4 research outputs found

    Microscopic analysis of gingival inflammatory infiltrate in periodontal disease

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    Analizirana je lokalizacija, intenzitet i celularni sastav zapaljenskih infiltrata gingive u 20 bolesnika starih od 14 do 67 godina koji su hirurÅ”kim putem lečeni od parodontopatije. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju sledeće karakteristike zapaljenskih infiltrata: po lokalizaciji bilo je 30% povrÅ”inskih, 85% fokalnih dubokih i 30% difuznih infiltrata; po intenzitetu 15%, blagih, 40% umerenih i 45%; snažnih, dok je po celularnom sastavu nađeno 60% pretežno plazmocitnih, 20% plazmocitno-limfocitnih i 20% meÅ”ovitih zapaljenskih infiltrata. U spongioznom sulkusnom epitelu su po pravilu prisutni granulociti i limfociti. Dobijeni rezultati govore da je parodontopatični tip zapaljenja gingive pretežno lokaliziovan u dubokim delovima tkiva, da preovlađuju alterativni procesi u ovom tkivu i da se radi o lokalnoj imunoloÅ”koj reakciji.Twenty surgically treated patients (age 14ā€” 67) were subejct of analysis aiming to found localisation, intensity and cellular structure of gingival inflammatory infiltrate. Results of our research showed following characterstics of inflammatory infiltrate: location ā€” 30% superficial, 85%, deep (focal) and 30% diffused infiltrate; intensity ā€” 15% weak, 40% moderate and 45%, strong infiltrate ; structure ā€” 60% mainly plasmocits, 20% plasmocitis and 20% mixed inflammatory infiltrate. In sulcular epithelium were very often found large amounts of granulocits and lymphocits. It can be concluded that periodotal type of gingival inflammation had local immunologic reaction. This process was mainly located in deep parts of gingival tissue and was also predominantly alterative

    CARD15 gene polyrnorphisms in Serbian patients with Crohn's disease: genotype-phenotype analysis

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    Objective Genetic heterogeneity and incomplete phenotype penetrance complicate genetic analysis of Crohn's disease (M. Studies in western Europe have shown that CARD15 polymorphisms increase susceptibility to CD, but frequencies vary within different European populations. The aim here was to evaluate the prevalence of CARD15 mutations and their phenotypic correlation in a Serbian population. Materials and methods 131 patients with CD, 65 patients with ulcerative colitis, and 88 healthy controls were genotyped for three common mutations (R702W, G908R, Leu1007insC) by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism. chi(2) and Student's t-test were used for statistical assessment. Results At least one CARD15 disease-associated allele was found in 35.11 % patients with CD, 14.77% of healthy controls (P=0.001), and 7.69% patients with ulcerative colitis (P= 0.0001). The L1007fs mutation showed a significant association with CD (P lt 0.0001). The frequency of R702W mutant allele was almost equal in the control group and CD patients Univariate analyses established that CARD15 carriers had a significantly higher risk of isolated ileal location [P=0.042; odds ratio (OR) 2.30; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.02-5.191, fibrostenotic behavior (P lt 0.0001; OR 9.86; 95% CI: 4.29-22.62), surgical resection (P=0.036; OR 2.2; CI, 1.046-4.626), and earlier onset of disease (P=0.026). Conclusion This study confirms that CARD15 carriers, especially L1007fs mutants, in central Europeans have an increased risk of CD and it is associated with earlier onset, ileal, fibrostenotic disease and a higher risk of surgery. Any influence of latitude is not matched by an east-west divide on the genotype frequency and phenotype of CD within Europe