11 research outputs found
Discards for Southern Hake Stock, a First Approach to Iberian Data
This document presents sampling levels obtained with Portuguese and Spanish
Discard Sampling Programmes, both included in National Sampling Programmes, and
some preliminary results for the Iberian Southern Hake discards. These programs
consist on onboard-observer sampling schemes, with co-operative vessels, quasirandom
selected, in the ICES Division VIIIc and IXa. The methodology used to
estimate hake discards for Portugal and Spain since 2003 was based on the one
proposed in the “Workshop on Discard Sampling Methodology and Raising
Procedures” (PGCCDBS, Denmark, 2003). Spain presents results for the years 1994,
1997, 1999, 2000, 2003 and 2004. In the Portuguese Program, 2004 is the first year
with an analysis of discard data. The number of trips sampled by the Spanish program
for 2004 was 53, distributed by three trawl fleets- BACA trawl, Pair trawl and WHVO
trawl. Portuguese onboard-observers sampled 40 trips distributed by Crustacean and
Fish trawl fleets. The estimated percentages of discarded hake in relation to total catch
were of 19,9 (C.V. = 22.6%) and 46,7 (C.V. = 72.1%) for the Spanish and Portuguese
fleets respectively. The confidence interval for the Portuguese discard estimate is very
large which denotes the very low precision of the obtained value. A co-operation in the
analysis of this kind of data, between the two countries, could be the next step, since a
standardisation of the methods would be of great importance for a realistic comparison
of results obtained from both programs
Groundfish surveys in the Atlantic Iberian waters (ICES Divisions VIIIc and IXa): history and perspectives
Spanish Oceanogrnphic Institute (IEO) and Portuguese Research Inistitute (IPIMAR, ex-INIP)
using their research vessels "Comide de Saavedra" and "Noruega" have conducted groundfish
surveys in Spanish and Portuguese waters. The results of these surveys have been reported to the
relevant ICES Working Groups, communicated to ICES Annual Conferences and/or published
in journals of bioiogy and flsheries. Data collected from groundfish surveys were also the basis
to carry out assemblage studies and to several advices to the Spanish, Porttuguese and European
fishery administrations concerning the implementation of technical measures for fish stock
management. This communication intends to give information about the past, the present and the
future of these surveys, concerning objectives, methodology and publications. Critical aspects
and solutions to improve some aspects are presented
Qualidade de vida em mulheres com incontinência urinária
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship among psychological, clinical
and sociodemographic variables, and quality of life in women with urinary
incontinence. The sample consisted of 80 women diagnosed with urinary incontinence
(UI) followed in a Northern Central Hospital in Portugal. Participants
answered the Incontinence Quality of Life (I-QOL); Satisfaction with Sexual Relationship
Questionnaire (SSRQ); Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scales (HADS)
and the Brief Cope. The results revealed that women with higher quality of life
considered their symptoms of urine loss as mild or moderated compared to those
with severe urine loss. The less severe urine loss was associated with greater sexual
satisfaction and less use of religion and self-blame as coping strategies. In
terms of coping, women who considered the loss of urine as severe expressed
more feelings regarding UI. Stress urinary incontinence, high sexual satisfaction,
and less use of denial, distraction, and religion as coping strategies, predicted
higher quality of life. According to the results, UI has an impact on women’s sexual
satisfaction and quality of life. Therefore, intervention programs should target
these women, including their partners, helping them to adjust to their condition
and teaching effective coping strategies in order to improve their sexual
satisfaction and quality of life.O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a relação entre variá-
veis clínicas, psicológicas, sociodemográficas e de qualidade
de vida em mulheres com incontinência urinária. A
amostra foi composta de 80 mulheres com diagnóstico
de incontinência urinária (IU), seguido em um Hospital
Central do Norte de Portugal. As participantes responderam:
Incontinence Quality of Life (I-QOL); Satisfaction with
Sexual Relationship Questionnaire (SSRQ); Hospital Anxiety
and Depression Scales (HADS) e o Brief Cope. Os resultados
revelaram que as mulheres com uma maior qualidade de
vida consideraram seus sintomas de perda de urina como
leves ou moderados, em comparação àquelas com perda
de urina grave. A perda de urina menos grave foi associada
à maior satisfação sexual e menos uso de religião e
autoculpabilização como estratégias de enfrentamento.
Em termos de enfrentamento, as mulheres que consideraram
a perda de urina como grave expressaram mais sentimentos
em relação à IU. Incontinência urinária de esforço,
alta satisfação sexual e menos uso da negação,
distração e religião, como estratégias de enfrentamento,
previram maior qualidade de vida. De acordo com os resultados,
a IU tem um impacto na satisfação e na qualidade
de vida sexual das mulheres. Assim, os programas
de intervenção devem visar a essas mulheres, incluindo
seus parceiros, ajudando-as a adaptar-se à sua condição
e ensinar-lhes estratégias eficazes de enfrentamento, a fim
de melhorar sua satisfação sexual e qualidade de vida