5 research outputs found

    Synthesis of series of different imidazolidine-2,4-dione derivatives and evaluation of their antimicrobial potential

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    A series of twenty two different imidazolidine-2,4-dione derivatives, divided according to their structure into five groups, including alkyl, alkenyl or aryl 5,5disubstituted hydantoins, spirohydantoins, and fused bicyclic and tricyclic hydantoins, was synthesized and examined for in vitro antimicrobial activity against 15 strains of bacteria and 4 strains of yeast. The antimicrobial activity was evaluated by the determination of the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and the minimal microbicidal concentration (MMC) using the microdilution method. The assayed compounds exerted moderate antibacterial and weak antifungal activity. The antimicrobial activities were influenced by the structure and concentration of the tested compounds as well as the type of test microorganisms. The fused bicyclic hydantoin derivatives obtained by organoselenium induced intramolecular cyclization exhibited the highest inhibitory activity. The examined hydantoin derivatives seem as drug-like candidate for further evaluation of biological activities.Publishe

    Early shoot and root growth dynamics as indicators for the survival of black poplar cuttings

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    The relationship between early root and shoot formation at the beginning of the vegetation period and cutting survival on sandy and loamy fluvisol for 14 genotypes of black poplars was analyzed. Considerable cutting mortality was observed only within the first 80 days since planting. Intensive root formation in the first 20 days since the planting and vigorous shoot growth and development in subsequent 20 days was observed in easy-to-root genotypes. Coefficients of correlation revealed close relationship between early root and shoot growth and development and cutting survival of tested genotypes. The obtained results could be used in the breeding process, as well as for the design of cultivar-adjusted nursery and plantation establishment technology. Tested shoot characteristics, were found to be especially interesting since they could be measured rapidly, by non-destructive means


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    The aim of this longitudinal study was to determine the effects of aerobic training on the cognitive and motor abilities of preschool children. The sample of participants included 47 preschool children aged five to seven. The participants were randomly divided into two groups: the experimental (n=25, 6.35±0.32yrs) and the control group (n=22, 5.90±0.27yrs). The experimental group took part in aerobic training for children over a 12-week period at a rate of three training sessions per week, 30min each. To evaluate the children’s cognitive abilities, the school maturity test was used, or more precisely, three of its subtests: visual memory, stacking cubes, and codes. To evaluate their motor abilities, the BOT-2 (Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency) battery of tests was used, that is, its subtests: fine motor integration, manual dexterity, bilateral coordination, and balance. The children completed a total of 77 tasks, of which 48 were cognitive and 29 motor, both at the initial and the final measurement. Finally, the paper analyzes a total of 10 variables, four cognitive and six motor, which represent the total standardized values based on gender and age for each of the abilities. No significant effect of the training was determined for any of the cognitive abilities variables. The results indicate that aerobic training had significant effects on the following motor variables: fine motor skills (p=.020), bilateral coordination (p=.000), motor balance (p=.001), and body coordination (p=.000). A significant effect was determined for all four variables. We can conclude that aerobic training can represent an excellent means for the psycho-physical development of preschool children.Cilj ovog longitudinalnog istraživanja bio je da se utvrde efekti aerobnog treninga na kognitivne i motoričke sposobnosti dece predškolskog uzrasta. Uzorak ispitanika obuhvatio je 47-oro dece predškolskog uzrasta od pet do sedam godina. Deca pohađaju predškolsku ustanovu „Ljubica Vrebalov” u Požarevcu. Učesnici su nasumično podeljeni u dve grupe: eksperimentalnu (n=25, 6.35±0.32 godina) i kontrolnu grupu (n=22, 5.90±0.27 godina). Eksperimentalna grupa je učestvovala u aerobnom treningu za decu u periodu od 12 nedelja u trajanju od tri treninga nedeljno po 30 minuta. Za procenu kognitivnih sposobnosti dece korišćen je Test Zrelosti za Školu, tačnije tri njegova podtesta: vizuelno pamćenje, kocke za slaganje i kodovi. Za procenu njihovih motoričkih sposobnosti korišćena je baterija testova BOT-2 (Bruininks-Oseretski Test of Motor Proficienci), odnosno njeni podtestovi: fina motorička integracija, manuelna spretnost, bilateralna koordinacija i ravnoteža. Ispitanici su uradili ukupno 77 zadataka, od čega 48 kognitivnih i 29 motoričkih, kako na inicijalnom tako i na finalnom merenju. U radu se analizira ukupno 10 varijabli, četiri kognitivne i šest motoričkih, koje predstavljaju ukupne standardizovane vrednosti na osnovu pola i uzrasta za svaku od sposobnosti. Ni za jednu od varijabli kognitivnih sposobnosti nije utvrđen značajan efekat primenjenog treninga. Rezultati pokazuju da je aerobni trening imao značajan uticaj na sledeće motoričke varijable: finu motoriku (p=.020), bilateralnu koordinaciju (p=.000), motoričku ravnotežu (p=.001) i koordinaciju tela (p=. 000). Utvrđen je značajan efekat za sve četiri varijable

    Mineralogical-Petrographical Record of Melt-Rock Interaction and P–T Estimates from the Ozren Massif Ophiolites (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

