ”tovanje, nižu rezilijentnost, a u njihovim porodicama postoji niža porodična kohezivnost i prisutan je veći broj konflikta. Rezultati ukazuju na neophodnost angažovanja stručnjaka u cilju kako pružanja stručne pomoći tako i omogućavanja zaÅ”tite od daljeg zlostavljanja i zanemarivanja.Abuse and neglect of children and adolescent are more and more present phenomenon in our population. Up to know published articles were mostly concern with theoretical analysis of these concepts. In this article we analyze the consequences of abuse and neglect in group of adolescent (31) who were during 2000-2002 diagnosed and treated within Department for child abuse and neglect protection at Institute for mental health. We apply the battery of psychological tests with whom we analyze mental functioning, the characterizes of personality functioning and resilience of adolescents. We noticed that abused adolescents have more anxiety and depression symptoms somatic complaints, social problems, and attention problems: they have lower self-esteem, lower resilience ant in their families there is lower family cohesion and more conflicts among family members. Results point on need for special attention of professionals in systematic professional help as well as in protection of further abuse and neglect