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    The Dinaride Ophiolite Belt formed from the Jurassic part of the Neotethys. The investigated Ozren ophiolite complex in Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of peridotites, plagioclase peridotites, plagiogranites, troctolites and other gabbroic rocks, and fewer basalts. Lherzolites and harzburgites contain corroded ortho- and clinopyroxene1 porphyroclasts enclosed in the olivine matrix. The boundaries between olivine aggregates and pyroxene1 and spinel1 are infilled by medium-grained undeformed aggregates of clinopyroxene2, less orthopyroxene2, spinel2, and often clinopyroxene3-spinel3 symplectites. These textures indicate the final crystallization of peridotite in subsolidus conditions. Partial dissolution of deformed pyroxene1 porphyroclasts and coarse-grained spinel1 most likely occurred due to their reaction with the rest melt present in the grain boundaries. The Al decrease from pyroxene1 to pyroxene2 and 3, or the Cr decrease and Al increase from spinel1 to spinel2 and 3 is characteristic. Peridotites are associated with inferred remnants of a gabbro-dolerite layer, whereas basalts and radiolarites occur as rare dm-size fragments in an ophiolitic breccia. Troctolites display interstitial crystallization of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, less Na-Ti-rich amphiboles, and phlogopite in the olivine-spinel matrix, indicating the replacive character of impregnating melt within the dunite layers. Clinopyroxene-plagioclase-ilmenite-±amphibole gabbroic and fewer basaltic dykes in peridotites formed due to subridge extension, mantle thinning, and the deeper mantle melting. Iron-enriched olivines occur in the peridotite-dyke interfaces and troctolites. Hydrated ultramafics and mafics contain amphiboles, biotite, phlogopite, clinozoisite, epidote, and chlorite aggregates. Estimated magmatic to subsolidus T from peridotite two-pyroxene thermometry are 1000–850 °C, for the spinel facies. Ca-in-orthopyroxene1 thermometry provided T of 1028–1068 °C, and Ca-in-orthopyroxene2 thermometry gave 909–961 °C at estimated P of 1.1–0.9 GPa. However, the gabbroic dyke magmatic crystallization T was constrained to 1200–1100 °C at P of 0.45–0.15 GPa by single clinopyroxene thermobarometry. The obtained P–T conditions constrained the deeper mantle environment for the formation of peridotites than troctolites and crosscutting dykes. The ophiolitic thrust-sheet hanging wall conditions in an obduction-related accretionary wedge were estimated from amphibolites at 620 °C and 0.85 GPa by Ti-in-amphibole thermometry and amphibole-plagioclase thermobarometry. 300 °C and 0.5 GPa were determined from an exhumation shear zone using a combination of chlorite thermometry and Si-in-phengite barometry

    Mineralogical-Petrographical Record of Melt-Rock Interaction and P–T Estimates from the Ozren Massif Ophiolites (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

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    The Dinaride Ophiolite Belt formed from the Jurassic part of the Neotethys. The investigated Ozren ophiolite complex in Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of peridotites, plagioclase peridotites, plagiogranites, troctolites and other gabbroic rocks, and fewer basalts. Lherzolites and harzburgites contain corroded ortho- and clinopyroxene1 porphyroclasts enclosed in the olivine matrix. The boundaries between olivine aggregates and pyroxene1 and spinel1 are infilled by medium-grained undeformed aggregates of clinopyroxene2, less orthopyroxene2, spinel2, and often clinopyroxene3-spinel3 symplectites. These textures indicate the final crystallization of peridotite in subsolidus conditions. Partial dissolution of deformed pyroxene1 porphyroclasts and coarse-grained spinel1 most likely occurred due to their reaction with the rest melt present in the grain boundaries. The Al decrease from pyroxene1 to pyroxene2 and 3, or the Cr decrease and Al increase from spinel1 to spinel2 and 3 is characteristic. Peridotites are associated with inferred remnants of a gabbro-dolerite layer, whereas basalts and radiolarites occur as rare dm-size fragments in an ophiolitic breccia. Troctolites display interstitial crystallization of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, less Na-Ti-rich amphiboles, and phlogopite in the olivine-spinel matrix, indicating the replacive character of impregnating melt within the dunite layers. Clinopyroxene-plagioclase-ilmenite-±amphibole gabbroic and fewer basaltic dykes in peridotites formed due to subridge extension, mantle thinning, and the deeper mantle melting. Iron-enriched olivines occur in the peridotite-dyke interfaces and troctolites. Hydrated ultramafics and mafics contain amphiboles, biotite, phlogopite, clinozoisite, epidote, and chlorite aggregates. Estimated magmatic to subsolidus T from peridotite two-pyroxene thermometry are 1000–850 °C, for the spinel facies. Ca-in-orthopyroxene1 thermometry provided T of 1028–1068 °C, and Ca-in-orthopyroxene2 thermometry gave 909–961 °C at estimated P of 1.1–0.9 GPa. However, the gabbroic dyke magmatic crystallization T was constrained to 1200–1100 °C at P of 0.45–0.15 GPa by single clinopyroxene thermobarometry. The obtained P–T conditions constrained the deeper mantle environment for the formation of peridotites than troctolites and crosscutting dykes. The ophiolitic thrust-sheet hanging wall conditions in an obduction-related accretionary wedge were estimated from amphibolites at 620 °C and 0.85 GPa by Ti-in-amphibole thermometry and amphibole-plagioclase thermobarometry. 300 °C and 0.5 GPa were determined from an exhumation shear zone using a combination of chlorite thermometry and Si-in-phengite barometry